Job Vacancy at Cordaid Sierra Leone – Consultant

Pujehun, Tonkolili, Western Area - Sierra Leone Posted on Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning

Cordaid – Sierra Leone

71 A Bishop Drive, Smart Farm

Off Wilkinson Road, Freetown.





Cordaid in Brief:

CORDAID believes in a world without poverty and exclusion. We strive for a just and sustainable society where every person counts. We stand for knowledge and talent sharing between North and South, between farmers and businesses, between activists and policymakers. Where poverty, conflict and exclusion divide societies, we connect people and communities. We stand for professionalism, expertise. and solidarity across borders. We make a difference where it is most needed.

We do that where natural disasters strike, where conflicts tear up communities and where under development keep families in extreme poverty and ill health. In the Netherlands we are known as CORDAID Memisa, CORDAID Menes in Nood, CORDAID Kinderstem and CORDAID Microkrediet. In Sierra Leone, we focus on two key areas of support – Health System Strengthening, Private Sector Development and Security & Justice.

Cordaid Sierra Leone Country Office:

CORDAID Sierra Leone County Office was established in October 2015, following official registration as an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) in August 2015, a satellite office under the purview of Cordaid Sierra Leone was opened in Liberia in 2017. Although Cordaid has been working in both Sierra Leone and Liberia for over 20 years, this is the first time there has been an official country office in place – previous work was carried out on a donor or project basis.



Sierra Leone’s national peacebuilding approach is fragmented across multiple strategies and plans. The Inclusive Conflict Prevention and Peace Building project funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF) is consistent with the findings and recommendations of the TRC, especially those articles relevant to youth participation and gender equality. The project will also support achievement of the Medium-Term National Development Plan 2019-23, especially cluster four on governance and accountability for results, and cluster five on empowering women, children, and adolescents. The successful implementation of this project will contribute to Sierra Leone’s efforts to meet its obligations under UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 2250 and is in line with ongoing efforts to establish the Peace and National Cohesion Commission which will serve as premier infrastructure for peace in Sierra Leone.


This project strategically fits to key priorities by working across existing plans, policies and decentralized structures and using them as the frame of reference to enhance delivery effectiveness impacts. The project will support Sierra Leone to realize its commitments related to the 2030 Agenda, especially SDGs 16 and 5. Sierra Leone is prioritizing SDG16, most visibly as a pioneering member of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies, a global platform working on three transformative strategies (violence prevention, institutional renewal, and increasing inclusivity) and subsidiary areas of catalytic action to implement SDG16 and related goals (“SDG16+”). Our project is closely aligned with the targets and indicators of SDG16+. With this project Cordaid and Youth Partnership for Peace and Development will complement the work of youth-led CSOs and CBOs through direct engagement with the most important providers of Community Based Dispute Resolution (CBDR) in rural and peri-urban Sierra Leone, specifically: customary authorities, Local Police Partnership Boards (LPPBs), and District Security Committees (DISECs). This engagement will take two main forms: facilitated dialogues between youth and CBDR providers, will enable youth and external experts to engage change-minded CBDR providers around basic rights norms and standards, procedural safeguards, coordination, and inclusion of young women and men, and foster progress toward specific performance pledges by CBDRs that initiate development of RAPs, or take the form of dialogues on specific instances of injustice in the informal sector; and technical advice and training to support CBDR providers to establish codes of conduct, standard operating procedures, and protocols that entrench basic rights norms and standards, respect for jurisdictional boundaries and coordination, conflict-sensitivity, procedural safeguards, restorative justice principles (including non-financial reparation), effective record- keeping.


Description of the project focus and approach:

The Inclusive Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Project responds directly to root causes of conflict in Sierra Leone identified in the conflict analysis, specifically: (1) the general systematic exclusion of rural and peri-urban youth; and (2) the specific exclusion of rural and peri-urban youth from opportunities to defend their rights and resolve conflicts through existing CBDR mechanisms, and to contribute to conflict prevention at national level. The project builds on the premise of UNSCR 2250 that recognizes the positive role young people play in contributing to solutions for peace; and applies a people-centered, bottom-up approach that will be further adapted to the contexts of each of 3 intervention sites. Despite constituting most of the Sierra Leone’s population, young women and men struggle to claim rights, address grievances, and resolve conflicts through the most widely used CBDR mechanisms at local level, especially in rural and peri-urban areas. The continued exclusion of young women and men from CBDR has an adverse impact not only on security and justice outcomes for youth themselves, but also on Sierra Leone’s prospects for stability.


Scope of work:

Cordaid-SL is hiring a consultant to develop a training curriculum for Community based dispute resolution service providers to participate in a training and technical advisory activities in 3 project locations (Pujehun, Tonkolili and Western Area Rural District).The consultant should be able to ascertain technical thematic areas that is more inclusive to CBDR service providers and that is more appropriate and in line with the project approaches and outcomes this also involve areas that addresses grievances in their communities, and measures needed to be adopted in supporting and influencing the identified CBDR mechanisms and structures to adopt more inclusive, gender-sensitive, and conflict-sensitive practices. the training curriculum should also seek to transform the unequal gender roles and power relations, focusing on institutionalizing space for the participation of young women and young men on conflict resolution platforms as well as incorporating differentiated needs, experiences and concerns of young women and men, and working through mixed groups to engage male allies in tackling harmful masculinities and enhancing support for women’s participation and leadership roles.



The overall objective of this short consultancy is to develop a training curriculum for the training of local Community Based Dispute Resolution (CBDR) service providers on.

  1. Gender-Sensitive conflict mapping and prevention (Women Peace and Security)

  2. Grievance Addressing Mechanisms/Early Warning Response Mechanisms

  3. Leadership and Strategic Management

  4. Awareness on gerontocratic and patriarchal norms and practices / gender and masculinities, intersectionality

  5. Gender Mainstreaming/Gender Laws

  6. Laws and Policies focusing on the work of Community Based Dispute Resolution service providers

  7. Working with women and young people (UNSCR 1325 and 2250).

  8. Safeguarding

  9. Monitoring and supervision


Activities and deliverables:

  • To develop a comprehensive training manual for community-based dispute resolution service providers (CBDR) on the adoption of inclusive, gender-sensitive and youth sensitive conflict prevention practices in their communities.

  • Hold engagements with other organizations working on conflict prevention and gender sensitive and inclusive peacebuilding in Sierra Leone.

  • Desk review of previous manuals including gender manuals, on the key thematic areas as stated above.

  • To include a participatory session plan for each of the modules agreed to be part of the comprehensive training manual for community-based dispute resolution service providers.

  • To include a clear training agenda for the delivery of the modules in the harmonized training manual for community-based dispute resolution service providers.

  • To conduct pilot test on the training manual with community-based dispute resolution service providers, to assess it suitable for rollout in the implementation of inclusive and gender & youth sensitive conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


Work Profile:

  • Conduct a desk review of documents on previous manuals focusing on women and young people participation in CBDR mechanisms, local conflict prevention structures and the dynamics of conflict, insecurity, and injustice.

  • Organize meetings with project stakeholders (Cordaid, ONS, MLGRD, YPPD, MOGCA) and other organizations working on inclusive gender sensitive conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Sierra Leone.

  • Develop a comprehensive gender sensitive training curriculum for Community Based Dispute Resolution Service Provider.

Consultant qualification and experience:

  • 5+ years of professional experience on developing training curriculums, training of CBDR service providers, young people, and women.

  • Knowledge of and preferably experience on conflict dynamics and structural barriers to youth participation in CBDR mechanisms, gender sensitive analysis and mainstream, youth work, conflict prevention, local governance, mediation/ADR, policies, and the legal framework in Sierra Leone.

  • Superior diplomatic and verbal communication skills in English and relevant Sierra Leonean languages, and proven ability to navigate effectively and work with multi-stakeholder partnerships involving grassroots and other stakeholders within CBDR service provision.

  • Academic qualification in a relevant discipline (gender studies, development studies, political science, peace, and conflict studies), ideally at graduate level

  • Experience with participatory facilitation skills and facilitation of a diverse groups of stakeholders/service providers.

  • Good listening and report writing skills.



The following documents must accompany the application.

  • A technical proposal not exceeding 5 pages containing.

  • A demonstration of a clear understanding and interpretation of the TOR as presented.

  • Sample layout of the manual

  • Timeline and activity schedule.

  • A financial proposal not exceeding 1 page Consultant’s daily rates/ professional fees in SLL (perhaps states the equivalent in Euro).

  • Curriculum vitae of the lead consultants to undertake the assignment.

  • Evidence of relevant experience and samples of products related to the assignment.


How to apply? 

Send in an updated CV, at least a one-page concept note, and expression of Interest on or before the deadline 13th September 2021, at the Cordaid Office situated at 51 Byrne Lane, Off Collegiate Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

By mail to:

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Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 1 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 31 Aug 2021

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