Job Vacancies at Inter Aide (IA) – Internships


Inter Aide (IA) is a French NGO which has been implementing concrete development agriculture, wash and health (discontinued) programs in Sierra Leone since 2007. The WASH programme, initially focused in the north of Bombali and Karene districts, includes hygiene and sanitation sensitization, hand-dug well construction, and rehabilitation. Progressively has been added two components: household water treatment (HHWT) and maintenance. HHWT targets small communities (less than 150 people) who are generally excluded from hand-dug well construction because of insufficient financial resources and manpower in the village. Those two components have been expanded in the last years to the neighbouring districts of Tonkolili and Port Loko.

The Maintenance programme has a strategy based on sensitization of communities to contribute toward the maintenance of their water point, the creation ofa network of hand pump technicians and shops selling spare parts to enable “Yearly Preventive Maintenance” (YPM), and the involvement of local authorities. As a result, the number of maintenances have been increasing considerably since 2008 and the first village where it took place. In 2021, more than 1700 hand pumps have benefited from early preventive maintenance. At this stage, the programme is working on the consolidation of a database that identifies all the hand pumps, gravity systems, and villages benefiting HHWT in the 4 Districts have an exhaustive evaluation on the access to safe water for each village. This database is designed to help Inter Aide’s team guide decision-makers (institutions, traditional authorities, and other stakeholders) to clearly evaluate specific areas of needs regarding repairs, rehabilitation, and new constructions.


Based on a methodology already used in Bombali and Karene districts, this internship aims to extend the consolidation of the Survey to the two districts of Tonkolili and Port Loko to share the results with local stakeholders. The objective will also be to train and build the capacity of the two Data Processors (in charge of updating information from the field into the database) and the maintenance team on the use of Excel and Access.

  • Consolidation of Tonkolili and Port Loko databases
    • Prepare documents for the team in charge of data processing (Data Processors – DP) and for Surveyors to have a specific focus on missing or incorrect information.
    • Plan and manage verification of data in the office and the field along with Pump Technicians (PTs), Surveyors, DP, and with the assistance of the Maintenance team
    • Recruit, train, assist and manage Surveyors
    • Assist the Program Manager (PM) on the management of DPs
    • Verify, consolidate data with DP and Surveyors
    • Assist in analyzing data and generating reports according to local stakeholders needs
    • Participate in-field visits with Maintenance and Wash teams to understand the program better
    • Prepare reports to institutions (Water Directorate, District councils, traditional authorities, etc.)
    • Participate in training institutions and local partners on data management and consolidation
  • Assist the PM on organisation and the animation of meetings with local stakeholders (institutions and traditional authorities)
    • Prepare understandable reports and maps for institutions and local stakeholders on the basis of the updated database
    • Prepare specific communication materials for the sharing of information and training of institutions and stakeholders
  • Evaluation & Training of Data Processors
    • Assess the technical level on Excel / Access
    • Design of frame to facilitate consolidation of data and their analysis
    • Build specific and simple modules for the training of DPs based on their respective knowledge


  • The trainee will be under the direct supervision of the Program manager
  • Functional hierarchy: the Capitalisation officer and the 4 Head of Sectors at Head Quarter

Summaries of the expected deliveries

  • Adapted protocol (based on the existing one) for the efficient update of data (both at office and field level)
  • Report on the access to safe water based on consolidated data
  • Communication material for the restitution to stakeholders
  • Mapping of water points and villages on specific decision-making issues
  • Training modules for data processors
  • General synthesis of observations/recommendations


  • Degree in a relevant domain (project management, water & sanitation,…etc.),
  • Abilities to conduct surveys, analyzing data, writing reports,
  • Good presentation and communication skills
  • Good knowledge of MS Excel and Access tools
  • Ability to handle GIS tools (QGIS, Google Earth)
  • Good training skills
  • Flexibility, dynamism,
  • Diplomacy, pedagogic skills, patience, open-minded,
  • Rigor, organisation,
  • Proven interest for field work,
  • Resistance to social and cultural isolation,
  • Fluent in English

Conditions of employment

  • Duration: 5 months minimum
  • French Legal Internship Agreement with legal internship gratification (around 600€ per month)
  • Accommodation provided within IA premises
  • Translator costs covered by IA
  • Round trip flight / Paris – Freetown
  • Complete social insurance + repatriation insurance

Position to be filled as soon as possible

Applications with a CV of more than 2 pages will not be studied.

To apply, send your CV + Cover letter under ref. INTERN/MAINT/SL/2021 to:

Deadline: Sunday, 20 June 2021

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Job Vacancy at Action contre la Faim – ACF International for Grants & Reporting Assistant (Internship)

Votre environnement de travail

Action Against Hunger has had a long history of presence in Sierra Leone since 1991 and in Liberia since 1990, and has been operational since then throughout the civil wars and the Ebola crisis. For the last few months, ACF has supported the countries fighting Covid-19 and its consequences, while pursuing longer term, structural interventions. ACF currently has a portfolio of programs primarily consisting in health system strengthening, food system and WASH, including WASH epidemiology. Throughout its activities, ACF is committed to support the national civil society and partnership approaches in its programing.

In January 2018, the two countries were clustered and have since then operated under a single management structure. Action Against Hunger has approximately 130 staff and works with 10 partner organizations from the non-profit and private sectors across the two countries.

You will based in Freetown where the living conditions are good, and social activities are available with several organizations based there. The security context remains stable both in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Votre poste et vos responsabilités

Under the supervision of the Country Director and as a member of the coordination team you contribute to key role of facilitating grant and reporting, you will ensure the follow up of all donor’s activities and will contribute to the elaboration of donor-related documents (proposals, management of contracts, reports). You will provide support to the development of the mission’s programmatic and grant strategy and ensure an appropriate, timely and qualitative internal reporting.

Your main responsibilities are:

Participate to the development of the mission’s grant and programmatic strategy

  • Support in coordinating the process by maintaining calendar and smooth communication between involved actors (HQ, pool, mission, partners)
  • Provide support for the drafting of concept notes and proposals, involving the Program and Support teams
  • Provide support to Programme Managers (PMs) and Heads of Department (HoDs) on the drafting of agreements with partners if needed
  • Assist in preparing capitalization documents upon request
  • Support the Country Director in organizing and note taking during internal coordination meetings and ensure it is shared internally

Support the elaboration of donors reporting documents and contract monitoring

  • Keep up to date follow-up documents with regards to contracts, reports and proposals
  • Provide support to HoDs and PMs to draft donor reporting documents
  • Consolidate, review and finalize donor reports (ensuring coherence and fulfilment of all donor requirements)
  • Prepare the final package for donor reports before submission and facilitate communication with ACF Paris HQ

Provide support in diverse tasks based on needs

  • Help coordinate and achieve the Gender Minimum Standards Certification of the Mission with the Gender Focal Points
  • Support the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) team in reviewing and consolidating activity progress reports
  • Keep the online ACF archiving system up to date
  • Support archiving process/chart for the mission with coordination team

Votre profil

You are currently completing a graduate degree in international relations, project management, socio-economics, or equivalent.

You have an interest in grants management in INGOs, writing proposals, managing donor relations, program team support, and humanitarian and development contexts.

You are flexible and team-oriented able to handle work pressure, tight deadlines and ad hoc demands.

You are recognized for your excellent diplomacy, organizational, communication and analytical skills, you have also developed good coordination skills.

Fluency in English (written and spoken) is essential and French will be a plus.

Vos conditions d’emploi

Required condition : An internship agreement delivered by a French educational institution.

Starting date : 3 May 2021

Duration of the position : 6 months

Compensation & Benefits (applicable for French contract only) :

  • Allowance of 3.90€ per hour exempt from charges
  • Per diem : 341€ net per month, field paid.
  • Coverage of transportation costs to and in the mission.
  • Same accommodation and food conditions as expatriates
  • Break every 12 weeks with airfare paid, no break allowance

Medical coverage: repatriation insurance + getting health insurance

Training : Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge ©.

ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination.

How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.