πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡± Job Vacancies @ Caritas Makeni – 2 Positions

Makeni | Sierra Leone Posted on Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning

CaritasCaritas Makeni is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Consultant for Stores and Fleet Management
2.) Consultant for Procurement


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Consultant for Stores and Fleet Management

SCOPE OF WORK – Consultant for Stores and Fleet ManagementΒ 

About Caritas MakeniΒ 

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization

(NGO) with the Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW) and with the Ministry of Planning

and Economic Development in the Republic of Sierra Leone. The organization is

registered with the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organisations –

SLANGO. Established in 1979 by Bishop Azzolini, Caritas Makeni is the relief and

developmental organization working in the North and North – West Provinces of

Sierra Leone that covers the following seven districts: Bombali, Port Loko, Tonkolili,

Kambia, Karene, Falaba, and Koinadugu.

Its objective is to facilitate the sustainable development of people through

participatory interventions aiming at improving the quality of life of the deprived,

marginalized, and disadvantaged in the Northern Province, irrespective of creed,

tribe, religion, gender, or race. The organization has built solid networks in

communities to deliver technical assistance and support, to further complement the

SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) efforts.

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni supports efforts to increase resilience amongst the

vulnerable and marginalized, by building solid networks and structures within the

communities to deliver technical assistance and support. Caritas Makeni works in

four key areas: Health, Education, Livelihoods, and Emergencies. Cross-cutting

themes include advocacy, social protection, support for people living with disabilities,

illegal migration, and adult literacy

About the ALLRight Fund ProjectΒ 

With funding from the CRS Advancing Local Leadership in the Right Way (ALLRight)

Fund, CRS Sierra Leone will support Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni (CSLM) as it

envisions itself as a strong national non-governmental organization that champions

local development in the North and North-western Region of Sierra Leone in the next

5 years. The ALLRight Fund is an intentional effort to support CSLM to achieve its


Through the ALLRight project, CRS will support CMSL in strengthening its institutional

capacity to ensure that the organization has the operational and technical systems

and staff to implement high-quality projects that integrate inclusion into programming

with increased strength on MEAL and internal controls. ALLRight Fund will focus on

strengthening Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni’s MEAL capacity by positioning them to

establish strong MEAL systems to collect, analyze, and utilize MEAL data to

demonstrate and improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and ultimately, the outcomes

and impact of their interventions in the education sector in Sierra Leone. CSLM has

made progress in internal control for efficiency, relative to the scope of their budget

and operation, which would require strengthening for operational efficiency and




The main goal of this consultancy is to comprehensively assess Caritas Sierra Leone

Makeni’s (CSLM) current Administrative policies relating to stores and fleet

management practices, identify areas of current gaps, and develop an improvement

plan to ensure full compliance with donor standards and industry best practices. The

following are the specific objectives:

βˆ™Β To conduct a comprehensive assessment of CSLM’s current Administrative

policies relating to stores and fleet management practices, this includes

policies, procedures, and tools.

βˆ™Β To identify areas where CSLM’s stores and fleet management practices are

insufficient or lacking and require updating.

βˆ™Β To recommend specific changes to CSLM’s stores and fleet management

practices, including policies, procedures, and tools, to ensure compliance with

donor and industry standards.

βˆ™Β To draft updated Administrative policies, procedures, and tools for CSLM’s

stores and fleet management practices.

βˆ™Β Ensure the involvement and ownership of CSLM staff, senior management,

and its board members throughout the assessment, improvement, drafting of

new policy, capacity building, and implementation process to foster long-term

operational efficiency and excellence on Administrative policies, procedures,

and tools for CSLM’s stores and fleet management practices.

βˆ™Β Enhance CSLM’s Administrative practices to ensure compliance with donor

standards and industry best practices, promoting transparency and

accountability in its stores and fleet management.

βˆ™Β Empowering CSLM staff & affiliates through comprehensive training activities

and ongoing monitoring, mentoring, and coaching will equip staff and

guarantee long- term success.


Consultant shall deliver the following activities:

  1. Review existing CSLM Administrative policies, procedures, and tools:

The consultant will review and assess CSLM’s existing Administrative (stores

and fleet management) policies, procedures, and tools to understand the

current practices and identify any gaps or areas for improvement.


  1. Conduct interviews with key administrative personnel:Β 

The consultant will conduct interviews with CSLM staff members involved in

administration (stores and fleet management) to gather insights into the day-to-day

operations and identify any challenges or areas for improvement.

3.Observe and analyze stores and fleet management operations:Β 

β–ͺΒ The consultant will observe CSLM’s stores and fleet operations to gain a

firsthand understanding of the current practices and identify any areas for


β–ͺΒ The consultant will analyze data related to CSLM’s stores and fleet

management, such as inventory levels, maintenance records, and fuel

consumption, to identify trends and patterns.

  1. Develop Administrative policies, processes, and proceduresΒ Β 

based on recommendations:Β 

βˆ™Β Based on the findings of the assessment, the consultant will develop

recommendations for improving CSLM’s stores and fleet management

practices. These recommendations may include changes to policies,

procedures, or tools. ,

  1. Training of CSLM staff on the new validated policy:Β 

β–ͺΒ Conduct training sessions for CSLM staff on newly implemented and

validated Administrative policies and procedures


Consultant shall perform the following services:

β–ͺΒ Conduct a comprehensive assessment of CSLM’s current Administrative

(stores and fleet management) practices, including policies, procedures, and


β–ͺΒ Identify areas where CSLM’s stores and fleet management practices are

insufficient or lacking and require updating.

β–ͺΒ Recommend specific changes to CSLM’s stores and fleet management

practices, including policies, procedures, and tools, to ensure compliance with

donor and industry standards.

β–ͺΒ Draft updated Administrative policies, procedures, and tools for CSLM’s

stores and fleet management practices.


β–ͺΒ Submit draft documents to CSLM senior management for review,

feedback, and approval.

β–ͺΒ Organize training sessions for CSLM staff on the updated Administrative

(stores and fleet management) policies, procedures, and tools.

Proposed work planΒ June-24Β July-24Β Aug-24
ActivitiesΒ W1Β W2Β W3Β W4Β W1Β W2Β W3Β W4Β W1Β W2Β W3Β W4
Kick-off meeting with CSLM management
Review existing policies, procedures, and tools
Conduct interviews with key personnel
Observe stores and fleet operations
Develop detailed recommendations report with data analysis, gap analysis, prioritized recommendations, and phased implementation plan.
Draft clear and concise updated stores and fleet management policies, procedures, and tools.
Finalize updated policies, procedures, and tools
Facilitate training sessions for CSLM staff on the finalized policies, procedures, and tools
Submit the final report, procedures, and tools



Note:Β Each activity should have its activity report and attendance list to measure its

outcomes, for training; pre and post-tests are also required.

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni Responsibilities to the Consultancy:Β 

βˆ™Β Provide the Consultant with all necessary information, documents, and

access to personnel for performing the services.

βˆ™Β Cooperate fully with the Consultant and promptly respond to inquiries and

requests for information.

βˆ™Β Review and provide timely feedback on the Consultant’s deliverables.

βˆ™Β Make payments of fees as per the agreed-upon schedule.



Professional Profile:Β 

βˆ™Β Proven records of working with Local Partners, partnerships relationship

management, and external representation.

βˆ™Β A highly experienced and results-oriented consultant with a proven track record

of success in assessing and improving Administrative (stores and fleet

management) policies, processes, and practices for non-profit organizations.

βˆ™Β Expertise in developing and implementing effective policies, procedures, and

tools to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with donor

standards and industry best practices.

βˆ™Β Possesses strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, with a

demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with stakeholders at all levels.

βˆ™Β A passion for Partner capacity strengthening that includes capacity building and

institutional systems strengthening. Also, empowering organizations to achieve

operational excellence on Administrative policies (stores and fleet management.)

βˆ™Β Fluency in English and Krio

βˆ™Β Experience of working with partners Capacity Strengthening is an added advantage

Skills and qualificationsΒ 

βˆ™Β Master’s degree or higher in Business Administration, Supply Chain

Management, or a related field.

βˆ™Β 10+ years of experience in consulting or managing Administrative policies

(stores and fleet operations) for non-profit organizations.

βˆ™Β Proven expertise in assessing and improving Administrative policies on

stores and fleet management practices.

βˆ™Β Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing policies,

procedures, and tools to enhance efficiency and compliance in stores and

fleet management.

βˆ™Β Strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.

βˆ™Β Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

βˆ™Β Excellent interpersonal and relationship-building skills.


  1. a) Personal and/or corporate resume clearly showing academic, and technical

capacity and experience required.

  1. b) Personal identification document (government-issued ID).
  2. c) Legal Representation documents (if necessary).
  3. d) Commercial license documentation (if necessary). Registration

documents (if necessary).

  1. e) Tax ID registration documents (personal or corporate)



Duty Station:Β Makeni, CSLM Office.

Implementation period:Β June –August 2024.

Coordination/Interaction:Β The direct counterpart for the consultant :

Internal: Local Leadership Coordinador, ALLRight Fund team, Operation Unit

(Head of Operations, Supply Chain Manager, Senior Operations Manager,

Admin Officers, Local Leadership Unit Staff, etc.

External:Β Caritas Sierra Leone Staff Makeni Staff, Affiliates and Board Members

Financial Proposal:Β 

Consultant’s fees shall be paid in local currency for the entire engagement. The

payments will be done upon satisfactory presentation of the products required by

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni according to the following schedule:

βˆ™Β 20% upon the conduct of initial interviews with key stakeholders including the

procurement team, leadership, and finance (Last Week June 2024).

βˆ™Β 30% upon submission of preliminary recommendations report (Second WeekΒ Β 

of July 2024)

βˆ™Β 30% upon completion of Drafting clear and concise updated procurement

policies, procedures, and tools. (Last Week July 2024)

βˆ™Β 20% upon submission of final report acceptance of all deliverables (August 2024)

Note:Β The consultant is responsible for Payment of taxes required of him/her.

All information received will be handled as confidential; the products andΒ Β 

documentation produced for this contract will be for the exclusive use and soleΒ 

property of Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni.Β 

CSLM addresses seriously all child abuse and exploitation denounces; any childΒ Β 

abuse or exploitation case can lead to immediate contract termination.Β 

Kindly send your Cover Letter and CV toΒ [email protected]Β and copy

[email protected]Β Deadline for application isΒ 19thΒ June, 2024.

Subject line of the email should be: Position/Name of Applicant

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Women are strongly encouraged to

apply. Address for applications:


Human Resource Manager,Β Β 

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni,Β Β 

Pastoral Center,Β 

1 Ernest Bai Koroma Road,Β Β 

Makeni City.

2.) Consultant for Procurement

SCOPE OF WORK – Consultant for Procurement Processes and ProceduresΒ 

About Caritas MakeniΒ 

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization

(NGO) with the Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW) and with the Ministry of Planning

and Economic Development in the Republic of Sierra Leone. The organization is

registered with the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organisations –

SLANGO. Established in 1979 by Bishop Azzolini, Caritas Makeni is the relief and

developmental organization working in the North and North – West Provinces of

Sierra Leone that covers the following seven districts: Bombali, Port Loko, Tonkolili,

Kambia, Karene, Falaba, and Koinadugu.

Its objective is to facilitate the sustainable development of people through

participatory interventions aiming at improving the quality of life of the deprived,

marginalized, and disadvantaged in the Northern Province, irrespective of creed,

tribe, religion, gender, or race. The organization has built solid networks in

communities to deliver technical assistance and support, to further complement the

SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) efforts.

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni supports efforts to increase resilience amongst the

vulnerable and marginalized, by building solid networks and structures within the

communities to deliver technical assistance and support. Caritas Makeni works in

four key areas: Health, Education, Livelihoods, and Emergencies. Cross-cutting

themes include advocacy, social protection, support for people living with disabilities,

illegal migration, and adult literacy.

About the ALLRight Fund ProjectΒ 

With funding from the CRS Advancing Local Leadership in the Right Way (ALLRight)

Fund, CRS Sierra Leone will support Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni (CSLM) as it

envisions itself as a strong national nongovernmental organization that champions

local development in the North and North-western Region of Sierra Leone in the next

5 years. The ALLRight Fund is an intentional effort to support CSLM to achieve its


Through the ALLRight project, CRS will support CSLM in strengthening its institutional

capacity to ensure that the organization has the operational and technical systems

and staff to implement high-quality projects that integrate inclusion into programming

with the increased strength of MEAL and internal controls. ALLRight Fund will focus

on strengthening Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni’s MEAL capacity by positioning them

to establish strong MEAL systems to collect, analyze, and utilize MEAL data to

demonstrate and improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and ultimately, the outcomes

and impact of their interventions in the education sector in Sierra Leone. CSLM has

made progress in internal control for efficiency, relative to the scope of their budget

and operation, which would require strengthening for operational efficiency and




The main goal of this consultancy is to comprehensively assess Caritas Sierra Leone

Makeni’s (CSLM) current procurement processes and procedures, identify areas for

improvement, and


develop recommendations for a Procurement Policy for enhancing its procurement practices toΒ  achieve a higher level of efficiency, transparency, accountability, and compliance with relevantΒ  donor and industry best practices/standards. The following are the key objectives:

βˆ™Β Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of CSLM’s existing procurement policies,

procedures, and tools to identify any deficiencies, gaps, or inconsistencies.

βˆ™Β Analyze the identified gaps against relevant donor and industry standards,

including those set by major donors such as DFID, USAID, the European Union,


βˆ™Β Develop recommendations for updating CSLM’s Procurement Processes and

Procedures to align with identified standards and best practices.

βˆ™Β Draft updated procurement policies, procedures, and tools incorporating the

agreed- upon recommendations.

βˆ™Β Ensure the involvement and ownership of CSLM staff, senior management, and

its board members throughout the assessment, improvement, drafting of new

policy, capacity building, and implementation process to foster long-term

operational efficiency and excellence in Procurement Processes and Policy.

βˆ™Β Enhance CSLM’s procurement practices to ensure compliance with donor and

industry standards, promoting transparency and accountability in its procurement


βˆ™Β Empowering CSLM staff & affiliates through comprehensive training activities and

ongoing monitoring, mentoring, and coaching will equip staff and guarantee long

term success.


Consultant shall deliver the following activities:

  1. Assess Current CSLM Procurement Processes and Procedures:Β 

β–ͺΒ Conduct in-depth interviews with relevant personnel across

departments in CSLM to understand their roles, responsibilities, and

pain points within the procurement cycle.

β–ͺΒ Analyze existing documentation, including templates, and standard

operating procedures, to identify inconsistencies, redundancies, and

potential compliance risks on existing Procurement Processes and

Procedures for CSLM

β–ͺΒ Review historical procurement data and reports to identify trends in

spending, contract types, and supplier performance.

  1. Develop a Procurement Capacity Improvement Plan:Β 

β–ͺΒ Collaborate with CSLM to develop a Procurement Improvement Plan

using approaches based on identified gaps, institutional priorities, and

resource constraints.


β–ͺΒ Define the specific areas of focus, sampling methodologies, and data

collection techniques to measure operational efficiency and

excellence for CSLM

  1. Identify relevant standards and best practices:Β 

β–ͺΒ Conduct comprehensive research on donor-specific procurement

guidelines and regulations applicable to CSLM’s operations.

β–ͺΒ Analyze industry best practices in sourcing, sustainable procurement,

and digitalization of procurement processes.

β–ͺΒ Benchmark CSLM’s practices against similar organizations operating

in Sierra Leone to identify potential areas for improvement as part of

the procurement Improvement Plans.

  1. Draft updated policies and procedures:Β 

β–ͺΒ Collaboratively draft a clear, concise, and user-friendly updated

Procurement Policy with industry best practices and standards

Procedures, and Processes.

  1. Capacity Building of CSLM staff, Board Members, and Affiliates on theΒ 

Updated and Validated CSLM Procurement Policy.

β–ͺΒ Conduct the maiden training sessions for CSLM staff & affiliates on

newly implemented and validated Procurement Policy; including its

Policies and Procedures.


Consultant shall perform the following services:

β–ͺΒ Review and assess CSLM’s existing procurement policies, procedures, and tools

β–ͺΒ Identify any policies, procedures, or tools that are insufficient, outdated, or

lacking in any respect.

β–ͺΒ Analyze the nature and scope of any necessary updates based on identified


β–ͺΒ Benchmark CSLM’s procurement practices against relevant donor and

industry standards.

β–ͺΒ Develop recommendations for updating and improving CSLM’s procurement

processes and procedures to achieve compliance with identified industry best

practices and standards.

β–ͺΒ Draft updated procurement policies, procedures, and tools incorporating the

agreed- upon recommendations.

β–ͺΒ Submit draft documents to CSLM senior management for review, feedback,

and approval.


β–ͺΒ Organize training sessions for CSLM staff and affiliates on the updated

procurement policies, procedures, and tools.


Proposed work planΒ June-24Β July-24Β Aug-24
ActivitiesΒ W1Β W2Β W3Β W4Β W1Β W2Β W3Β W4Β W1Β W2Β W3Β W4
Kick-off meeting with CSLM management
Review existing policies, procedures, and tools
Conduct interviews with key personnel
Develop a detailed assessment plan with timelines and data collection methods.
Research relevant donor procurement guidelines and industry best practices
Develop preliminary recommendations for process revisions, and policy updates
Develop a detailed recommendations reportΒ  (Improvement Plan) with data analysis, gapΒ  analysis, prioritized recommendations,Β  and a phased

implementation plan.

Draft clear and concise updated procurement policies, procedures, andΒ  tools
Finalize updated policies, procedures, and tools
Facilitate training sessions for CSLM staff on the finalized policies, procedures, andΒ  tools
Submit a final report summarizingΒ  assessment findings, recommendations, and implementation plan.


Note:Β Each activity should have its activity report and attendance list to measure its

outcomes, for training; pre and post-tests are also required.

CSLM Responsibilities to the Consultancy:Β 

βˆ™Β Provide Consultant with all necessary onboarding, information, documents, and

access to personnel for performing the Services.

βˆ™Β Cooperate fully with the Consultant and promptly respond to inquiries and

requests for information.

βˆ™Β Review and provide timely feedback on the Consultant’s deliverables.

βˆ™Β Make payments of fees as per the agreed-upon schedule.



Professional Profile:Β 

βˆ™Β Proven records of working with Local Partners, partnerships relationship

management, and external representation.

βˆ™Β Proven track record of successful procurement management system

assessments and improvements for non-profit organizations, NGOs, and

international development agencies.

βˆ™Β Extensive experience working with donor compliance requirements and industry

best practices and standards on procurement Policies, processes, and


βˆ™Β Strong communication, collaboration, and facilitation skills to work effectively with

stakeholders at all levels both with CRS and CSLM.

βˆ™Β A passion for Partner Capacity Strengthening that focuses on capacity building

and institutional strengthening, also empowering organizations to achieve

operational efficiency and excellence in Procurement Management.

βˆ™Β Fluency in English and Krio

βˆ™Β Experience working on a Partner’s Capacity Strengthening is an added advantage.

Skills and qualificationsΒ 

βˆ™Β Master’s degree or higher in Procurement Management or related field.

βˆ™Β 10 years + years of experience in procurement management consulting or a

relevant field for non-profit organizations.

βˆ™Β Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.

βˆ™Β Experience working in international development contexts is highly desirable.

βˆ™Β Excellent facilitation skills that include mentoring, coaching, and on-the-job training.


  1. a) Personal and/or corporate resume clearly showing academic, and technical

capacity and experience required.

  1. b) Personal identification document (government-issued ID).
  2. c) Legal Representation documents (if necessary).
  3. d) Commercial license documentation (if necessary). Registration

documents (if necessary).

  1. e) Tax ID registration documents (personal or corporate)


Duty Station:Β Makeni, CSLM Office.

Implementation period:Β June –August 2024.

Coordination/Interaction:Β The direct counterpart for the consultant :


Internal: Local Leadership Coordinador, ALLRight Fund team, Operation Unit (Head

of Operations, Supply Chain Manager Procurement Manager, Officers, etc.. and

Local Leadership Unit Staff.

External:Β Caritas Sierra Leone Staff Makeni Staff, Affiliates and Board Members

Financial Proposal:Β 

Consultant’s fees shall be paid in local currency for the entire engagement. The

payments will be done upon satisfactory presentation of the products required by

CRS according to the following schedule:

β–ͺΒ 20% upon the conduct of initial interviews with key stakeholders

including the procurement team, leadership, and finance (Last WeekΒ Β 

June 2024).

β–ͺΒ 30% upon submission of preliminary recommendations report (SecondΒ 

Week of July 2024)

β–ͺΒ 30% upon completion of Drafting clear and concise updated

procurement policies, procedures, and tools. (Last Week July 2024)

β–ͺΒ 20% upon submission of final report acceptance of all deliverables (August 2024)

Note:Β The consultant is responsible for Payment of taxes required of him/her.

All information received will be handled as confidential; the products andΒ Β 

documentation produced for this contract will be for the exclusive use and soleΒ 

property of Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni.Β 

CSLM addresses seriously all child abuse and exploitation denounces; any childΒ Β 

abuse or exploitation case can lead to immediate contract termination.Β 

Kindly send your Cover Letter and CV toΒ [email protected]Β and copy

[email protected]Β Deadline for application isΒ 19thΒ June, 2024.

Subject line of the email should be: Position/Name of Applicant

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Women are strongly encouraged to

apply. Address for applications:

Human Resource Manager,Β Β 

Caritas Sierra Leone Makeni,Β Β 

Pastoral Center,Β 

1 Ernest Bai Koroma Road,Β Β 

Makeni City.

About Company

Caritas Makeni

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 2 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 14 Jun 2024

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