🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ GOAL – 2 Positions

Freetown | Sierra Leone Posted on Engineering / Technical

GOALGOAL is recruiting to fill the following positions in Sierra Leone:

1.) Site Operations Manager
2.) WAHS Project Engineer


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Site Operations Manager



GOAL has been present in Sierra Leone since 1999, with an overall aim to contribute to poverty and  vulnerability reduction through the implementation of integrated, multi-sectoral interventions, with a  primary focus on improving Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent health (RMNCAH)  specifically addressing teenage pregnancy. GOAL is also improving Faecal Sludge Management in Freetown  through Urban WASH Program focusing on the Kingtom faecal sludge treatment plant and promoting social  inclusion, empowerment and the promotion of decent work through systems-based programme approaches  and community led social and behavioral change. GOAL currently operates in Western Area Urban  (Freetown), Kambia, Bombali, Koinadugu, Moyamba and Kenema Districts, with funding from Irish Aid, the  European Union, Charity: Water and FCDO (Former DFID).


GOAL SL has planned to operationalize two (2) transfer stations in Freetown with support from the FCDO  funding. This project is complex and involves operating these transfer stations as material Recovery facilities  (MRF’s) where the waste collected from several households by tricyclists, waste trucks are disposed at these  facilities for further processing. Since most of the household wastes collected are generally not sorted into  the different waste categories i.e. organics, plastics, infectious,

GOAL is undertaking a Faecal Sludge Management Project (‘FSMP’, with the support of Water share Ireland,  funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). This is a complex technical project  which involves development of a transformational step-change in how latrine sludges are managed in the  City of Freetown, Sierra Leone. This city of 1.2 million inhabitants has almost no public sewerage  infrastructure and relies for sanitation on local latrines.

The first step in any project to rehabilitate Kingtom landfill is to remove the sludge deposition by developing  a sludge management plant. The FSMP is the first step in developing a formalized arrangement, initially on  a pilot basis, to put in place a treatment process for the tankered sludge. The process requires the  construction, commissioning and taking into operation by Freetown City Council (‘FCC’) of a plant comprising  sludge reception, dewatering, treatment of filtrate runoff and pilot sludge stabilization (composting) for re use.

On this note, GOAL Sierra Leone would like to invite well experienced and professional applicants for the undermentioned position: 

JOB TITLE:  Site Operations Manager – MRF
POSITION (S):  2 (two)
COUNTRY:  Sierra Leone
LOCATION:  Freetown (Transfer Stations -Solid Waste)
CONTRACT  7 months with possible extension


Urban WASH Program Manager
RESPONSIBLE FOR:  Labourers, WASH Engineer


Overview of the role 

The main role of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Site manager at the transfer station is to manage all  the operations at the transfer station. The Site Manager will be responsible for the general operations of the


site managing a team of labourers at the site. The site Manager will work with contractors, Engineers and  technicians who may be required to give technical expertise at various levels of the operations especially  where infrastructural improvements are required or maintenance operations of the transfer station  equipment and infrastructure. The Site manager will work with the transporters who discharge the waste to  the transfer station, ensuring there is efficiency in waste discharging sequences, waste data collection and  management at the point of discharge and later during the value chain of the waste management process  at the site. The site manager is responsible for the volarization of the waste been recycled for other uses  ensuring minimal residues for final disposal land field site.

The Site Operations manager will work with the Urban WASH PM and the Assistant WASH & CC Coordinator  in developing Standard Operating procedures (SOP’s) to be adapted at the site. The SoP’s will be validated  by the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Team and enforced at the Transfer Stations (TS). The Site Operations  Manager will be well conversant with the technical issues of operations at solid Waste sites and ensure  equipment and tools required for the waste volarization are well installed, used as per existing SoP’s and  maintained as per the routine maintenance schedule. The equipment and Tools will be maintained to high  efficiency and conditions of operations to minimise down time


  1. Coordinate monitor and supervise the treatment process of sludge at the Kingtom faecal sludge  facility which entitles the following specific actions/tasks 
  • Efficient and effective use of the transfer station limited space to optimize all operations  including the equipment used for the recycling.
  • Maintain high quality operations processes at the transfer station ensuring the standard  operations procedures are up to date and adhered to by the transfer station operations team. • Monitor qualitative and quantitative data of all processes at the transfer station using the  digital applications as per GOAL’s guidelines/protocol on applications.
  • Technical oversite on the treatment process of solid waste right from discharge/unloading at  the TS, sorting, and other preprocesses before actual treatment of the Solid Waste. Make  clear decision on what can be volarized based on the guiding protocols and dispose the other  products as recommended by protocol.
  • Monitor quality of floc formation in the treatment process and take remedial decisions in  consultation with site operations manager in the event of inadequate process to avoid  environmental contamination from pollutants such as smoke and other gases
  • Process the Solid Waste delivery tricycles/trucks by taking preliminary processing data as per  the SoP’s data collection format and requirement.
  • Document every process of the treatment and record key data required as per the data  collection form

Support in Laboratory tests with the following specific tasks 

  • Support the required lab tests on the treated products from the solid waste to ensure quality  in Collection of samples corresponding tests from the Lab for the various treatment process  stages using recommended lab procedures as per SoP’s
  • Document Lab results and report to the site operations manager for further handling.

Work from Monday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with a lunch break of 1 hour (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)  The site must have always at least 6 labourers during the working hours to ensure that the  site operates effectively with the efficiency designed.


  • When discussed with the site operations manager, labourers may work on sites as deemed  necessary should the need arise. The Site Operations manager shall be notified in writing  regarding this before consideration or rejection.

Any other duties requiring technical input/contribution as may be deemed fit and necessary as the need arises. 

  • Conduct on-site supervision of borehole construction in the assigned operational areas.  Strictly

Reporting and compliance  

  • Submit Weekly Summary reports to the Urban WASH PM.
  • Carry out any other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Urban WASH Manager as  related to the treatment plant
  • Always comply with GOAL’s Child Protection Policy.


  • Maintain safe working environment for all staff/beneficiaries.
  • Ensure risk mitigation measures are in place and adhered to.
  • Ensure staff/beneficiaries fully understand Safeguarding reporting procedures. • Ensure Safeguarding measures are implemented within areas of responsibilities. • Ensure do-no-harm to children and vulnerable adult we meet.
  • Follow-up, and address, Safeguarding issues appropriately.

Requirements (Person Specification) 


  • The candidate must have a minimum of technical Higher diploma/degree in Water /civil  Engineering/hydraulics and pumps or related field of study, or third level city and guilds  qualification.
  • Have a minimum of two years working with Solid Waste Management including treatment  systems and various technologies available.
  • Have a minimum of two years working on WASH programmes with an International NGO or  related training or experience.
  • Previous experience in Water/waste treatment of similar type or other types
  • Ability to Work independently following all the SoP’s set in the operational manual for the  plant.
  • Experience working with local labourers/communities who will be hired to evacuate the filled  Geobags during the project.


  • Ability to Manage labourers and workers effectively is an advantage.
  • Good English language skills
  • Basic computer skills with ability to use Microsoft Excel, Word, and email communications. • Ability to speak to interact with the local labourers in the local English and give actionable  instructions.

General terms and conditions. 

GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Child Protection Policy, which have been developed to ensure the maximum  protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. GOAL also has a confidentiality policy ensuring  the non-disclosure of any information whatsoever relating to the practices and business of GOAL, acquired in the  course of duty, to any other person or organisation without authority, except in the normal execution of duty. Any


candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offers made are also subject to  police clearance. GOAL is an equal opportunity employer.

Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with GOAL as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to  the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse,  sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this ongoing commitment to  safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.


Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with GOAL as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to  the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse,  sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to  safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.  

Accountability within GOAL 

Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any  candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability: 

  • Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety,  confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols. 
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our  programming area. 
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner. 

Interested candidates should apply with: 

An application letter clearly justifying how they meet the selection criteria. 

Recent Curriculum Vitae including names and full contact addresses of three (3) referees, one  of whom must be their current or most recent employer. 

Candidates must state the position of each referee and his/her relationship to the candidate.

A copy of a valid labour card must be attached to ALL applications (written or electronic)

Police Clearance will be required from the successful candidate. 


If you have these skills and interested in joining our committed and dynamic Team, please send your cover letter and  up-to-date CV to jobs@sl.goal.ie. on or before 5:30 pm – 17th June, 2024, please note that a copy of the application  letter must be sent to the NGO Desk Officer, Ministry of Labour, New England or emailed to:  employmentdesk71@gmail.com

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview. 

GOAL provides equal opportunity in employment and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex,  colour, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability.


2.) WAHS Project Engineer


General Description of the Programme 

General Description of GOAL’s Work in Sierra Leone 

GOAL has been present in Sierra Leone since 1999, with an overall aim to contribute to poverty and vulnerability reduction through the  implementation of integrated, multi-sectoral interventions, with a primary focus on improving Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and  Adolescent health (RMNCAH) specifically addressing teenage pregnancy. GOAL is also improving rural water supply, urban WASH focusing on  faecal sludge management and promoting social inclusion, empowerment, and the promotion of decent work through systems-based programme  approaches and community led social and behavioral change. GOAL currently operates in Western Area Urban (Freetown), Kambia, Bombali,  Koinadugu, Moyamba and Kenema Districts, with funding from Irish Aid, , Charity: Water; BOSCH, UNCDF, and IRC/FCDO.

General Description of the Programme 

GOAL Sierra Leone interventions support strengthening the health systems to support resilience & sustainable health through improving health  WASH service delivery systems. WASH interventions are implemented in three districts, namely, Western Area Urban, Kenema and Moyamba  district. Other WASH interventions are mainstreamed into health interventions with focus on WASH in healthcare facilities. The Urban WASH  programme focuses on providing support to Freetown City Council (FCC) to improve the FSM system across the value chain. With financing from  FCDO, GOAL SL supported the construction of the first ever faecal sludge (FS) treatment plant. The FS Treatment Plant is a waste management  centre where waste to energy conversion pilot actions have also been tested and prototyped. The broader climate change related actions are  attracting several partnerships, and the potential is expanding. GOAL Sierra Leone has been supporting private sector involved in sanitation  sector (Vacuum Truck Operators) to build their business management capacities. From the engagement, it was evidenced that the private actors  in the sector are very fragile with limited financial resources to improve the technologies they are using. With funding from FCDO, GOAL Sierra  Leone, in collaboration with Freetown City Council, initiated the first ever Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the management of state – owned  sanitation assets. The SLA provides an opportunity to the private sector to have access to improved mechanized emptying technologies. Three  vacuum trucks and semi-mechanized faecal sludge emptying technologies were purchased and leased to the private sector under the supervision  of the FCC FSM Unit and FCC procurement team. The Urban WASH Programme Manager working with GOAL SLA Facilitator embedded within  FCC, FSM Unit, and FCC procurement team will provide the oversight of this pilot, documenting the learning that can be used to inform the scale  up.

On this note, GOAL Sierra Leone would like to invite well experienced and professional applicants for the undermentioned  position:

Job Title:  W4HS Project Engineer (1 Position)
Country:  Sierra Leone
Location:  Based in the Implementation Districts with travels to Freetown
Start Date:  June, 2024
Reports to:  Urban WASH Program Manager
Responsible for:  Contractors, Works with District Officials


Overview of the role 

The WS4HS Project Engineer will be responsible for Priority 2 which responds to the WS4H where five districts (Moyamba,  Kenema, Bombali, Kambia and Koinadugu)will have one health care facility each selected and to be upgraded to centre  of excellency. It is anticipated that fully operational health care facility from the previous Savings Lives 2 project will be  considered to review all hardware components of the WASH program using the WASH FIT tools and address gaps based  on the project requirements under the FCDO WS4H Programming. The WASH Engineer will be responsible to Support  with assessments, planning, design, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of every process of the FCDO project including  areas where constructions and rehabilitation works are required to be implemented based on the feasibility assessment  undertaken by GOAL contractors.

Central to this role is the collaboration and working together with the district where the projects are implemented, the  engineer will play a central role in collaboration with the Area Coordinator and health program staff located in these districts  to deliver the objectives of this project. The Engineer will work together with WASHNET, a key GOAL SL Partner in this  FCDO Consortium and find synergies in the areas of collaboration where the community advocacy activities undertaken  by WASHNET complement the Priority 2 area of intervention. The WASH Engineer will participate in the trainings during  the inception phase of the project to ensure that all the deliverables and means of delivering the project are following the  Project design and guidelines.

The WASH Engineer will therefore provide technical guidance at the field level to third party project participants such as  contractors, service providers and the host community ensuring financial/budgetary obligations are met as per GOAL SL  policy, procedures and processes to ensure value of money principle is achieved during implementation of tasks/activities  with optimal use of the project resources. Coordination at the field level to support the Urban WASH Manager in such  coordination’s and when delegated.

Specific position’s Roles and responsibilities  

  • Governance at the Implementation Districts: working with GOAL office at the district of implementation, the WASH Engineer  will work with the GOAL Health team, the Area Coordinator and the MEAL in collaboration with WASHNET to strengthen the  working relations with the district key line ministries of Health, DHMT, the District Council and the District Water Office to improve  Urban WASH Programme Manager will strengthen the FCC – line ministries liaison, leading the rethinking sanitation governance  within FCC, work with TAs to FCC, improving the sanitation KPIs for various sanitation programmes supporting FCC to improve  evidence-based decision making
  • Urban WASH projects implementation: Track and monitor the urban WASH programme budget using GOAL’s internal  tools as per donor agreement, providing technical guidance to the urban WASH team, making sure the deadlines and  deliverables are met as per donor agreement, developing and submitting monthly, quarterly and completion reports for all urban  WASH projects, provide technical quality assurance for managed projects, initiate and follow up the project specific procurements,  supply and logistics, oversee project specific asset management including disposal plans.
  • HR management: initiate and oversee the Recruit staff for the urban WASH projects, Capacitate staff through trainings and one  on one mentoring on need basis, Supervise and appraise urban WASH projects’ staff, Ensure all Freetown WASH team members  have clear and measurable (SMART) performance management objectives and that they are measured regularly and in line with  policy, Identify and invest in creative WASH team members, Build WASH teams that are incentivized according to delivery,  creativity, innovation and accountability, Lead by example both upward and downward accountability and comply with all of  GOAL’s accountability policies.
  • Coordination: Internal coordination – working with other programmes including Blue economy, health….to explore areas of  integration and sector cross-learning, External coordination – Liaise with relevant line ministries, Freetown city council,  community stakeholders and other implementing partners, contribute to the WASH sector coordination platforms including WASH  Working group, National sanitation steering committee, FCC sanitation enforcement working group, etc.
  • MEAL: Work with the WASH Coordinator and MEAL department to ensure that appropriate systems are in place to monitor and  measure urban WASH programming, Regularly monitor data/programme indicators and targets, and manage programmes using  an adaptive management approach, Develop learning documents of high quality for internal and external audiences using GOAL  learning tools, Take an active role in recording and disseminating appropriately, both what is working programmatically and what  is not working to both internal and external stakeholders with guidance of MEAL and WASH Coordinators


  • Fund raising: Working with the WASH Co, PDQ and PD to map and identify appropriate fund-raising opportunities to support the  country WASH programmes with focus on Urban WASH programme, Working with the Programme Development & Quality  Manager, WASH Co to design and develop quality urban WASH proposals

Requirements (Person Specification) 


  • The candidate must have a minimum of a first degree in sanitary, environment, Civil Engineering, or a related field of study.  Must have managed urban WASH programmes for a minimum of 5 years with reputable NGOs.
  • Experience in working with relevant line ministries, district councils and other government authorities.
  •  Excellent interpersonal communication skills
  • Excellent in working as a group.
  • Computer skills with sound working knowledge of Microsoft Office and relevant computer-based programs.
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to work on own initiative with an innovative approach.
  • Able to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with people in many different environments.
  •  Good negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
  • Strong experience in conducting/organizing workshops, training, or meetings.
  • Capable of producing reliable and timely reports and familiar with community research methods.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
  • Ability to priorities tasks and manage time efficiently.
  • Ability to work independently
  • Strong motivation and organizational skills
  • Flexible with the ability to cope with stressful situations.
  • Honest and transparent in all dealings
  • Ability to work as a team player.

General terms and conditions. 

GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Child Protection Policy, which have been developed to ensure the maximum  protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. GOAL also has a confidentiality policy ensuring the  non-disclosure of any information whatsoever relating to the practices and business of GOAL, acquired in the course of  duty, to any other person or organisation without authority, except in the normal execution of duty. Any candidate offered a  job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offers made are also subject to police clearance. GOAL  is an equal opportunity employer.

Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with GOAL as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to the  maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual  exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this ongoing commitment to safeguarding is to  include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.


Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with GOAL as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to the  maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual  exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to  include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.  

Accountability within GOAL 

Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any  candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability: 

  • Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety,  confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols. 
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
  •  Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner.



Interested candidates should apply with: 

An application letter clearly justifying how they meet the selection criteria. 

Recent Curriculum Vitae including names and full contact addresses of three (3) referees,  one of whom must be their current or most recent employer. 

Candidates must state the position of each referee and his/her relationship to the  candidate. 

A copy of a valid labour card must be attached to ALL applications (written or electronic)

Police Clearance will be required from the successful candidate. 


If you have these skills and interested in joining our committed and dynamic Team, please send your cover letter and up-to-date  CV to jobs@sl.goal.ie. on or before 5:30 pm – 14th June, 2024, please note that a copy of the application letter must be sent to  the NGO Desk Officer, Ministry of Labour, New England or emailed to: employmentdesk71@gmail.com

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview. 

GOAL provides equal opportunity in employment and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, colour, religion,  sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability.


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GOAL Sierra Leone

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 2 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 11 Jun 2024

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