πΈπ± Job Vacancies @ The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) – 5 Positions
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) is recruiting to fill the following positions:
1.) Mechanic & Auto Electrician
2.) Finance & Admin Officer
3.) Driller
4.) Construction Supervisor
5.) Sanitation Marketing Officer
See job details and how to apply below.
1.) Mechanic & Auto Electrician
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Position:Β Mechanic & Auto Electrician
Closing Date:Β 15thΒ December 2023
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) Company (SL) Ltd wasΒ established as a social business to provide WASH services in rural and peri urban communities in Sierra Leone. WaSAP commenced operations in 2021.Β Since we started, our main revenue stream has been sales from projects,Β which has created an over-reliance on these institutions that are giving usΒ the projects and risks our sustainability because of the nature of projects. ToΒ strengthen our business model starting in 2023, we want to have a strongΒ focus on retail sales such that we grow that segment and diversify ourΒ revenue streams. To achieve this, the company is hiring a sales Director thatΒ will lead in implementing activities that will grow this segment whileΒ continuing to work in rural and peri-urban communities.
Contract Duration:Β
One year with the possibility of extension.
Job Objective(S):Β
Based in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, the Mechanic & Auto ElectricianΒ will workΒ closely with us under the supervision of the Line Manager and in closeΒ collaboration with the Director of Technology.
Key Responsibilities:Β
Under the overall supervision of Line Manager, and working in closeΒ collaboration with the Director of Technology the Mechanic & Auto Electrician will perform the following tasks:
- Maintenance the mechanical and electrical aspect of drilling rig, compressor equipment and vehicles.
- Safeguard the machinery and equipment while it is away in the field.
- Ensure the safety of workers.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- Follow regular maintenance schedule to keep all equipment andΒ machinery in good working order.
- Be flexible and adaptable in your work environment whiles directingΒ your effort where it is mostly needed.
Desirable Qualifications, skills, and CompetenciesΒ
- Diploma or certificate in mechanical engineering or other related fields.
- Good communication and report writing skills and working knowledgeΒ of English is an added advantage.
- Professional experience in repairing machineries, equipment, andΒ vehicles.
- A high level of resilience and readiness to travel and work in remoteΒ areas.
- Having a valid driverβs license and being able to ride a motorbike andΒ drive a vehicle is an added advantage.
Starting date:Β
Immediately after interview
Mode of ApplicationΒ
Email application (CV only) toΒ [email protected]
2.) Finance & Admin Officer
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Position:Β Finance & Admin Officer
Closing Date:Β 15thΒ December 2023
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) Company (SL) Ltd wasΒ established as a social business to provide WASH services in rural and peri urban communities in Sierra Leone. WaSAP commenced operations in 2021.Β Since we started, our main revenue stream has been sales from projects, whichΒ has created an over-reliance on these institutions that are giving us theΒ projects and risks our sustainability because of the nature of projects. ToΒ strengthen our business model starting in 2023, we want to have a strong focusΒ on retail sales such that we grow that segment and diversify our revenueΒ streams. To achieve this, the company is hiring a sales Director that will lead inΒ implementing activities that will grow this segment while continuing to work inΒ rural and peri-urban communities.
Contract Duration:Β
One year with the possibility of extension.
We need a highly organized, enthusiastic, and motivated person who will beΒ based in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District to support our team to help ensure theΒ smooth, efficient running of our project.
The team work very closely together and this position reports directly to theΒ accountant. The role plays a vital part in the administration and smooth running of the project and is pivotal in the co-ordination and implementationΒ of office procedures.
Complete responsibility for the finance function, including input to Cashflow,Β expenses processing and supplier payments.
The Finance and Administration OfficerΒ has the responsibility to deal withΒ enquiries and requests including postage, photocopying, telephone answering,Β mail management. The postholder will also have frequent responsibility forΒ specific projects and tasks.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Duties and Responsibilities:Β
Under the overall supervision of Accountant and working in closeΒ collaboration with the Head of projects. the Finance and Admin Officer willΒ perform the following tasks:
- Maintain existing financial systems including petty cash, expenses,Β mileage claims, income & expenditure records, process all paymentsΒ through Cashflow and monthly bank reconciliation.
- Responsible for management of the companyβs cashboxes, guaranteeΒ that the money is disburse and /or the advances are given inΒ accordance with the finance policy, and from the right cashboxes andΒ allocated on the relevant project(s)
- Regular cash reconciliation (By ensuring that physical cash balances areΒ matching cashbook records)
- Do a follow up on settlement of receivables to staff for project Activities at the end of each month.
- Collect all the relevant supporting documents regarding theΒ expenses/Purchases/payments made in the field.
- Supports the Accountant in the preparation of vouchers before audits,Β internally or with Partner.
- Ensure the correct filing of all the financial and administrativeΒ documents.
- Ensure government laws are follow regards deduction of WHT fromΒ suppliers.
- Check the vouchers and the relevant supporting documents i.e., quality, authenticity, reliability, accuracy, and fairness.
- Advance should be settled before any other advance is raised by anyΒ programme staff and make sure all advances are recorded in a file.Β Β β’Β Overseeing billing processes to recover money owed by consumers orΒ customers.
Desirable Qualifications, skills, and CompetenciesΒ
- BSc in Accounting/Finance or other related fields such as bookkeeping orΒ accounting.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- They must be knowledgeable about the Microsoft Office suite andΒ accounting programs like Microsoft word, Excel, and QuickBooks.Β β’Β Good communication and report writing skills and working knowledge ofΒ English.
- Coordination and organizational skills
- A high level of resilience and readiness to travel and work in remoteΒ areas.
- Ability to be proactive and work independently.
- Good team player, creative, flexible, and capable of working in a fast moving environment.
Starting date:Β
Immediately after interview
Mode of ApplicationΒ
Email application (CV only) toΒ [email protected]
3.) Driller
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Position:Β Driller
Closing Date:Β 15thΒ December 2023
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) Company (SL) Ltd wasΒ established as a social business to provide WASH services in rural and peri urban communities in Sierra Leone. WaSAP commenced operations in 2021.Β Since we started, our main revenue stream has been sales from projects,Β which has created an over-reliance on these institutions that are giving usΒ the projects and risks our sustainability because of the nature of projects. ToΒ strengthen our business model starting in 2023, we want to have a strongΒ focus on retail sales such that we grow that segment and diversify ourΒ revenue streams. To achieve this, the company is hiring a sales Director thatΒ will lead in implementing activities that will grow this segment whileΒ continuing to work in rural and peri-urban communities.
Contract Duration:Β
One year with the possibility of extension.
Job Objective(S):Β
Based in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, the DrillerΒ will work closely with us underΒ the supervision of the Line Manager and in close collaboration with theΒ Director of Technology.
Key Responsibilities:Β
Under the overall supervision of Line Manager, and working in closeΒ collaboration with the Director of Technology the Driller will perform theΒ following tasks:
- Operate the drilling rig & compressor equipment.
- Move the drilling rig equipment to and fro.
- Safeguard the machinery and equipment while it is away in the field.Β β’Β Ensure the safety of workers.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- Follow regular maintenance schedule to keep all equipment in goodΒ working order.
- Be flexible and adaptable in your work environment whiles directingΒ your effort where it is mostly needed.
Desirable Qualifications, skills, and CompetenciesΒ
- Diploma or certificate in borehole drilling or other related fields.Β β’Β Good communication and report writing skills and working knowledgeΒ of English.
- Professional experience in drilling in various environments andΒ lithologies using different methods.
- A high level of resilience and readiness to travel and work in remoteΒ areas.
- Ability to be proactive and work independently.
- Experience working with community-driven development andΒ participatory methodologies.
- Having a valid driverβs license and being able to ride a motorbike andΒ drive a vehicle is an added advantage.
Starting date:Β
Immediately after interview
Mode of ApplicationΒ
Email application (CV only) toΒ [email protected]
4.) Construction Supervisor
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Position:Β Construction Supervisor
Closing Date:Β 15thΒ December 2023
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) Company (SL) Ltd wasΒ established as a social business to provide WASH services in rural and peri urban communities in Sierra Leone. WaSAP commenced operations in 2021.Β Since we started, our main revenue stream has been sales from projects,Β which has created an over-reliance on these institutions that are giving usΒ the projects and risks our sustainability because of the nature of projects. ToΒ strengthen our business model starting in 2023, we want to have a strongΒ focus on retail sales such that we grow that segment and diversify ourΒ revenue streams. To achieve this, the company is hiring a sales Director thatΒ will lead in implementing activities that will grow this segment whileΒ continuing to work in rural and peri-urban communities.
Contract Duration:Β
One year with the possibility of extension.
Job Objective(S):Β
Based in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, the Construction SupervisorΒ β Institutional WASH will work closely with The WASH Technician under theΒ supervision of the Line Manager and in close collaboration with the Director ofΒ Technology.
Key Responsibilities:Β
Under the overall supervision of Line Manager, and working in closeΒ collaboration with the Director of Technology the Construction supervisor will perform the following tasks:
- Work with WaSAP Lead Technician to conduct a continual review of theΒ designs and functionality of the constructed or rehabilitated water supplyΒ systems to ensure efficient operation and sustainability.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- Act as the technical person in the development of Bill of Quantities andΒ designs for all WASH works on the various communities including but notΒ limited to latrines construction, water points, and rehabilitation in theΒ target communities.
- Work with the WaSAP Lead Technician to design templates, constructionΒ contracts for WASH-related works, and a system for monitoring theΒ progress and performance of hired technicians.
- Provide rigorous supervision of WASH hardware works in the variousΒ communities.
- Provide technical inputs in the production of WaSAP regular reportsΒ internally and externally: Weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
- Liaise with the WaSAP Lead Technician on the quantity and quality ofΒ materials to be requested and requests on time for prompt delivery to theΒ site.
- Be involved in capacity building of Water Management CommitteesΒ (WMCs) on routine maintenance techniques and maintaining theΒ constructed or rehabilitated WASH infrastructure.
- Ensure that the Water Management Committees and VSLA groups workΒ closely to ensure funds are available to maintenance the WASHΒ infrastructure.
- Provide updates to the Project Manager on the state of Water andΒ Sanitation infrastructure by working closely with the trained WMCsΒ committees regularly.
- Maintaining an accurate record and taking proper care of all fieldΒ equipment and material stocks for the company as per WaSAP standard.
- Cooperate with local authorities and local communities β attendingΒ meetings, taking notes, informing the Project Manager about the outcomeΒ of meetings attended.
- Promote the use of water filters and sell water filters inline agreed target.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Any other assigned task by the Line Manager
Desirable Qualifications, skills, and CompetenciesΒ
- BSc or Diploma in civil engineering, architectural design, Bill ofΒ Quantities, or other related fields.
- Good communication and report writing skills and working knowledgeΒ of English.
- Coordination and organizational skills.
- Professional experience and background in WASH; experience in WASH construction facilities and supervision.
- A high level of resilience and readiness to travel and work in remoteΒ areas.
- Ability to be proactive and work independently.
- Experience working with community-driven development andΒ participatory methodologies.
- Experience in networking with government and private sectorΒ stakeholders at district and national level
- Good team player, creative, flexible, and capable of working in a fast moving environment.
- The ability to speak the local dialect (Mende) of operationalΒ communities is an advantage.
- Have a valid driverβs license and can ride a motorbike.
Starting date:Β
Immediately after interview
Mode of ApplicationΒ
Email application (CV only) toΒ [email protected]
5.) Sanitation Marketing Officer
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
Position:Β Sanitation Marketing Officer
Closing Date:Β 15thΒ December 2023
The Water and Sanitation Promotion (WaSAP) Company (SL) Ltd was established asΒ a social business to provide WASH services in rural and peri-urban communities inΒ Sierra Leone. WaSAP commenced operations in 2021. Since we started, our mainΒ revenue stream has been sales from projects, which has created an over-relianceΒ on these institutions that are giving us the projects and risks our sustainabilityΒ because of the nature of projects. To strengthen our business model starting in 2023,Β we want to have a strong focus on retail sales such that we grow that segment andΒ diversify our revenue streams. To achieve this, the company is hiring a sales DirectorΒ that will lead in implementing activities that will grow this segment while continuingΒ to work in rural and peri-urban communities.
Contract Duration:Β
One year with the possibility of extension.
Job Objective(S):Β
Based in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, the Sanitation Marketing OfficerΒ will beΒ responsible for all aspects toΒ Roll out LANN approach in project communities to createΒ linkages between WASH and Nutrition and promote positive behavior adoption in WASH andΒ nutrition on project communitiesβΒ business development, sales, marketing, social media,Β and more.
Key Responsibilities:Β
Under the overall supervision of Line Manager, and working in close collaborationΒ with the Director of Technology the Sanitation Marketing Officer will perform theΒ following tasks:
- Conduct market research to identify trends, consumer preferences, andΒ competitors in the sanitation and water filter industry.
- Analyze data to develop insights that inform marketing strategies and productΒ positioning.
- Develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies to promoteΒ sanitation and water filter products.
- Roll out LANN approach in project communities to create linkages betweenΒ WASH and Nutrition and promote positive behavior adoption in WASH andΒ nutrition on project communities.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- Facilitate community mobilization for the construction of WASH facilities inΒ target project communities and promote a maintenance culture to ensureΒ sustainability of WASH facilities.
- Establish and monitor the operations of VSLA groups in all project locations andΒ ensure appropriate linkages with community structures to facilitate theΒ availability of finance to fund the repairs of damage public WASH facilities andΒ investments in household sanitation.
- Champion all hygiene promotion activities to facilitate the adoption of positiveΒ WASH behaviors in project communities.
- Monitor and report on hygiene promotion outputs of the project and ensureΒ that the information on Akvo Flow or mwater is always reliable and up to date.
- Create and implement promotional campaigns to increase awareness andΒ drive adoption of sanitation and water filter products.
- Develop compelling marketing materials, including brochures, online content,Β and advertisements.
- Utilize digital marketing channels, including social media, email campaigns,Β and online advertising, to reach target audiences and drive engagement.Β β’Β Build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including governmentΒ agencies, NGOs, distributors, and retailers.
- Collaborate with partners to amplify marketing efforts and reach a broaderΒ audience.
- Support the design of curriculum and conducting training for EMAS techniciansΒ on hygiene promotion and working closely with trained technicians to promoteΒ EMAS technologies (EMAS wells, latrines, handwashing stations, shower rooms,Β etc)
Desirable Qualifications, skills, and CompetenciesΒ
- BSc in Public Health, Social Sciences, Development Studies, or other related fields
- Good communication and report writing skills and working knowledge of English.
- Coordination and organizational skills
- Professional experience and background in WASH; experience in WASH Self Supply andΒ Sanitation Marketing is an added value.
- A high level of resilience and readiness to travel and work in remote areas.
- Ability to be proactive and work independently.
- Experience working with community-driven development and participatoryΒ methodologies.
Vacancy AnnouncementΒ
- Experience in networking with government and private sector stakeholders at districtΒ and national level
- Good team player, creative, flexible, and capable of working in a fast-movingΒ environment.
- The ability to speak the local dialect (Mende) of operational communities is anΒ advantage.
- Have a valid driverβs license and can ride a motorbike.
Starting date:Β
Immediately after interview
Mode of ApplicationΒ
Email application (CV only) toΒ [email protected]