🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Project Fiduciary Management Unit (Ministry of Finance) – Social Safeguard Specialist

Freetown | Sierra Leone Posted on Project Management

Ministry of FinanceJob Description

Tel: (+232-76-672-186) Email: pfmu2018@gmail.com

Project Fiduciary Management Unit

Ministry of Finance

13 Howe Street


Sierra Leone



Recruitment for the Positions of Social Safeguard Specialist for the Resilient Urban  Sierra Leone Project. 

Grant No.: D8420-SL 

Issue date: 19th April, 2024 

Sierra Leone’s high exposure to extreme weather and climate-related events, which is compounded  by haphazard urbanization with increased informal settlement, poor waste management, lack of  development control resulting in unplanned development in disaster-prone areas, and a concentration  of a large percentage of the population in coastal areas, pose major challenges for sustainability of  growth and resilient development of the country. The 2018 World Risk Report ranked Sierra Leone  24th out of 172 countries in terms of risk to natural disasters, 8th in terms of vulnerability, and 6th in  terms of lack of adaptive capacities.1 This elevated level of risk is evidenced by frequent adverse  natural events that effect the population, disrupt livelihoods and economic production, destroy  physical infrastructure, and impose high public and private costs for rehabilitation. In the last four  decades, Sierra Leone was hit by thirty adverse natural events that affected over 300,000 people.2In  the medium to long term, the country could suffer annual losses of about US$7.72 million due to  flooding alone, the 2nd highest flood annual losses in Sub-Saharan Africa relative to capital stock.  Presently, over 100,000 people, or around 10 percent of the population and 12,000 buildings are  currently situated in high multiple-hazard zones in the capital city alone.

It is within this context that the Government of Sierra Leone has solicited funding from the  International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank to strengthen urban management,  improve access to basic services and infrastructure, and enhance disaster resilience in the Western  Area (Freetown and Western Rural district) and select secondary cities of Sierra Leone (Makeni, Port Loko, Kenema, Koidu New Sembehum, Bo and Bonthe) Cities respectively.

Project Description 

The project development objective (PDO) is to strengthen sustainable urban management, improve  access to basic services, and enhance disaster resilience in the Western Area and select secondary  cities (urban centers?) of Sierra Leone.

The PDO will be achieved through the following four components:

1The World Risk Index https://reliefweb.int/report/world/world-risk-report-2018-focus-child-protection-and-childrens rights

2EM-DAT: The Emergency Events Database – University Catholique de Louvain (UCL) – CRED, D. Guha-Sapir – www.emdat.be,  Brussels, Belgium.


Component 1: Institutional and capacity development in sustainable urban management a. Own source revenue mobilization

  1. Urban planning, and
  2. Spatial data infrastructure

Component 2: Solid Waste Management:  

  1. Infrastructure enhancement – mainly landfill sites.
  2. Equipment for collection and at landfill sites, and
  3. Institutional capacity building

Component 3: Infrastructure delivery and upgrading.  

  1. Neighborhood upgrading of three communities in Freetown.
  2. Market upgrading in select secondary cities, and
  3. Flood and landslide mitigation, including with nature-based solutions.

Component 4: Disaster preparedness and response capacity development: 

  1. National disaster risk management institutional capacity support
  2. Early warning systems, and
  3. Contingent emergency response

Objective of the Assignment: The objective of the services is for the recruitment of a Social  Safeguards Specialist to support the implementation of the proposed Project.

Scope of the Assignment  

The Social Safeguards Specialist will be responsible for the management of the social safeguard related  activities of the project and the implementation of the project specific social safeguards instruments.  The Social Safeguards Specialist will liaise closely with the Environmental Safeguards Specialist,  Community Engagement and Communications Specialist, Gender and GBV Specialist and Project  Manager in undertaking his/her duties. He/She shall be directly responsible for the following:

  • Manage the overall implementation and monitoring of the social risk management plans of the  project including, but not limited to the Resettlement Policy Framework, Resettlement Actions  Plans as may be required, Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Gender and Vulnerable  Groups Action Plan, including gender mainstreaming of all the project’s activities, its guiding  documents and implementation of activities throughout the project cycle, in order to ensure that  its objectives are met and the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the project activities is assured.  Undertake social due diligence for each sub-project as soon as conceptual technical design and  scope have been defined, as outlined in the safeguard’s instruments.
  • Work closely with the Environmental Safeguards Specialist to ensure the project’s compliance  with both the environmental and social safeguards standards of the World Bank and the  Government and in planning and managing social risks associated with the sub-projects.
  • Draft terms of references to undertake social assessments, RAPs for new activities and obtain  necessary clearances from the World Bank and/or designated project approving agencies. • Work with, advise, and supervise project consultants to undertake Social Impact Assessments  studies, and design Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), Resettlement  Action Plans (RAPs), Stakeholder Engagement Plans, Grievance Management Plans, etc. as  required, to manage and reduce project-related environmental and social risks.
  • Review all related social assessments, Resettlement Action Plans and other social mitigation  plans before submitting to the World Bank for approval.


  • Oversee the implementation of Grievance management and Gender Based Violence (GBV)  action plans.
  • Ensure all required safeguards documents are properly disclosed.
  • Develop monitoring templates and ensure adequate safeguards records, documentation and  reporting.
  • Ensure that gender, youth, and vulnerable groups’ dimensions are mainstreamed throughout the  project activity implementation, capacity building activities, IEC materials, and other aspects  of program implementation, and reflected accordingly in the project’s Operations Manuals.
  • Facilitate the development of a handbook for Facilitators with practical guidance on how to  implement the Gender Action Plan at the community level.
  • Provide and/or organize training on gender issues, gender sensitivity and analysis to project  staff, implementing partners, and other stakeholders in partnership with relevant local research  and training institutions and/or international experts; and ensure that project staff and other  stakeholders at all levels have been concretely trained about their specific roles, responsibilities  and how to implement the Gender Action Plan.
  • Ensure all contracts include a solid code of conduct for contractors to abide to, especially with  regard to workers being respectful to colleagues, stakeholders and communities, including  women.
  • Work closely with environmental safeguards specialist, project engineers, procurement unit  and implementing partners to ensure all relevant social safeguards standards are reflected in  bidding documents and respected by contractors.
  • Develop, organize and deliver environmental and social training programs and workshops for  the Implementing Agencies at the field level, contractors, field supervision staff and other  implementing agency officials as needed, on safeguard requirements and their management.
  • Ensure compliance with RAPs, GBV Action Plan during the construction period and maintain  close coordination with the technical team.
  • Organize review meetings with the safeguard’s officers of the various MDAs (implementing  partners) and visit project sites to monitor implementation of the safeguard’s instruments. • Prepare monitoring reports, in collaboration with the Safeguards Consultant as set forth in the  safeguard’s instruments.
  • Manage the project’s GRM system in collaboration with the Gender and Gender-based  Violence Specialist and provide technical support to design mechanisms developed for  increasing citizen’s participation in monitoring and supervision of infrastructure built under  the project.
  • Stakeholder engagement and information disclosure about the project: this is a key aspect of  the job that require the social specialist to coordinate with the communication and  environment specialist to implement the commitments outlined in the stakeholder engagement  plan.
  • Monitor and report the implementation of the project’s social risk management commitments  by the MDAs and contractors.
  • Regular compiling of monitoring and implementation reports of the social instrument’s  activities implemented by the PMU, MDAs and contractors.


  • Quality assurance of social risk management reports and instruments prepared by the MDAs  and contractors.
  • Stakeholder engagement and information disclosure about the project: this is a key aspect of  the job that require the social specialist to coordinate with the communication and  environment specialist to implement the commitments outlined in the stakeholder engagement  plan.
  • Monitor and report the implementation of the project’s social risk management commitments  by the MDAs and contractors.
  • Regular compiling of monitoring and implementation reports of the social instrument’s  activities implemented by the PMU, MDAs and contractors.
  • Quality assurance of social risk management reports and instruments prepared by the MDAs  and contractors.
  • Perform other safeguards related tasks as may be necessary for the successful implementation  of the project.

Minimum Required Qualifications & Experience  

The Safeguard Specialist should have:

  • A postgraduate degree in social sciences (development studies, geography, anthropology,  sociology, economics, law and politics) or related discipline with at least 5 years of direct  relevant experience in social development/safeguards issues.
  • At least 5 years of direct relevant experience in social safeguards issues in Sierra Leone is  desired, with experience working with communities, Non-Governmental Organizations or  International Organizations.
  • At least 5 years relevant working experience in the field of rural development, working  directly with communities and local authorities, with an emphasis on women and gender  issues would be preferable.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of World Bank’s social safeguard policies on Involuntary  resettlement, as well as the ability to provide technical advice to project teams.  • Minimum 5 years’ experience and knowledge on dealing with social issues on land  acquisition laws, resettlement and rehabilitation (including preparations of Resettlement  Action Plan or implementation relating to construction projects) and Gender Analysis are  desirable.
  • Demonstrated skills and direct work experience with at least one or more of the following:  public consultations; public hearings; participatory research methods (including  observation, surveys); participatory rural and urban appraisal; participatory poverty  assessments; participatory monitoring and evaluation; and grievance redress mechanisms.
  • Strong analytical, writing and communication skills with relevant professional experience  in conducting social assessments.
  • Experience working in West Africa or similar region, familiarity with urban communities  in developing countries (non-OECD);
  • Good knowledge and understanding of Sierra Leone’s biophysical and social environments,  national policies on social risk management and the WB social policies.
  • Good knowledge and understanding of occupational health and safety.
  • Experience conducting gender analysis and knowledge on GBV will be an added value.


Professional Competencies 

  • Ability to read and write excellent English and produce project reports in English. • Ability to guide and deliver the range of social safeguards management activities required  by the project.
  • Ability to interact with staff in the relevant implementing agencies. Effectiveness in  analysing and resolving project implementation issues.
  • Familiarity with the relevant Government procedures, policies, laws and regulations.  • High level of computer literacy, including Word, Excel, email and the internet.  • Strong communication skills and good interpersonal relations.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.

Duration of the Assignment:  

The start date of the contract will be August 2024, or soon thereafter. The contract duration will be 3  years inclusive of a 6-month probation period, renewable until the closing date of the project. The  successful candidate is expected to work full time including traveling outside Freetown.

The performance criteria that will be used to assess the performance of the Social Safeguards Specialist  at regular intervals and based upon which the Contract may be continued or terminated are the  effectiveness, efficiency and quality of delivering on the Scope of services, duties and responsibilities  and deliverables of the assignment.

Reporting Line  

The Social Safeguards Specialist will report to the Director of FDD, work under the close supervision  of the Project Manager, and work closely with PMU staff, other stakeholders, implementing agencies,  and WB staff.

Responsibility of the Employer 

Facilities to be provided by the project during tenure of service include:

  • Office space with computer and furniture
  • Email and internet access.
  • Required office stationery.
  • Photocopying and printing facilities
  • Project Documents
  • Administrative Assistant (who will support the PMU)
  • Access to a vehicle and other logistics to facilitate regular field visits as may be  required.

Mode of Application  

Applications in writing should be accompanied by up-to-date Curriculum Vitae and supporting  documents (Note: do not send originals) with the names and addresses of three referees, one of which  should be the last or current employer and addressed to:

Acting Team Lead 

Project Fiduciary Management Unit 

Ministry of Finance  

Howe Street 

Freetown, Sierra Leone. 



By E-mail application as attachment (including all supporting documents) to:  resilienturbanslp2019@gmail.com 

Please indicate clearly on the envelop (in the case of hard copy application) or in the email subject  heading and attachment (in the case of electronic applications) the post for which application is made.


Closing Date 

The Closing Date and time for receipt of applications is 17th May,2024.

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Ministry of Finance

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 1 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 14 May 2024

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