🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Welbodi Partnership – Country Director

Freetown | Sierra Leone Posted on Administration / Office / Operations

Job Description

Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment


POSITION Country Director
LOCATION Freetown, Sierra Leone
START DATE February 2024
DURATION 7 months with the possibility of extension


WelbodiThis Job Information Pack is in six parts:

  1. Background and Context
  2. The Country Director Job Description
  3. The Personal Specification
  4. General Policies, Procedures and Practices
  5. Key Terms, Conditions and Benefits
  6. Application Process

Welbodi Team members


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment



Welbodi Partnership (WP) is a UK-registered charity working to reduce maternal and child  mortality and morbidity in Sierra Leone. Since 2008, Welbodi Partnership has worked within  innovative partnerships with hospital management teams, health facility staff, and the  Ministry of Health to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Sierra Leone. Our focus  is health system strengthening activities, healthcare worker training and capacity building,  hospital improvement projects, research development and implementation, evidence-based  practice and community engagement.

Our vision is that all women and children in Sierra Leone will have access to effective  essential healthcare services characterised by respect and dignity for all. Our mission is to  build the capacity and effectiveness of the health system in Sierra Leone using evidence – based practice to reduce the number of women and children who are sick, suffer, or die  unnecessarily.

The organisation’s guiding principles are:

  1. Deliver Lasting Results
  2. Working in Partnership
  3. Quality improvement and patient safety
  4. Valuing People
  5. Evidence Based Approach

For further information, please see: www.welbodipartnership.org 


One in ten children in Sierra Leone die before their fifth birthday, mainly from preventable and  treatable diseases. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Sierra Leone is the highest in the world, 1  in 23 women are will die during pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal deaths account for 36% of all  deaths in women aged between 15-49 years. Although not all deaths in the community may be  accounted for due to low levels of reporting, maternal death review and surveillance reports  indicate that the majority of these women will die in a health facility (81.8%).

Although healthcare services have been the focus of improvement and investment for the  Government, international donors and NGOs over a number of years, there remains severe  challenges to the health system; a limited health workforce in numbers and quality; ineffective  supply chains; poor infrastructure and challenged management systems. Sierra Leone still has one of  the weakest health systems in the world and continues to be vulnerable to outbreaks and other  considerable public health issues. There has been a specific focus on maternal and child mortality  and the rates have decreased in the past 15 years, but the focus must continue towards improved  and sustainable quality healthcare for pregnant women and children and a lot of work remains to be  done if Sierra Leone is to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3; ensuring healthy lives and  promoting well-being for all, at all ages.


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment


Organisational Organogram

Grants Portfolio as of November 2023

GBP 2,578,545

Legal Status

Welbodi Partnership is registered with the Charity Commission and Companies House in the UK and with the Sierra Leone Association of NGOs and Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in Sierra Leone.


Welbodi Partnership has two operating offices in Freetown, one in Wilberforce and the other at Ola  During Children’s Hospital in the East End:

47 Ronsab Drive Ola During Children’s Hospital Off Spur Road Foray Bay Road

Freetown Freetown

Sierra Leone Sierra Leone


The Country Director will collaborate with the national paediatric and obstetric hospitals’ (Ola  During Children’s Hospital and Princess Christian Memorial Hospital) management teams, King’s  College London, consortium partners and other stakeholders to support the work of the  organisation. This will involve working with the Ministry of Health (MoH), UN agencies, partner  NGOs and other key stakeholders to identify priority areas for improved maternal and child health.  This builds on our commitment to respond to the needs of health workers and patients, and to  support the MoH in addressing issues in child and maternal health in line with their strategic plan  and available resources and takes proactive measures to maintain update service level agreements  with government of SL.


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment

Current programmes include:

  1. CRIBS (Capacity. Research. Innovation. Building maternity Systems in Sierra Leone) Global Health  Research Group: simple, scalable innovations & research capacity building to improve maternal  health in Sierra Leone.

Donor: National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR)

Partners: King’s College London (Consortium Lead), Ministry of Health and National Ambulance  Service (Government), University of Sierra Lifeline Nehemiah Projects (Community engagement)

  1. Improving Childhood Cancer Services: supporting delivery of paediatric oncology services at Ola  During Children’s Hospital, including training of staff and message dissemination of early warning  signs of childhood cancer.

Donors: World Child Cancer and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Partners: Ola During Children’s Hospital management and oncology team, Connaught Hospital,  Choitram’s Hospital, EcoMed and Ramsy Laboratories, United Methodist Church Eye Clinic

  1. Improving Services at Ola During Children’s Hospital: supporting the hospital’s five-year strategic  plan, nurse training and capacity building.

Donor: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Partners: Ola During Children’s Hospital


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment



The Country Director is based at our office in the western part of Freetown and is responsible for the strategic leadership and operational management of the organisation. Reporting to, and supported  by, the Board of Directors, the Country Director will be responsible for programme oversight, the  management of in-country employees and volunteers, building and maintaining relationships with  partners, leading the strategic vision of the organisation and identifying funding opportunities.  Specific responsibilities are listed below, but the role will also include other duties necessary for the  success of the organisation’s programmes and of Welbodi Partnership.



▪ Works with the Board of Directors to develop and implement the strategic direction of Welbodi  Partnership programmes.

▪ Leads and embeds the vision and mission of the organisation into all of the organisation’s programmes, relationships and activities.

▪ Leads and contributes to the development of strategic plans and policies and organisational  development

▪ Leads the Senior Management Team and ensures effective coordination and management  across the organisation

▪ Ensures that the work of Welbodi Partnership is aligned with the Government of Sierra Leone’s  policies and strategies for healthcare provision.

▪ Identifies funding opportunities, including potential consortia and oversees and supports the  development of proposals for funding alongside the Grants and Finance Leads.


▪ Overall responsibility for ensuring that Welbodi Partnership’s work in Sierra Leone is delivered to  a high standard and is in keeping with our values.

▪ Works with the Welbodi Partnership Board of Directors and Grants and Finance Leads and key  partners to identify new programme opportunities and the development of high quality and  comprehensive project proposals.

▪ Leads engagement with partners, focusing on equitable partnership, aligning programmes with  contextual needs and Ministry priority areas.

▪ Establishes and maintains close working relationships with key stakeholders, including the  Ministry of Health, District Health Management Teams, Medical Superintendents and other  health facility managers, NGO partners, UN agencies, research institutions and donors.

▪ Directs the development, management and effective implementation of key country  programmes in collaboration with the Welbodi Partnership Programmes Managers and key  stakeholders.

▪ Provides co-ordination to a team of international healthcare professionals and ensures clinical  mentoring and supervision is in place as required.

▪ Provides oversight, expertise, and leadership to ensure improvements in the quality of  healthcare provided at supported health facilities.


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment

▪ Keeps abreast of current international and regional innovations in health system strengthening,  hospital and community management models and clinical research in low resource healthcare  settings.

▪ Identifies opportunities to collaborate and develop integration/co-ordination with other  organisational partners working in the supported districts to ensure programmatic success and  avoid duplication of activities.


▪ Represents Welbodi Partnership in Sierra Leone to governmental and non-governmental health  partners, including funders, potential funders and registration bodies including but not limited to  the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (SLANGO) and the Ministry of  Planning and Economic Development (MOPED).

▪ Overall responsibility for delivering high quality reports to the programme donors, consortium  leads and the Welbodi Partnership Board.

▪ Shares information and lessons learnt with our partners and other stakeholders and  organisations with shared aims.

▪ Contributes regularly to Welbodi Partnership’s communication with supporters and partners, in  close co-operation with the Welbodi Partnership Board of Directors.


▪ Ensures that the organisation is sustainable and financially viable, and that the organisation  adheres to all financial, and procurement policies.

▪ Ensures that the organisation is performing against its Key Performance Indicators. ▪ Ensures that there are clear and regular finance and performance reports available to the Board  so that it is able to carry out its oversight function.

▪ Management of the Finance Manager and Grants Lead to ensure programmes are on track for  financial spending and performance, including through the review of spending plans and  monthly pipelines.

▪ Approval of expenses in accordance with approval matrix.

▪ Monitor adherence to national, donor and global community processes and policies in  programme implementation, finance management and procurement processes.


▪ Responsible for managing the team in Sierra Leone, which includes national and international  staff. Line management may be delegated to other team members where appropriate.  ▪ Responsible for ensuring that all staff have appropriate objectives, appraisals, support and  training, and dealing with grievances and disciplinary issues when necessary.  ▪ Lead international and local recruitment with support from the Operations and Human  Resources Manager.

▪ Overall responsibility for ensuring that Welbodi Partnership’s policies and procedures are  implemented, and updated according to the policy tracker, particularly regarding financial  management and human resource management, in order to fulfil risk management obligations.

▪ Leads on institutional capacity building of staff and oversees internal training on policies and  procedures.


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment


▪ Ensures Welbodi Partnership security and safeguarding policies and procedures are  implemented and appropriate and reflect the organisation’s duty of care regarding the safety  and security of its programmes staff, participants and beneficiaries in Sierra Leone.

▪ Ensures that the security policies are regularly updated and reviewed in conjunction with the  Board of Directors to maximise staff, participant, and visitor safety at all times.  ▪ Keeps abreast of outbreaks / epidemics and provides oversight for employees, attending  emergency partner meetings and circulating government guidelines as appropriate.  ▪ Responsible for ensuring the safety and security of staff and of programme participants.  ▪ Update the Board of Directors and staff of key security situations and advisory around Welbodi  Partnership operational areas, which includes but is not limited to keeping abreast of and  circulating UN Security Council notices.

▪ Ensures that the risk register is reviewed and updated at least on a quarterly basis.



Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment




QUALIFICATIONS  Master’s degree in related health or international development field from a recognised University. Licensed medical doctor, nurse or  midwife, or other clinical or health 

background, for example health  management or Public Health.

EXPERIENCE  ∙ Demonstrable management experience in leading teams, projects programmes and services in health or a  related field 

∙ Extensive experience in fundraising  and proposal development

∙ Experience of human resources and  financial management, including  budgetary accountability

∙ Experience in liaising with government  officials and a variety of donors and  other partners / stakeholders.

∙ Experience managing multiple tasks  and/or projects concurrently.

∙ Experience of overseeing research  programmes in health or a related field

∙ At least five years’ senior  management experience is preferred in International  development and/or global health. 

∙ Senior management experience to  include fundraising, operations,  grants and finance management.

∙ Experience in proposal and report  writing with a proven ability to  secure donor funding.

∙ Experience in the charity sector  and/or in impoverished, post conflict, humanitarian or other  challenging environments.

We are open to considering exceptional  and committed candidates with less  management experience if they possess  the energy and skill set to drive the  organisation forward.

KNOWLEDGE  ∙ Knowledge of healthcare systems,  medical quality management (Quality  Improvement/Quality Assurance) and  risk management. 

∙ Demonstrated ability to assess needs,  design and implement programmes  and evaluate results.

∙ A keen grasp of the role played by an  organisation like Welbodi Partnership  in the context of global health and  development.

∙ Knowledge of research programmes in  low-income settings.

∙ Knowledge of relevant evidence based approaches to improving  maternal, neonatal, and child  health, and of national and  international strategies and  frameworks in these areas. 

∙ Knowledge of the healthcare system  in Sierra Leone, including key  actors.



Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment



∙ Demonstrated people management  and organisational skills, with  meticulous attention to detail. 

∙ Strategic and innovative thinker with  proven ability to communicate a vision.  ∙ Excellent IT, interpersonal, written and  verbal communication skills.

∙ Demonstrated financial skills: budget monitoring and financial reporting.  ∙ Demonstrated problem solving skills:

providing solutions to challenging  situations.

∙ Ability to communicate complex ideas  with others.

∙ Ability to learn and apply new skills  and techniques on the job.

∙ Ability to work effectively with others  in a cross-cultural environment, as a  leader and influencer.

∙ Committed to partnership working:  building equitable partnerships with all  stakeholders including other team  members.

∙ Demonstrated management skills  in emergency situations.


∙ Empathetic and active listener.  ∙ Motivated, hardworking and strong  team player. 

∙ Strong ability to manage time well and  work to multiple and strict deadlines  under pressure.

∙ Reliable and conscientious approach to  duties.

∙ Passionate about improving maternal  healthcare in Sierra Leone and a keen  interest in Health System

∙ Strengthening.

∙ Absolute commitment to teaching and  learning and skills improvement of  others.

OTHER  ∙ Fluent written and spoken English.  ∙ Willingness to accept basic living and  working conditions. 

∙ Commitment to the  goals and principles of Welbodi


∙ Fluency in Krio and/or other local  languages desirable.



Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment


In addition to the key job responsibilities detailed in this job description all employees and  volunteers at Welbodi Partnership are expected to comply with the general duties outlined below  and detailed in full in our policies.


Welbodi Partnership is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of women, children,  young people and vulnerable adults. All staff and volunteers are therefore expected to behave in  such a way that supports this commitment. Applicants for this position should be aware that if  successful, they will be requested to complete a police check or equivalent. The Welbodi Partnership  complies fully with the UK’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Code of Practice.


Welbodi Partnership complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Welbodi Partnership is committed to a comprehensive policy of Equal Opportunities in volunteering  and employment in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits  and abilities and are given equal opportunities within the organisation. It is the Welbodi  Partnership’s policy as an employer to treat all people equally irrespective of race, ethnic origin,  nationality, sex, marital or parental status, gender, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or  political belief.


Welbodi Partnership operates in tertiary and primary healthcare facilities in one of the world’s  poorest countries. Consequently, working conditions can be challenging, including many things we  take for granted in other working environments, such as running water, power, communications,  staff competency and regular supplies of essential medicines and equipment – many of these things  are not a given in the environments where we work. Whilst every reasonable effort is made to  ensure a safe working environment, this is a challenging context, much of which is out of our  control. Welbodi Partnership places a strong emphasis on staff health and well-being and strives to  ensure staff comfort at all times.


This job description should be viewed as a guide to the duties required and is not definitive or  restrictive in any way. The duties of the post may be varied from time to time in response to  changing circumstances.


Job Information Pack: Country Director Recruitment



Based on job competency alignment to internal pay scales. The full remuneration package will be  discussed with shortlisted candidates. The Employee will be paid an attractive gross monthly salary,  plus the following benefits:

∙ Accommodation

∙ International Flight to home country

∙ Visa and residency permit

∙ Medical insurance Coverage

∙ Monthly communications allowance

∙ Provision of dongle for remote working

∙ Transport to and from work and for business purposes


The closing date for applications is the 8th of December 2023. We encourage potential applicants to  submit as soon as possible. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you wish to discuss this post prior to applying, then please email the chair of the Board Carole  Green at c.green@welbodipartnership.org.

To apply for this position please send your cover letter, CV and contact details of 3 referees in one  email to jobs@welbodipartnership.org using the following subject title: Application – Country  Director. 

Please include the following in your cover letter (2 pages maximum):

∙ Reasons for applying to this position

∙ Overview of key experience related to this post

∙ Your country of residence and nationality

∙ Date you are able to commence and duration of availability

Please note: CVs should be no more than 4 pages long. Please do not send any additional  documentation at this stage.

About Company

Welbodi Partnership

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 1 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 01 Dec 2023

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