πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡± Job Vacancies @ Brac Sierra Leone – 8 Positions

Brac Microfinance Sierra Leone Limited (BMSLL)Brac is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Training Specialist
2.) Programme Assistant
3.) Programme Manager
4.) M&E Officer (x2)
5.) Field Logistics and Administrative Officer
6.) Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer
7.) Area Coordinator


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Training Specialist

Job Title:Training Specialist
Location:Country Office
Reporting to:Programme Manager
Number of direct reports: N/A
Number of positions:1



Under the supervision of the Programme Manager – s/he is in charge of planning, organizing and implementing trainings/ workshops/ refreshers, developing play materials, formulating training manuals, curriculum and developing play based contextual activities, supervising the quality of the play centres, monitoring the effectiveness and performance of the play leaders and sensitizing the programme communities about play based Early Childhood Development according to the Education Outcome Fund programme expectations.


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

  • Train the play leaders about the play-based learning
  • Collaborate with the MBSSE relevant staff to adopt, develop and contextualize training modules that will be used by the programme
  • Develop and disseminate the training manual to all the play centres
  • Support the play leaders to design quality learning materials using locally available cost-effective materials.
  • Conduct refresher trainings for the ECD staff
  • Set up indoor and outdoor learning facilities in the assigned area so that the learning process is smooth and continuous
  • Ensure that the Centres are well equipped and organized to support learning
  • Oversee the play-based activities, lesson plan, daily routine and the learning process as per the set plan and design.
  • Sensitize the parents, local leaders and community about the play-based learning
  • Establish a safeguarding culture at the field level by implementing the safeguarding   policy.   Act as a key source of support, guidance and expertise   on safeguarding for establishing   a safe working environment.
  • Responsible   to ensure team members are appropriately   trained, supported and have access to resources regarding issues that are identified and actioned in accordance   with the safeguarding policy and procedure.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place and encourage others to do so.
  • Any other duties that may be assigned by the Programme Manager




  • Read, understand, practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.




  • Facilitation and training skills
  • Ability to work with families and children
  • Play based learning
  • Designing play based curriculum and training manual
  • Early Child development and Education
  • Designing play materials using local low cost materials
  • Interpersonal and community mobilization skills
  • Basic computer skills; MS Word, Excel
  • Excellent communication skills ( written and spoken)

Cultural sensitivity, flexibility and adaptability.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Science/Development Studies /Education management/Early Childhood Development/ related field.


  • 5+ years of relevant experience in training staff and community about the play based Early Childhood Development and Education in a developmental context of a reputable organization, preferably in a renown NGO setting






JOB LOCATION: Country Office


If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

2.) Programme Assistant

Job Title:Programme Assistant
Location:District: Kenema, Bo, Pujehun, Bonthe, and Moyamba
Reporting to:Area Coordinator
Number of direct reports: N/A
Number of positions:6



The Programme Assistant will provide supervision to Play Labs designated for him/her in the ECD project activities in the field in liaison with other project staff and the target beneficiaries to ensure that the project’s objectives and results are achieved in a timely manner and according to the agreed standards in the project framework and in the grant agreement document. The Project Assistant will be accountable for daily supervision of play labs, children’s performance, the quality of play labs and quality assurance of the early childhood component with a focus on ensuring equitable learning opportunities and outcomes for most vulnerable children


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

Community mobilization and facilitation

  • Achieve dissemination of project objectives, priorities and approaches defined within the project among the communities, government and other stakeholders.
  • Apply participatory approaches /techniques to facilitate children, government and communities in identifying their own problems and development priorities in project activities.
  • Facilitate community ownership of projects and participation in play lab projects.
  • Ensuring the overall management of procurement, logistics and administration of ECD project in the area based on BRAC policy
  • Collaborate with project staff to implement internal controls systems and resolve day to day issues in at field level.
  • Effective project activities delivery based on standards
  • Ensure close consultation with local authorities, play lab leaders, children and BRAC`s technical staffs during project implementation
  • Ensuring survey, children selection and play leaders, play lab house selection according to set criteria
  • Ensure children attendance at play lab to be more than 90%
  • Organize monthly parents and community meeting at play lab centers
  • Ensure play lab materials and equipment are with quality and well maintained to enhance the overall quality of play labs
  • Maintain the caseload of the enrolled children at the play lab centers and ensure children are well performing in the centers
  • Monitor all project activities closely on regular basis, document and share monitoring reports to Area Coordinator.
  • Conduct field visit to play lab centers by 100% of the work.
  • Attend staff meetings and develop monthly refresher module.
  • Effective monitoring the works done by play leaders.
  • Ensuring the recruitment and development of staffs and play leaders.
  • Appraising job performance of play leaders.


Coordination, Networking and Advocacy to project

  • Establish good working relations with project team, government and stakeholders at districts, regional, and community level
  • Participate and organize project meetings and stakeholder meetings at streets and play lab centers
  • Enhance self – empowerment of children, parents and communities in play lab centres
  • Ensure effective advocacy with local authorities at district and regional level, ensure that they are embedded in program delivery
  • Linking the children under play lab centers with available services surrounding them
  • Adhere to high ethical standards, and comply with all regulations.


Child Protection

  • Promote and ensure child rights based programming at field and office level
  • Promote and abide by internal policies and procedures including child protection policy
  • Ensuring mandatory reporting of child abuse cases in play lab project operation
  • Promote and facilitate child rights and gender inclusion based on play lab project at field level
  • Ensuring Child Protection Committees at play lab centers are fully functional.
  • Ensuring all project team and relevant others, including play lab leaders, parents and project stakeholders are aware and have access to child protection policy, contents and their responsibilities it places on it.


Reports and documentation

  • Develop and submit to Area Coordinator monthly, field progress in timely manner
  • Document well project success stories/ case study/ best practices/ lesson learned and submit to Coordinator
  • Ensure and monitor downward accountability to stakeholders especially children and communities including documenting what works for wider sharing across BRAC, government and donor
  • Ensuring the project properties are well kept at play lab centers and office



  1. Read, understand, practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action


  1. Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.




  • Work effectively ,professionally and tactfully with BRAC’s diverse workforce
  • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
  • communicate effectively , verbally and in writing to a diverse audience
  • plan ,organize and prioritize work
  • Remain flexible in order to adapt to changes in work environment.
  • Excellent time – management, problem – prevention and problem solving skills.
  • Study and apply new information and take initiatives.
  • Work accurately with close attention to details
  • Basic computer skills, including e-mail , word processing and spreadsheet
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to facilitate interaction with the workforce
  • Fluency in English required (spoken, reading and written)



Degree in:

  • Early Childhood Care and Development
  • Education Management,
  • Sociology
  • Social Work, Development Studies



  • At least 1-2 years’ practical experience working with NGOs, Education, Early Childhood, child protection or related programs.
  • Teaching experience in early years will be an added advantage.
  • Experienced in Administration and leadership
  • Have soft skills like teamwork, communication and flexibility
  • Little bit knowledge on monitoring and evaluation
  • Knowledge on the Tanzanian education system mainly about the available service of early learning opportunities, government policies, departments and institutions in the education field etc.





JOB LOCATION: District: Kenema, Bo, Pujehun, Bonthe, Kailahun and Moyamba


If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

3.) Programme Manager

Job Title:Programme Manager
Location:Country Office
Reporting to:Director of Program/Head of Program
Number of direct reports:4
Number of positions:1



Under the supervision of the Director of Program/Head of Program, the Programme Manager will be accountable for the entire programme scope, including managing the programme team and resources, and the programme budget He/She will be responsible to create plans to meet the programme goal, outline deliverables and tasks, assign duties and ensure proper completion, monitor progress to achieve desire outcomes, as well as provide technical support to the Sierra Leone Early Childhood Care and Education programme team and integrate its activities with BRAC Sierra Leone program.


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

Effectively managing the Programme

  • Overall supervision of the Early Childhood Care and Education programme
  • Oversee the planning, quality implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the activities under the ECD programme through support supervision and conforming to the programme design
  • Ensure that programme implementation is in accordance with the programme design and BRAC Playful approach.
  • Oversee the programme budget, grants requirements and expenditures to ensure their alignment with the required standards and norms.
  • Financial tracking of the programme funds
  • Collect, in collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation team, diverse data and evidence to influencing issues
  • Participate in capturing learning and proposing them for possible incorporation in programme.
  • Coordinate the implementation of the programme activities based on the Implementation Plan

Effective provision of capacity building to staff and play leaders

  • Provide on job trainings and coaching to programme team
  • Facilitate trainings to partner including parents, communities, government officials and duty bearers on child protection and Early Childhood Development (ECD).
  • Ensure monthly play leaders performance assessment regarding curriculum deliverance in the Centers

Coordination, Networking and Advocacy to programme

  • Establish good working relations with programme team, government and stakeholders at organization, districts and regional level
  • Participate and organize programme meetings and stakeholder meetings at streets and the Centers
  • Maintain smooth communication with the BRAC International (BI) ECD technical team
  • Enhance self – empowerment of children, parents and communities in the Centers
  • Ensure effective advocacy with local authorities at district and regional level, ensure that they are embedded in program delivery.
  • Linking the children under the Centers with available services surrounding them
  • Adhere to high ethical standards and comply with all regulations
  • With the support of Business Development Manager, design innovative programmes and scale up ECD to increase local and external income as well as to reach more vulnerable children

Child Protection

  • Promote and ensure child rights-based programming at field and office level
  • Promote and abide by internal policies and procedures including child protection policy
  • Ensuring mandatory reporting to child abuse cases in the programme operation
  • Promote and facilitate child rights and gender inclusion based on ECCE programme at field level
  • Ensuring Child Protection Committees at the Centers are fully functional.
  • Ensuring all programme team and relevant others, including the teachers and assistants, parents and programme stakeholders are aware and have access to child protection policy, contents and their responsibilities it places on it.

Reports and documentation

  • Develop and submit to Director of Programs/Head of Programs monthly, field progress and ad hock reports in timely manner
  • Writing of narrative programme progress reports, as per agreed reporting schedule and requirement
  • Ensure document of programme success stories/ case study/ best practices/ lesson learned and submit to Program Manager
  • Ensure and monitor down ward accountability to stakeholders especially children and communities including documenting what works for wider sharing across BRAC , government and donor
  • Ensuring the programme properties are well kept at the Centers and office


  • Ensure the safety of team members from any harm, abuse, neglect, harassment and exploitation to achieve the programme’s goals on safeguarding implementation. Act as a key source of support, guidance and expertise on safeguarding for establishing a safe working environment.
  • Practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.




  • Good Programme management skills
  • Report writing and presentation skills
  • Good budgetary and financial skills
  • Good analytical skills
  • Interpersonal and observational skills
  • Development and use of training tools
  • Good negotiation skills and influencing skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and do multitasks
  • Excellent Communication verbal and writing skills
  • Good skills in proposals development, programmes reporting and Grants/Fund Management
  • Computer knowledge- Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook



  • Degree/Masters or Postgraduate specialization in relevant field preferable in Early Childhood Care and Development, Education Management, Sociology, Social Work, Development Studies and Community Development.
  • At-least 5 years’ practical experience working with NGOs, Education, Early Childhood, child protection or related programs.
  • Teaching experience in early years will be an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of the Sierra Leone education system specifically about the available service of early learning opportunities, government policies, departments and institutions in the education field etc
  • Strong leadership experience, policy and advocacy, research methodology, learning and child development assessment, material development, community participation and social mobilization



  • Three years of experience working in mobile application development/configuration and implementation, programme digitization, M&E framework, technology for development, and/or other relevant platforms.
  • Experience in writing SQL queries and working on database systems.
  • Working experience in ERP system preferred.
  • Several years of experience in managing international development programs, including work.
  • Exposure to a wide range of strategic decision-making processes and as a result have become comfortable assessing business processes and requirements to design and implementation of DFA projects.
  • Exposure in implementing digital field applications and mobile data collection tool.






JOB LOCATION: Country Office


If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

4.) M&E Officer (x2)

Job Title:M&E Officer
Location:Bo and Kenema
Reporting to:M&E Manager
Number of direct reports: N/A
Number of positions:2



Support in the Programme activities at regional level and as assigned by the supervisor


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

  • Ensure the programme quality monitoring against the benchmark indicators set in the M & E framework and prepare monitoring report


  • Ensures the authentication of quantity and quality of programme achievements via the MIS report and coordinating relevant staff; disseminates feedback and or reports to programme team.
  • Develop and strengthen monitoring, inspection, and evaluation procedures and processes
  • Use data and tracking systems (MIS) to assess, monitor, and report program performance and determine ongoing improvement needs.
  • Conduct data verification and compilation of the Management Information System (MIS) report.
  • Monitor programme activities, expenditures, and progress toward achieving the project output
  • Coordinate data integrity and management
  • Monitor and evaluate overall progress on the achievement of results and the sustainability of the project’s results
  • Assist in coordination across the available components of the Programme to ensure effective implementation of M&E/MIS tools.



  • Read, understand, practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.



  • Proven skills in monitoring and evaluation planning, fieldwork and completion of the assigned work and reporting on time.
  • Strong knowledge of data collection and analysis tools such as preferably Microsoft Kobocollect, ODK, SurveyCTO, Excel, SPSS, or Stata.
  • Knowledge of data management
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Willingness and ability to work in the provinces.
  • Willingness to visit beneficiaries in remote areas during monitoring.
  • Extremely flexible and can cope with stressful situations.
  • Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organizational skills.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in the Social Sciences


  • At least three years experiences in related field






JOB LOCATION: Bo and Kenema


If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

5.) Field Logistics and Administrative Officer

Job Title:Field Logistics and Administrative Officer
Reporting to:

Operations Manager/Programme Manager

Number of direct reports: N/A
Number of positions:1



The principal objective of the role of the Logistics and Administrative Officer in BRAC Sierra Leone is to provide logistical and administrative support for BRAC Sierra Leone Programme in all BRAC Offices. The Logistics Officer will be responsible for ensuring efficient management of the logistics this ranges from Fleet management and to Asset register and ensure all process are followed according to the BRAC SL fleet guidelines and at the same time oversees day to day administrative matters, personnel services, repair and maintenance of office equipment and facilities in order to meet organizational requirements and support programme operations with guidance of the Operation Manager.



To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

Β·         Surveying the transport needs of programs and developing a plan to meet both current and anticipated future needs.
Β·         Assist in ensuring that an effective system is in place to meet the transport needs of staff in the most cost-effective manner possible. This will involve planning and tracking vehicle allocation, vehicle movements, vehicle utilisation, fuel consumption etc.
Β·         Assist in ensuring that regular reports are produced. This includes monthly log sheet summary detailing fuel consumption, kilometres travelled and project allocations with calculations of key performance indicators. Scheduling and planning the maintenance and repairs of vehicles and motorcycles to ensure motor vehicles and motorcycles are maintained in good working order, ensuring high quality maintenance at reasonable costs.
Β·         Ensuring all security guidelines in relation to transport are adhered to. This involves reminding staff of these guidelines and popularising the policies to improve adherence. Examples of these policies include always wearing safety gears, parking in safe places, filling log sheets etc.
Β·         Assist in working on procurement process, always ensuring BRAC and Donor regulations are adhered to. This involves ensuring paper works for supplies and services are accurately and timely completed.
Β·         Place procurement requests for office equipment and supplies on timely basis and at right quantities.
Β·         Assist in ensuring the procurement procedures and processes are adhered to by staff and suppliers/service providers. This involves closely working on the process from the origin at Procurement requisition level down to invoice from the supplier/service provider for payment.
Β·         Ensuring that visitors, staff from other field locations and service providers receive the best reception services and that their needs are swiftly attended to.

Β·         Ensuring that all programme offices, office utility bills, subscriptions and rent are paid on time and the tenancy agreement conditions are being observed by both Brac and the Landlords. Where you identify deviations advise the Operations Manager immediately for action.

Β·         Ensure the safety of all Brac property including fire safety, availability of first aid are available in our Regional and Branch Offices

Β·         Continuous improvement of the organizational image through ensuring proper office lay out and outlook by maintaining the office environment clean, well-organised and attractive to provide staff the comfort to perform their duties uninterrupted.

Β·         Ensuring that other Administrative Services are provided in a timely and reliable fashion. This includes travel arrangements, conference/ workshop/meeting arrangements, accommodation for staff from other programmes and other official visitors.

Β·         Assist Doing purchase of supplies and services as required by authorised members of staff, ensuring that the best price, quality and conditions for BRAC are negotiated as far as is possible in all procurements.

Β·         Ensuring Driver PMS are done and reviewed, that drivers are given appropriate workloads and what is clear   expected of them.





  • Read, understand, practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.




  • Work effectively, professionally and tactfully with BRAC’s diverse workforce
  • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
  • communicate effectively, verbally and in writing to a diverse audience
  • plan, organize and prioritize work
  • Remain flexible to adapt to changes in work environment.
  • Excellent time – management, problem – prevention and problem-solving skills.
  • Study and apply new information and take initiatives.
  • Work accurately with close attention to details
  • Basic computer skills, including e-mail, word processing and spreadsheet
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to facilitate interaction with the workforce
  • Fluency in English required (spoken, reading and written)



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics and /or Business Administration


  • Must have worked as a Logistics, procurement or Transport officer in an INGO or the UNs for at least three years.








If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

6.) Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer

Job Title:Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer
Reporting to:Safeguarding Manager, BRAC Sierra Leone
Number of direct reports: N/A
Number of positions:1


Key Duties/Responsibilities:

To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

  • Conduct training on the 06 Safeguarding policies for all NGO staff in all field office locations and provide periodic refreshers.
  • Conduct safeguarding awareness raising sessions for beneficiaries.
  • Support the capacity strengthening of Safeguarding Champions by conducting awareness building sessions and through exchange of information to and from the country on safeguarding related matters, for example, monthly reports, support needed, and new initiatives.
  • Act as a reporting avenue for safeguarding related issues, be a resource to survivors and help ensure their safety, security and well-being during case management in line with a survivor-centered approach.
  • Support in case management and investigations of safeguarding violations, maintaining confidential investigation case files, providing input into investigation reports as needed.
  • Ensure all cases are logged on the online safeguarding case management system, reviewing incidents submitted and ensuring follow-up actions.
  • Follow the SOP for safeguarding incident reporting to ensure BRAC Sierra Leone meets its obligations to internal/external stakeholders to report safeguarding violations (with support from the country, regional and HQ safeguarding units).
  • Support field teams to identify, map and regularly update local support services available to survivors (with support from the country, regional and HQ safeguarding units).
  • Prepare quarterly reports of reported cases, and of monitoring and audit review findings
  • Create impactful presentations for management on reported cases and trend analysis.
  • Participate in program design meetings and kick-off workshops to facilitate inclusion of safeguarding risks in planning and implementation.
  • Work with and follow-up with stakeholders to ensure that identified safeguarding risks and gaps are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • Develop and maintain a work plan, ensuring that all activities are conducted effectively.
  • Maintain and update safeguarding risk register and database periodically.
  • Assist and support Safeguarding Manager in the conduct of coordination meetings, organizing training and capacity activities with partner, staff and field team.




  • Read, understand, practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  • Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.



  • In-depth understanding of the key drivers in a digital product/emerging technology business.
  • Experience in digital project management, including technological aspects that enabled to develop skills in understanding business needs and transcribing them into functional specifications for a digital tool.
  • Excellent attention to details and experience in managing multiple projects and stakeholders.
  • Strong knowledge of software applications and their functionalities.
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills to troubleshoot application issues.
  • Drive, flexibility, resilience and the ability to work under pressure.
  • Ability to effectively work remotely, across time zones and team locations, as well in person with multiple teams of stakeholders.
  • Ability to translate complex technological implementation language to non-technical people.
  • Ability to work independently, manage priorities, and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Strong customer service orientation and commitment to user satisfaction.
  • Knowledge of IT security and data protection principles.
  • Familiarity with ITIL framework and best practices is a plus.
  • Familiarity and experience with development programme operation preferred
  • Fluency in English required (spoken, reading and written)



  • Bachelor’s degree Sociology, Gender and Women’s Studies, Development Studies, International Development, Anthropology, Economics or any relevant discipline


  • At least 5 years’ experience in the development or humanitarian sector
  • At least 3 years’ experience working in the areas of child/adult safeguarding, protection, gender or GBV in any reputable organization









If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

7.) Area Coordinator

Job Title:Area Coordinator
Location:Kenema and Bo
Reporting to:Programme Manager
Number of direct reports: 3 – 4
Number of positions:1



The Area Coordinator will provide overall management and supervision of the Programme activities in the field (2-3 districts) in liaison with other Programme staff and the target beneficiaries to ensure that the Programme’s objectives and results are achieved in a timely manner and according to the agreed standards in the Programme framework and in the grant agreement document. The Area Coordinator will be accountable for planning, implementing, monitoring and quality assurance of the Early Childhood development Programme with a focus on ensuring equitable learning opportunities and outcomes for most vulnerable children.


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.

Effectively managing the Programme

Β·         Overall supervision of the Programme

Β·         Ensure that Programme implementation is following the original plan or in accordance with the changes made and communicated during the course of the Programme implementation.

Β·         Oversee the Programme budget, grants requirements and expenditures to ensure their alignment with the required standards and norms.

Β·         Financial tracking of the Programme funds

Β·         Collect, in collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation team, diverse data and evidence to influencing issues

Β·         Participate in reviewing the Programme designing

Β·         Coordinate the implementation of the Programme activities based on the Implementation Plan

Effective provision of capacity building to staff and play leaders

Β·         Provide on job trainings to Programme team

Β·         Conduct training to partners including parents, communities, government officials and duty bearers on child protection and Early Childhood Development (ECD).

Β·         Ensure monthly play leaders performance assessment regarding curriculum deliverance in the centers

Coordination, Networking and Advocacy to Programme

Β·         Establish good working relations with Programme team, government and stakeholders at organization, districts and regional level

Β·         Participate and organize Programme meetings and stakeholder meetings in communities and the centers

Β·         Enhance self – empowerment of children, parents and communities in the centers

Β·         Ensure effective advocacy with local authorities at district and regional level, ensure that they are embedded in program delivery.

Β·         Linking the children under the centers with available services surrounding them

Β·         Adhere to high ethical standards and comply with all regulations

Β·         With the support of Programme Manager, design innovative interventions and scale up ECD to increase local and external income as well as to reach more vulnerable children.


Child Protection

Β·         Promote and ensure child rights-based programming at field and office level

Β·         Promote and abide by internal policies and procedures including child protection policy

Β·         Ensuring mandatory reporting to child abuse cases in the Programme operation

Β·         Promote and facilitate child rights and gender inclusion based on the Programme at field level

Β·         Ensuring Child Protection Committees at the centers are fully functional.

Β·         Ensuring all Programme team and relevant others, including the teachers and assistants, parents and Programme stakeholders are aware and have access to child protection policy, contents and their responsibilities it places on it.


Reports and documentation

Β·         Develop and submit to Programme Manager monthly, field progress and ad hock  reports in timely manner

Β·         Writing of narrative Programme progress reports, as per agreed reporting schedule and requirement

Β·         Document well Programme success stories/ case study/ best practices/ lesson learned and submit to Programme Manager

Β·         Ensure and monitor down ward accountability to stakeholders especially children and communities including documenting what works for wider sharing across BRAC , government and donor.

Β·         Ensuring the Programme properties are well kept at t centers and office




  1. Ensure the safety of team members from any harm, abuse, neglect, harassment and exploitation to achieve the programme’s goals on safeguarding implementation. Act as a key source of support, guidance and expertise on safeguarding for establishing a safe working environment.
  2. Practice, promote and endorse the issues of safeguarding policy among team members and ensure the implementation of safeguarding standards in every course of action.
  3. Follow the safeguarding reporting procedure in case any reportable incident takes place, encourage others to do so.



Degree, Associate or Bachelor in:

  • Early Childhood Care and Development
  • Education Management,
  • Sociology
  • Social Work, Development Studies
  • Community Development.



  • At least 3-5 years’ practical experience working with NGOs, Education, Early Childhood, child protection or related programs.
  • Teaching experience in early years will be an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of the Sierra Leone education system specifically about the available service of early learning opportunities, government policies, departments and institutions in the education field etc.

Strong leadership experience, policy and advocacy, research methodology, learning and child development assessment, material development, community participation and social mobilization






JOB LOCATION: Country Office


If you feel you are the right match for the above-mentioned position, please follow the application instructions accordingly:

Candidates need to email their CV with a letter of interest mentioning educational grades and years of experience at bimcf.sierraleone@brac.net OR by hand at our Country Office 2 Samuel Banister Drive, Wilberforce


Please mention the name of the position in the subject bar.



Only complete applications will be accepted and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Application deadline: 14th August 2024

BRAC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expects all employees and volunteers to share the same commitment. We believe every stakeholder and every member of the communities we work with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect, harassment, and exploitation – regardless of age, race, religion, and gender, status as an individual with a disability or ethnic origin. Therefore, our recruitment process includes extensive reference and background checks, self-disclosure of prior issues regarding sexual or other misconduct and criminal records and our values are a part of our Performance Management System.


BRAC is an equal opportunities employer.

About Company

Brac Sierra Leone

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 8 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 01 Aug 2024

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