πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡± Job Vacancies @ Partners In Health (PIH) – 2 Positions

Freetown & Kono | Sierra Leone Posted on Human Resources / Recruitment, Procurement / Purchasing

Partners In Health

Partners In Health (PIH) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Safeguarding Manager
2.) Specific Procurement Notice


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Safeguarding Manager

Organisation Profile 

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone:

Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health centre and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

The Safeguarding Manager is a key member of the Human Resources Department working closely with the HR Director, the Regional PSEAH/Safeguarding Advisor, the Executive Director, and other relevant departments to promote safeguarding including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH).

This role will lead safeguarding activities for all programs in the country and will be responsible for implementing the Safeguarding and sub-set of policies and procedures across the organization, act as the reporting avenue for safeguarding concerns violations. The position holder will lead the process of ensuring safeguarding risk management is done and safeguarding indicators are mainstreamed in the program design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and partnerships.

The role facilitates the development of safeguarding capacities for our staff, and our patients, beneficiaries, families and community members that PIH interacts with in the course of their work. The safeguarding Manager will work to ensure all staff and stakeholders understand the policies and standards.

The job holder will also lead the case management process by ensuring confidential investigations are done in a timely fashion following a risk assessment of cases, ensure disciplinary actions are implemented and documented by HR, provide survivor support, and lead the mapping of referral services in the country for all programs.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 

The position will primarily work to create and promote a safe and healthy working environment and culture that promotes a healthy work environment that prevents and responds to any form of abuse including sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in all its forms within or outside the organization.

The role reports to the HR Director and work closely with the OnePIH Regional Safeguarding Advisor to support the following key deliverables: –

  • Support HR in implementation of PIH’s PSEAH policy standards and code conduct:

Work with the HR team to ensure that all aspects of HR policy and procedure are supportive of good safeguarding practice that promote safe recruitment.

  • Work with Directors and Managers to implement safeguarding standards highlighted in annual site Dashboard and report progress
  • Ensure mainstreaming of safeguarding and PSEAH measures in all programs budgets activities, procedures and organizational policies
  • Activate focal points in each site and departments and build their capacity both for staff and community.
  • Conduct risk assessments and manage a risk register for tracking and mitigating PSEAH risks in each PIH programs
  • Work with HR and management to ensure PSEAH policy commitments are embedded in all polices and contracts e.g. HR manual, transport policy, IT policy, communications policy, vendor contracts & MOU with Partners etc.
  • Implement survivor-centered support services including strengthening referral networks 
  • Work with management to ensure availability of sufficient resources for responding to survivors of SEAH and other safeguarding incidents
  • Manage and respond to reported cases in collaboration with HR, PSEAH focal point, PSEAH Regional Advisor and leadership.
  • Work with Regional PSEAH Advisor, HR and leadership in responding appropriately to safeguarding complaints.
  • Supporting investigations relating to safeguarding incidents, providing professional advice and support to investigators, HR and leadership while maintaining high levels of case confidentiality and professionalism.
  • Identify survivor support referral services in community and district level and ensure timely linkage to care and follow-up.
  • Support PIH Sierra Leone to establish and manage culturally and contextually appropriate safeguarding reporting channels at all levels.
  • Compile periodic case trackers statistical information on SEA cases received during the quarter and year and analysis on key trends for actions
  • Build capacity and awareness of staff and partners in Safeguarding and PSEAH
  • Work with Regional Advisor to develop PSEAH training content and roll out trainings across PIH staff and partners
  • Conduct periodic trainings for existing staff members and induction for new staff, volunteers, interns and community health workers to raise awareness of safeguarding and PSEAH
  • Conduct tailored trainings for key PIH associates including vendors, contractors, partners and visitors on PSEAH policy.

3.Build strategic partnerships to strengthen safeguarding across PIH’s networks and locations 

  • Work closely with PIH policy and Partnership staff to advocate for safeguarding reforms externally with Government, donors and relevant networks
  • Participate and support liaison between PIH and any relevant safeguarding and PSEAH stakeholders, local authorities, national and international partners
  • Participate in protection, child protection, case management, SGBV networks /bilateral meetings and represent PIH Sierra Leone in relevant forums.
  • Community Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms, Monitoring and Learning.
  • Design and help roll-out a safe and survivor centered reporting and feedback mechanisms in accordance with PIH safeguarding policies
  • Monitor community based reporting and feedback mechanisms in collaboration with relevant staff teams, patients, key beneficiaries and community stakeholders.
  • Monitor progress of PSEAH activities within the organization and provide support where gaps have been identified in from of reports and updates to leadership teams.
  • Support the continual improvement of safeguarding strategy, policies and practice, sharing areas of best practice and identifying where improvements are required.
  • Support HR in managing PSEAH complaints and investigations.
  • Work with HR to publicize complaints and investigation procedures among staff, partners and community.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned from time to time

Education and Work Experience Requirements: 

Qualification and Experience

We are looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic team member with a minimum 03 years’ experience of working in field of Safeguarding including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse, child protection, and or Sexual and Gender based Violence prevention.

Experience in implementing safeguarding policies and practices, ability to build trust among stakeholders to report safeguarding violations, ability to maintain the highest level of confidentiality and sensitivity, Knowledge of international standards of safeguarding and ability to implement best practices. Experience in conducting SEAH investigations will be an added advantage:

  • Bachelors or Master degree or equivalent in Social Science / Gender and Development/ Law /Sociology/community Psychology or equivalent degree in other relevant fields with relevant skill and proven expertise in Safeguarding in recent roles in development sector.
  • Senior experience in Child Protection or demonstrable experience in safeguarding
  • Demonstrable interest in working to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Demonstrable interest in working with young people and communities.

Technical Competencies 

  • Project management experience of at least 3 years and subsequent skills demonstrated
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage and prioritize workload
  • Strong communication and active listening skills, strong facilitation and presentation skills and demonstrated proficiency in both written and spoken English and Krio. Additional Knowledge speaking Kono and Mende languages would be a benefit.
  • Computer literate including Microsoft Office Suite
  • Ability to work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders and influence using a variety of different styles, taking into account cultural differences

Behavioral Competencies

  • Demonstrable interest and commitment in working to prevent SEAH and in working with survivors of safeguarding incidents.
  • Empathy for the challenges survivors face in reporting and the pressures an investigation places on all stakeholders, including the alleged perpetrator and management.
  • The ability to maintain strict confidentiality of highly sensitive information.
  • The ability to demonstrate integrity throughout the decision making process.
  • The ability to develop and maintain positive working relationships and to work in an inclusive and collaborative manner with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Strong interest for social justice.
  • Able to demonstrate sound judgement based on evidence, knowledge and understanding
  • Willingness to live in a rural area and travel within the districts regularly

Level of contact with children and vulnerable adults:

The post holder has regular and frequent one-to-one or group contact with children and vulnerable adults who benefit from services provided by PIH-SL. He/she will also access to child and vulnerable persons sensitive data over a continued period through workplace investigations.

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Partners In Health Sierra Leone is dedicated to preventing unwanted behaviour in the workplace, including sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, financial misconduct, and ensuring the welfare of those we serve. We expect all staff, consultants, contractors, vendors, and volunteers to uphold these values as outlined in our code of conduct.

The successful candidate will receive appropriate training and must adhere to the organisation’s safeguarding policies. Employment offers are contingent upon satisfactory references and screening checks, which may include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.

As a participant in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, we request information from previous employers about any instances of sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment. Additionally, Partners In Health Sierra Leone will share records of such misconduct with other agencies upon staff departure, ensuring transparency and accountability. By applying, candidates acknowledge and agree to these recruitment procedures

Social JusticeWe are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.Method of applicationInterested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment   In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees not later than 12:00pm GMT (Midnight) on Friday 16th September 2024.

2.) Specific Procurement Notice

Request for Bids

Partners In Health, Sierra Leone


Partners In Health is a global health organization relentlessly

committed to improving the health of poor & marginalized people.


Request for Bids 

Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Support  Project (QEHSSSP) 

Specific Procurement Notice



Purchaser: Partner’s in Health Sierra Leone (PIH-SL)

Project: Sierra Leone-Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Support Project  (QEHSSSP) 

Contract title: Procurement of Medicines & Consumables, Lab Reagents & Diagnostics,  Medical Furniture, Big Medical Equipment and Medical Instrument and Devices (Albendazole  200mg, Tab, Aluminums Hydroxide 500mg, Tab, Amoxicillin & Clavulanic Acid (Co Amoxiclav) 500mg & 125mg, Tab; Calibrator Serum , Kit Reagent Urea Liquicolor Human  Humalyzer; Hospital bed, Cart (Trolley), Dressing, Wheelchair; Neonatal incubators,  Radiography X-ray machine; Stethoscope,foetal ,Pinard and Thermometer, Digital, Oral, Dual  scale (C/F), Reusable etc.) for Kailahun Hubs.

Country: Sierra Leone 

Grant No. /Credit No. / Grant No.: TF-B7267; TFB7266 and IDA-D9380

RFB Reference No: SL-PIH-SL-439416-GO-RFB

IFB Issued Date: September 2nd, 2024

IFB Closing Date: September 30th, 2024, Time 2:30pm

  1. Partner’s in Health Sierra Leone has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost  of the Sierra Leone-Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Support Project  (QEHSSSP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for  Procurement of Medicines & Consumables, Lab Reagents & Diagnostics, Medical Furniture, Big Medical Equipment and Medical Instrument and Devices (Albendazole 200mg, Tab,  Aluminums Hydroxide 500mg, Tab, Amoxicillin & Clavulanic Acid (Co-Amoxiclav)  500mg & 125mg, Tab; Calibrator Serum , Kit Reagent Urea Liquicolor Human Humalyzer;  Hospital bed, Cart (Trolley), Dressing, Wheelchair; Neonatal incubators, Radiography X-ray  machine; Stethoscope,foetal ,Pinard and Thermometer, Digital, Oral, Dual scale (C/F),  Reusable etc.). The Bidding process will be governed by the World Bank’s Procurement  Regulations.
  2. Partner’s in Health Sierra Leone Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Support  Project (QEHSSSP) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders to for the Supply of  Medicines & Consumables, Lab Reagents & Diagnostics, Medical Furniture, Big Medical  Equipment and Medical Instrument and Devices to be delivered to Jojoima Facility in  Kailahun District Sierra Leone within a delivery period of 120 days. Note that both domestic  and International suppliers are preference. Suppliers must have experience in supplying  Medicines & Consumables, Lab Reagents & Diagnostics, Medical Furniture, Big Medical  Equipment and Medical Instrument and Devices.
  3. Bidding will be conducted through national competitive procurement using a Request for  Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s β€œProcurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers”  November 2020 (β€œProcurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined  in the Procurement Regulations.
  4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from:

The Procurement Specialist (Mr. Joseph Jenkins Toe)

Procurement and Operations Office

1st Floor Partner’s in Health Sierra Leone Office

1 Oliver Street, Sir Samuel Lewis Road, Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Telephone No. +23233-589-340

Email: freetownprocurement@pih.org

and inspect the bidding document during office hours 0900 to 1600 hours at the address  given above

Suppliers based outside Sierra Leone must submit their sealed bids at the above mentioned  addresses on or before the cut off time as indicated via DHL or any other means of Courier  services.

  1. The bidding document in English may be submitted by interested Bidders upon the  submission of a written application to the email address above. The bidding document may  be sent by via email upon request.
  2. Bids must be delivered to the address above on or before Monday, September 30th, 2024 by  2:30pmLate Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the  Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address above  on Monday, September 30th, 2024.
  3. Bids are allocated into five (5) Lots as follows:

Lot 1: Medicines and Consumables 

 Lot 2: Laboratory Reagents & Diagnostics 

 Lot 3: Medical Furniture and Consumables 

 Lot 4: Big Medical Equipment 

 Lot 5: Medical Instrument and Devices 

Bidders has the right to bids for one or all of the lots that they are dealing with. Also note that all  Medical Equipment should be β€œclimate-smart equipment”.

  1. All Bids must be accompanied by a β€œBid-Securing Declaration β€œAnd Valid Pharmaceutical  Board Import and Export License Registration Certificate.

About Company

Partners In Health (PIH)
Freetown, Sierra Leone

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 2 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 09 Sep 2024

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