🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) – 3 Positions

Freetown & Home Based | Sierra Leone Posted on Advertising / Social Media / Marketing / PR, Engineering / Technical, Project Management

UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)

UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Technical Advisor – Environmental (Facilitator)
2.) Programme Director (Forest & Climate Leaders’ Partnership)
3.) Communications Specialist (Professional English Language Editor) - Retainer


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Technical Advisor – Environmental (Facilitator)

 Background Information - Job-specific

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UNEP's mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.
The NBSAP Accelerator Partnership is a country-led global initiative to support the development and implementation of ambitious National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) and collectively achieve the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and, ultimately, the global vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. Under the leadership of the governments of Colombia and Germany, the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership brings together countries with a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach to strengthen global, regional, and national ambition on biodiversity action.  The NBSAP Accelerator Partnership is raising the profile of NBSAPs and promoting nature-positive action, fast tracking implementation support through a matchmaking service, increasing access to expertise, knowledge, and capacity development and providing coordination and facilitation support to countries/regions.

UNOPS is seeking a Technical Advisor – Environmental (Facilitator) to advance the work of the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership work with the effective delivery of assigned tasks below.

Technical Advisor – Environmental (Facilitator) represents the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership but is embedded in relevant ministries or regional institutions, to support and fast-track NBSAP implementation. The facilitator will act as a bridge between the host government and the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership.

The in-country facilitator of the NBSAP Acceleration Partnership plays a crucial role in supporting the implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans aligned with the GBF. The primary objective of the role of the in-country facilitator is to facilitate the identification and prioritisation of NBSAP needs, mobilise support, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and accelerate NBSAP implementation through supporting a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.

This position will be based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Applicants must be nationals or residents of Sierra Leone with a valid work permit to be eligible.

 Functional Responsibilities

The ultimate result of services: Assess NBSAP Landscape

  • Identify and monitor country/region-specific biodiversity priorities, capacity needs/demands and implementation challenges. This might include e.g., conducting high-level mapping of stakeholders to identify key players, their motivations, commitments, and potential synergies.
  • Facilitate national, country-specific, multi-stakeholder dialogues.
  • Develop a comprehensive work plan outlining goals, objectives, activities, and timelines for NBSAP implementation support together with the host government/institution.
  • Monitor country/region-specific NBSAP priorities and implementation progress, providing ongoing support and guidance as needed.

Mobilise Support

  • On behalf of the host country/region, identify specific needs and requests e.g. technical capacity, financial resources and increased political will.
  • Through a whole-of-government & whole-of-society approach, assist the host government/institution in the design and development of specific requests for support.
  • Submit requests for support to relevant stakeholders e.g. through the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership match-making mechanism or other platforms.
  • Support the host government/institution in selecting the best fit of offered support packages.
  • Monitor the implementation of the support packages.
  • Identify and support resource mobilisation.

Coordinate Action

  • Foster alignment and collaboration among existing and emerging initiatives to ensure a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach with activities, programs and partnerships to streamline efforts, leverage investments and maximise synergies across the 3 Rio Conventions.
  • Support the strengthening and monitoring of existing national structures for NBSAP implementation.
  • Sharing global best practices, guidance, tools materials in country/region but also taking learning, case studies, sharing with other facilitators
  • Identify and coordinate knowledge and information exchange e.g. peer-to-peer, south-south, north-south and triangular knowledge exchange opportunities for the host government/institution.
  • Facilitate and coordinate exchanges between key partners working on NBSAP implementation and link to services and activities to ensure alignment and avoid duplication.

Monitoring and Progress Controls

  • The assignment is supervised by the Manager of the Global Programme on Nature for Development.
  • Maintain regular communication with designated host country National Focal Points to ensure alignment with other ongoing activities.
  • Maintain regular communication with the Country Engagement Coordinator of the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership, providing updates on progress, challenges, and achievements.
  • Prepare periodic reports on the status of NBSAP implementation, including key milestones, lessons learned, and recommendations for improvement.
  • Prepare quarterly financial reports of expenditures to the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership.
 Education/Experience/Language requirements


  • An advanced university degree (Master's or equivalent), preferably in environmental science, biodiversity conservation, natural resource management or other related discipline is required.
  • A first-level university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) with an additional two (2) years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Required Experience

  • At least seven (7) years of relevant experience in biodiversity conservation, project management, facilitation, stakeholder engagement or other relevant areas is required.
Desired Experience
  • A proven track record of working with government institutions, civil society organisations, and international partners is desirable.
  • Previous experience working with NBSAPs and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and other international biodiversity frameworks is desirable.
  • Strong communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, with the ability to act as a bridge and mobilize support across diverse stakeholders, are desirable.
  • Previous experience working for regional or international organizations is an advantage.


  • Full working knowledge of English is required.
  • Knowledge of another official UNOPS language (French) is an asset.

2.) Programme Director (Forest & Climate Leaders’ Partnership)

 Background Information - Job-specific

UNOPS supports partners to build a better future by providing services that increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development projects.  Mandated as a central resource of the United Nations, UNOPS provides sustainable project management, procurement, and infrastructure services to a wide range of governments, donors, and United Nations organizations.New York Portfolio Office (NYPO) supports the United Nations Secretariat, as well as other New York-based United Nations organizations, bilateral and multilateral partners in the delivery of UNOPS mandate in project management, infrastructure management, and procurement management.

Sustainable Development Cluster (SDC) supports diverse partners with peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development operations. It was formed by combining the following portfolios: Grants Management Services (GMS), UN Technology Support Services (UNTSS), Development and Special Initiatives Portfolio (DSIP). It provides Services to partners' programmes that are designed, structured, and managed with a global perspective and primarily serving partners headquartered in New York. The SDC has a footprint of approximately 125 countries.

UNOPS DSIP has been requested to support The Forests & Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP).

The Forests & Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP) was launched by world leaders at COP27 and aims to accelerate global progress to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while delivering sustainable development and promoting an inclusive rural transformation, through a voluntary and focussed partnership of countries that are making a strong contribution to this agenda through national action and international collaboration. The importance of the target in the Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use of halting and reversing forest loss by 2030 has now been emphasized by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement in the outcome of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement.

To achieve its mission the FCLP members intend to:

  1. Maintain high-level political attention on forests and climate;
  2. Provide their combined political support to accelerate and scale implementation of a prioritised number of Policy Action Areas;
  3. Support implementation of the participating countries' self-determined national goals and encourage all countries to be even more ambitious over time; and
  4. Demonstrate impact and be answerable for commitments made.

The FCLP’s strategic direction is determined by the Steering Committee, comprising ministers from FCLP member countries, on behalf of their leader. The initial Steering Committee comprises Colombia, Costa Rica, DRC, France, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, Norway, UK and USA, and is Chaired by the United States and Ghana. 32 countries are now members of the FCLP, which together make up 35% of the world’s forests and over 60% of GDP.

The FCLP is supported by the Secretariat, which is managed and operates under the oversight of the Secretariat Board. The Secretariat is hosted by UNOPS.

Director of the Secretariat. The Director is to oversee and manage the Secretariat, reporting on programmatic activities to the Steering Committee Co-Chairs.

 Functional Responsibilities


  • Represent the FCLP and FCLP Secretariat in meetings and to external partners, including internationally and at senior levels, as determined with the Steering Committee and Co-Chairs.
  • Provide vision and inspiring leadership to Secretariat team
  • Lead and manage the FCLP Secretariat, ensuring that the approved work plan is delivered to a high quality and within budget.
  • Lead and manage a diverse FCLP team including staff, consultants and secondees, ensuring effective division of labor and managing the team to deliver high impact results.
  • Report to the Steering Committee members regularly, and as required, on progress and strategy, thereby ensuring transparency and accountability of the FCLP Secretariat to its members.
  • Create an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion and a culture of respect towards colleagues at all levels.

Strategy and Political Ambition

  • Facilitate delivery of the two-year (2024 and 2025) FCLP Strategy leading up to COP30 in Belém, approved by the Steering Committee, including policy working groups.
  • Facilitate the delivery of specific initiatives, supporting co-chairs of the respective workstreams to maximize impact.
  • Ensure that the Secretariat  focuses its work on the priorities in the approved work plan and strategy.
  • Design and deliver political ambition events for ministers and leaders at UN Climate Change Conferences  and other events as needed (e.g. CBD COPs, UNGA, etc.).
  • Ensure that an effective communications strategy is in place so that the work and the added value of the FCLP is understood, recognised and valued internationally.
  • Provide advice on strategic direction to the Steering Committee

Partnership Management and Governance

  • Ensure quality and integrity of Secretariat services
  • Ensure that the FCLP governance and procedures (e.g. on transparency and decision-making) are fit for purpose, facilitating updates as needed by the Steering Committee, and ensure that these procedures are followed.
  • Oversee and direct the Secretariat to support the FCLP Steering Committee and co-chairs, ensuring that they are convened regularly with a clear agenda and high-quality papers, to enable effective decision-making.
  • Organize meetings of the Steering Committee, the Secretariat Board  and member countries at the sherpa and ministerial level.
  • Ensure that the FCLP member countries remain engaged in and informed about the work of the partnership and are actively involved in delivery and decision-making. Ensure that voices from FCLP members both from the Global North and the Global South are included in the FCLP agenda and priorities.
  • Establish effective consultation arrangements with partners and non-state actors about the work of the FCLP, including indigenous peoples and local community representation organizations, the scientific community and other stakeholders.

Secretariat Operations Management

  • Developing the Secretariat Workplan and Budget, including resources managed by financial delivery partners, for approval by the Steering Committee, and ensure quarterly reporting.
  • Develop and implement an internal operations manual and internal control framework, including rules and procedures for staff, decision-making, financial management.
  • Oversee the budget and ensure transparency and alignment with FCLP objectives and  compliance with UNOPS requirements, following agreed procedures for financial decision-making and reporting, including to donors.
  • Oversee the work of FCLP Secretariat hosts.
  • Work with the Steering Committee on resource mobilization to ensure the Secretariat has the financial resources needed to deliver its work plan, based on an approved resource mobilization plan, mobilizing resources from governmental and philanthropic donors and other sources of funds as appropriate.

Monitoring and Progress Controls

A work plan will be developed based on the UNOPS PER cycle and serve as the overarching document to monitor progress and record performance.
 Education/Experience/Language requirements




  • Advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent) is required.
  • First level university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) in combination with two (2)  additional years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of an Advanced university degree;

Required Experience:

  • Minimum of fifteen (15) years of experience in the fields of climate, forests and land use, natural resource management, international development and/or environmental policy is required.

Within the above fifteen (15) years’ experience:

  • At least five (5) years of experience in a leadership role required.
  • At least five (5) years of experience working with developing countries required.

Desirable: (The following experiences are optional, candidates who do not have any are welcome to apply)

  • Experience in more than one geographical region is a distinct asset.
  • Experience and understanding of all aspects of UN Climate Change Conferences and other high-profile climate and nature processes is an asset.
  • Long-term professional experience providing policy advice to governments, including in developing forest countries is an asset.
  • Experience working with senior stakeholders (Ministers, CEOs)  is an asset.
  • Strong experience coordinating, facilitating, and managing complex governance arrangements and establishing collaborative ways of working and transparent processes that build trust and credibility between institutions is an asset.
  • Experience working collaboratively across an organization with international counterparts and in diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environments, navigating complex political dynamics and building strong relationships is an asset.
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage complex projects and multiple simultaneous processes and communicate consistently with a wide range of audiences, including at Ministerial level is an asset.


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English is required.
  • Working knowledge of Spanish, Portuguese and/or French is highly desirable.


  • It is required to regularly travel internationally and to work outside of typical work hours (i.e. early mornings and/or late evenings) when required to accommodate various time zones.

3.) Communications Specialist (Professional English Language Editor) - Retainer

 Background Information - Job-specific

Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT)LIFT is embarking on a new strategic period for 2024-2028. The LIFT 2024-2028 Strategy builds on the achievements of LIFT's experience as well as recent adaptations and learning in the face of a changing and dynamic context. The new Strategy outlines an approach to tackle structural drivers of poverty and vulnerability, while also considering immediate interventions to secure and maintain Myanmar's previous development gains. LIFT has proven itself as a key delivery partner across Myanmar’s changing contexts – ranging from post-Nargis recovery, a time of political transition, and relief support during COVID-19. LIFT is managed by the United Nations Office for Projects Services (UNOPS) and has received funding from 16 international donors. The current donors are the United Kingdom, the European Union, Switzerland, Australia, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, and Denmark, and for more details visit www.lift-fund.org.

 Purpose and Scope of Assignment

Under the direct supervision of the Fund Director and with support and direct interaction with the Communications Officer, the Communications Specialist will provide the professional editing service for a multitude of LIFT documents ensuring coherence and quality of all documentation.
 Functional Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  1. Proofreading, editing, and re-writing documentation
  2. Finalize assigned reports and project documents to a high level of English

Proofreading, editing, and re-writing documentation

  • Under the overall guidance of the Fund Director and direct supervision of the Communications Officer, the latter will monitor the progress of the project, including timeliness and quality control according to UNOPS branding and editorial standards and guidelines).
  • Edit documents in English to ensure they are succinct, clear, and appropriate for a range of audiences from donors, International and local NGOs, public sector, UN agencies, community-based groups, and when needed, beneficiaries.
  • Grammar, tone, style, content and format of the text should be edited and improved as well as structure, flow and consistency in fact-checking such as terminology, capitalization, spelling, abbreviations, repetition, data, acronyms, notes and references as per the UNOPS editorial standards, policy and language standards.
  • Rewrite or re-organize content such as captions, footnotes, headings for selected photographs, charts, captions and other graphic elements as necessary for better flow and readability
  • Work on tailored edits that fit the requirements of different platforms and audiences.
  • Ensure a strong understanding of the subject matter, effectively utilizing all available reference sources, while maintaining a consistent speed and high volume of output.

Finalize  the reports and programme documents to a high level of English

  • Provide the finished edited files (using Google Suite or other appropriate softwares as approved by UNOPS) of the documents that are ready to be sent for further communications stages such as professional design and formatting for publishing.
  • Consult with respective technical and communication teams for review and comments/ feedback throughout the whole editing process and conduct follow-up discussion until finalizing the documents.
  • Provide final proofreading of the designed version in preparation for publication and publishing.
  • Submit the final version for publication in Google Documents,PDF files, and other file types as required.
  • Provide quality control for LIFT documentation (project documents, reports, etc.) as assigned.
Impact of Results/ Monitoring and Progress Controls
Communication Specialist (Professional English Language Editor) directly impacts on the overall achievement of project results by improving communications, knowledge, information sharing, and reporting standards.

 Education/Experience/Language requirements


  • Master’s degree preferably  in Communications, Design, Graphic Design, Urban Design, Journalism, Architecture, Visual Arts, Media Studies, Visual Media, Web Design, or another related or appropriate field is required.
  • Bachelor’s degree with an additional 2 years of relevant work experience is considered an equivalent.

  • A minimum  5 years of relevant work experience in professional English editing skill is required.
  • Familiar with UN terminology and prior experience in editing UN-related texts, donor reports, progress reports in the field of humanitarian or development assistance in the developing countries  is required.
  • Excellent English writing and editing skills, with the ability  to detect and understand nuances in the text is required.
  • Hands on field experience at the project sites and interaction with the beneficiaries and donors would be an asset.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (e.g. MS Office newer versions, Google Suite Applications) is required.
  • Knowledge of the context of Myanmar is an asset.

Language Requirements

  • Fluency in English is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of a second UN language is an advantage.

About Company

UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 3 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 26 Sep 2024 Expire in: 4 weeks

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