🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Doctors with Africa CUAMM – Gynaecologist

Doctors with Africa CUAMMJOB TITLE: Gynaecologist
JOB LOCATION: Sierra Leone, Pujehun Hospital

February 2024

12 months


  • University Degree in Medicine
  • Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (or equivalent title) or, alternatively, Specialization in Surgery with obsteric skills
  • Solid experience in the obstetric field and surgical management of obstetric and gynecological emergencies
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Previous professional experience in fragile countries and/or low resources settings
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team
  • Adaptability to work and live in a rural context

The Gynecologist will work in the Pujehun Maternity Hospital and will be responsible for the delivery room and the Maternity ward.
The main tasks will be:

  • managing the gynecological/obstetric area, carrying out clinical activities and guaranteeing the quality of the services provided
  • contributing to the improvement of department management
  • contributing to the supervision and training of department staff
  • monitoring data collection and collaborating on reporting within the area of ​​competence
  • collaborating in the supervision of the management of drugs and healthcare materials in the two departments
  • performing the role of tutor for JPOs (Italian residents in Gynaecology)

Apply for this position

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The selection process is based on non-discrimination criteria and candidates are taken into consideration without distinction of ethnicity, gender, political orientation, religion, personal opinions, sexual orientation.
Doctors with Africa CUAMM does not tolerate any abuse, exploitation or violence against vulnerable children and adults, nor other behaviour that does not respect human dignity from its own staff, partner staff or other staff associated with the NGO.
All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to the mission and values of the organization, nondiscrimination policies and safeguarding principles.

🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ Concern Worldwide – 2 Positions

Concern WorldwideConcern Worldwide is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Health Programme Coordinator
2.) Procurement Officer


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Health Programme Coordinator

Concern Worldwide is a nongovernmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern Worldwide’s integrated programming approach aims to tackle all dimensions of poverty, focusing on the overlapping areas of health, education and livelihoods while maintaining our response to emergencies. Concern fully integrates equality in all its work, with emphasis on a gender transformative approach. Concern Worldwide has been operational in Sierra Leone since 1996. . Concern currently operates in the Districts of Western Area Urban (Freetown), Western Area Rural, Tonkolili and Port Loko – as well as remotely in Kambia, Koinadugu, Falaba, Bombali and Karene.


On  this note, Concern would like to invite well experienced and professional applicants for the under mentioned role:


01.  Job Title Health Programme Coordinator
Reports to: Programme Director (PD)
Direct reports: Health Project Coordinator and Managers (2 Presently)
Liaises with:
  • All Sector Coordinators (Education, Livelihoods, Emergency, Programme Development & Quality), PDQ team, Grants Manager, Partnership Manager and wider health team;
  • Country Management Team, Business Development and Knowledge Capitalisation Manager (BDKC); Finance, Logistics and Procurement, and HR;
  • Concern Desk Officer and relevant technical advisors at head office
  • Partner/consortium agencies, Health NGOs Group, relevant Donors, Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW), SUN Secretariat, National Disasters Management Agency (NDMA).
Job Location: You will be based in Freetown, Sierra Leone, with frequent travel to the other districts where Concern works
Contract Details: Fixed term
Job Purpose: This is an exciting opportunity for the right candidate to support the significant growth of Concern’s Health Programme in Sierra Leone, in partnership with key line ministries and (I)NGO partners. Concern has recently been awarded the FCDO-funded Saving Lives in Sierra Leone 3 as consortium lead, which is an exciting new flagship programme for Concern and of significant importance for Sierra Leone.

You will provide leadership and management to the health sector, and technical support to ensure Concern is delivering high quality, relevant, impactful and accountable programming that targets hard to reach, underserved communities living in conditions of extreme poverty. This includes oversight of Concern’s existing health portfolio which takes an integrated and system strengthening approach across 4 pillars: (i) Community Health Seeking and Health Systems (including Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health (ASRH) and Nutrition, in close collaboration with the livelihoods sector); (ii) Formal Health System Strengthening (at district and national levels); (iii) Disease Prevention (including vaccination programming); and (iv) Humanitarian response – technical support to the Emergency Coordinator on health related emergency preparedness and response). All pillars underpinned by gender and equality, protection, climate and environment, conflict and disaster risk reduction.

You will also play a key role in positioning Concern towards new funding opportunities in Sierra Leone and developing high quality proposals. You will be responsible to maintain and build strong relationships with donors, partners and the Sierra Leonean government – relevant line ministries.

Main duties & 


Specific Responsibilities:

 Programme Leadership and Development:

  • Reporting to the PD, lead the implementation of Concern’s Country Health Strategy. Updating in line with Concern Sierra Leone’s country strategic plan, which will be updated in 2024.
  • Design, implement and manage overall Health Programme at the national level with high quality and ensure participation of community and other stakeholders; Ensuring alignment with Concern Worldwide’s health & organisational policies & strategies.
  • Ensure the Concern health development projects are designed in line with global best practices, relevant in country evidence, and in line with the needs of beneficiaries, programme participants and partners in the intervention including Ministry of Health guidelines and strategy.
  • Provide technical backstopping to the health teams, ensuring the development, review and utilisation of best practices for specific technical interventions.
  • Ensure that the core principles and policies of Concern regarding Concern’s Code of Conduct & Associated Policies (especially the Programme Participants’ Protection Policy and Child Safeguarding), Equality, Accountability commitments, Community Based Complaint & Response Mechanism, and Anti-Fraud Policy are implemented across the health programme, monitored and reported.
  • With support of Concern advisors, ensure effective mainstreaming of equality, partnership, protection, environment and disaster risk reduction including how Concern Understands Extreme Poverty approach

Programme integration and partnership development

  • Support the project leads to ensure successful roll out of health projects with a collaborative approach (particularly essential for any integrated projects).
  • Maintain effective partnerships particularly with Health Development Partners, Ministry of Health at national level and other relevant ministries (e.g. Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation, National Secretariat for the Reduction of Teenage Pregnancy, Ministry of Social Welfare).
  • Initiate and develop partnerships with relevant international and national NGOs and CBOs. This includes working with the Partnership Manager to identify and support in the assessment of potential strategic partners.

Proposal Development, Grants and Financial Management

  • In line with the country Programme strategy, and in collaboration with the PD, BDKC Manager and Country Finance Controller, analyse funding requirements and opportunities, support positioning and lead/support developing funding proposals of high quality to expand appropriately the health program.
  • Prepare health sector annual budget and analyse the need to seek additional funding based on the health Programme strategy.
  • Overall responsible for, and to build capacity of direct reports to ensure:
  • Effective management of all aspects of donor grants for the health Programme and with the preparation of high quality donor reports as per the donor agreement and submitted on time;
  • All projects are on track in terms of implementation and quality of activities as well as budget expenditure through effective planning and monitoring; Manage risks and escalate to line manager when necessary, with suggested solutions/actions
  • Monthly cash forecasts and monthly management accounts are prepared/reviewed with comments and tracked by Project Managers/Coordinators and adjust planning accordingly to ensure that budgets are spent effectively;
  • All health projects have annual budgets, Detailed Implementation Plans (DIP), with realistic timeframes and milestones, and procurement plans. With the support of the PD, and liaising with relevant departments, ensure that all resources needed (technical, financial, HR) are in place to implement DIP. Regularly review the budget, DIP and procurement plan and update relevant components at least quarterly with project and finance staff.
  • Lead in starting up new projects and hand over appropriately to the respective Project lead.
  • Support the project leads to close out projects according to internal Concern and donor guidelines.

Human resource management and development

  • Line manage direct reports, and ensure they are appropriately managing their teams. Set clear performance objectives, provide regular feedback and conduct performance reviews (in line with Concern processes), holding staff accountable for meeting agreed success criteria.
  • Design appropriate and effective mentoring, coaching and career development plans for members of the Health team to build their capacities. This includes liaising with HR to ensure an effective induction when new staff join Concern and regularly providing ongoing technical and managerial support as needed
  • With HR, lead in the recruitment process for Livelihoods project teams. This includes updating job descriptions as needed and periodically reviewing the livelihoods sector team staffing structure – with recommendations for any changes to the PD and HR.
  • Ensure that work within the Livelihoods team(s) is planned and organised in a way which will meet the organisation’s needs in the most cost effective manner possible; ensuring that team members are given appropriate workloads and are working efficiently.
  • Provide technical support to Project managers/coordinators – and wider team with specific focus on clinical and health technical support.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning, Innovation

  • Regularly visit programme locations to monitor implementation and quality and coach and mentor staff and partners.
  • With the PDQ team:
  • all health projects have strong MEAL plans in place, in line with Concern policies and systems, using standard and approved tools, and that the MEAL plans are feasible; indicators set for projects are reflective of project aims and are realistic and measurable;
  • evaluation and learning from monitoring is regularly shared with teams and partners for improved performance; Support partners to equally engage in effective MEAL planning and implementation;
  • Review meetings (internal and external with partners, project stakeholders and programme participants) are conducted and learning used to adjust programming as necessary;
  • Case stories and lessons learnt are captured and shared;
  • Fully incorporate Concern’s Accountability and CHS commitments in Health programming design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Ensure production of high quality timely donor reports, monthly internal reports, reports for Service Level Agreements for the Government – that reports reflect contributions from the whole team and partners.
  • Lead on writing the country annual report for the health sector with high quality ensuring it reflects contributions from the whole team.
  • Ensure that health project related documentation is continuously input and updated in Concern’s grants management system (GMS).
  • Chair regular health sector meetings to share learning, challenges and solutions and to ensure beneficiary feedback and project learning is recorded and shared with a wider audience.


In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS):

  • Actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
  • Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
  • Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.


  • Ensure Concern is represented at a range of national and international technical fora related to our work or future strategic direction (delegate where applicable to Direct reports).
  • In collaboration with the PDQ team, ensure that information products, programme briefs and capacity statements are produced and shared within Concern and with external partners and platforms.
  • Represent the work of the Health sector through presentations of our work and learning where opportunities allow (and delegate where applicable to the Direct reports).

Staff health and wellbeing 

  • In collaboration with the procurement and HR departments, give technical inputs to the staff health insurance renewal annually.
  • Where necessary and in collaboration with the country management team and HR, ensure staff can access reliable and up to date information on health emergencies.
  • In collaboration with the HR team, put forward suggested staff health initiatives to the CMT that can improve the health and wellbeing of Concern Sierra Leone staff.


  • Promote and protect the reputation of Concern in external settings, ensuring that the organisation’s experience and expertise is well communicated and consistently presented, and that we are looked upon as a professional organisation, guided by policies and our Code of Conduct.
  • As a humanitarian organisation, all staff are required to engage / support in emergency response work as may be necessary (training and other support will be provided as appropriate).  Actively participate in the periodic updating of Concern in Sierra Leone’s Preparing for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) plan.
  • Contribute to the ongoing reviews and updating of Concern in Sierra Leone’s Security Management Plan (SMP), the country strategic plan, and other Concern initiatives.
  • Ensure the efficient and transparent use of all project resources in order to maximize the benefit to the targeted communities. Ensure adherence to Concern policies and procedures.
  • Promote Equality, especially gender, within the organisation and across programmes, in line with Concern’s Equality Policy and ensure targeting and project implementation is fully informed and led by How Concern Understands Extreme Poverty (HCUEP).
  • Any other tasks as may be mutually agreed with the Programmes Director and /or the CD.
Person specification: Education, Qualifications & Experience Required

Essential: Education  

  • Master’s degree in Public health/Community Health /WASH/Reproductive Health or other equivalent relevant experience.


  • Minimum of 5 years management experience and 5 years experience of implementing and managing health programs (including programs relating to primary health care, WASH, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, maternal and child health) in development and fragile contexts.
  • Experience with Health Systems Strengthening approaches.
  • Experience of implementing project cycle management – project planning, monitoring and review and adaptive management.
  • Skills and experience in budget development and management, including expenditure tracking
  • Skills in leadership, management and communication, building strong performing teams.
  • Experience in the capacity building of staff.
  • Skills and experience of liaising, networking, advocating with and influencing senior Government officials and policy makers.
  • Experience of fundraising and donor grants management, monitoring of large programmes.
  • Proven ability to report on impact/result of programmes with strong technical writing skills.
  • Experience in training and application of adult facilitation, participatory methods and rights based approaches.

We also value the following special skills and aptitudes:

  • International experience an advantage
  • Experience with donors such as FCDO, USAID or other large health-programme donors
  • Experience in mainstreaming gender and equality, protection, conflict, environment/climate and DRR into programming.
  • Training of trainers and facilitation skills.
  • Working with/managing partner organisations and managing consortia projects.
  • Experience in strategic development of country level health programming especially in fragile contexts
  • High level of critical thinking and problem solving abilities.
  • Experience in Community Based Complaint & Response Mechanism and the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) is an added advantage.
Emergency response Concern is committed to responding to emergencies efficiently and effectively in order to help affected people meet their basic needs, alleviate suffering and maintain their dignity. To this end, when emergencies strike and Sierra Leone Programme is to respond, all staff are required to actively participate in the response, regardless of location and contribute to the efforts aimed at achieving the humanitarian objective of the organization
HIV & AIDS Concern Sierra Leone is committed to respond to HIV & AIDS and to a supportive working environment for those infected or affected.  Each staff member is required to contribute to achieving this commitment by:

  • Raising awareness and being updated on HIV & AIDS issues.
  • Protecting him/herself and colleagues.

Sharing information with colleagues and avoiding stigma and discrimination.

Gender Equality Concern Worldwide in Sierra Leone recognizes that the establishment of equality of opportunity between men and women is fundamental to both the achievement of fairness and to poverty elimination.

Therefore, each staff member of Concern is expected to be sensitive to equality issues in their relationships with colleagues and in their work and to participate in implementation of gender mainstreaming plans, both at the workplace and in programmes.

Safeguarding at Concern: Code of Conduct and its Associated Policies 

Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.  



Interested candidates should apply with:

  • An application letter clearly justifying how you meet the selection criteria
  • Recent Curriculum Vitae including names and full contact addresses of three (3) referees, one of whom must be their current or most recent employer.  
  • Candidates must state the position of each referee and his/her relationship to the candidate.
  • A copy of a valid labour card must be attached to ALL applications (written or electronic)
  • Police Clearance will be required from the successful candidate


Applications should be sent either through email or by hard copy to the following addresses.

You can send through email to info.sl@concern.net OR deliver in Hard copy to the below locations


                                           HR Department, Concern Worldwide, 20 Old Railway Line – Signal Hill, Freetown

                                           HR Department, Concern Worldwide, 2B Shamel Street, Magburaka, Tonkolili.

HR Department, 24 Upper Kamara Lane, Back of EDSA Substation, Port Loko 


Please mark your application as per the references stated in position above

(by email please put the reference in the SUBJECT heading).


Closing date for receipt of applications for the above vacancy is 17.00 on Thursday 30th November 2023


Only short listed candidates will be contacted.




2.) Procurement Officer

Concern Worldwide is a nongovernmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern Worldwide’s integrated programming approach aims to tackle all dimensions of poverty, focusing on the overlapping areas of health, education and livelihoods while maintaining our response to emergencies. Concern fully integrates equality in all its work, with emphasis on a gender transformative approach. Concern Worldwide has been operational in Sierra Leone since 1996. . Concern currently operates in the Districts of Western Area Urban (Freetown), Western Area Rural, Tonkolili and Port Loko – as well as remotely in Kambia, Koinadugu, Falaba, Bombali and Karene.


On  this note, Concern would like to invite well experienced and professional applicants for the under mentioned roles:


01.  Job Title Procurement Officer
Project Saving Lives Phase 3
Reports to: Senior Procurement Officer
Direct reports: None
Liaises with: Area Coordinator, Finance Department, Systems and Programme Staffs in operational areas, District Health Management Team (DHMTs)
Job Location: Freetown, with occasional visits to field bases
Contract Details: Fixed term
Job Purpose: Under the direction of and reporting to their supervisor, the Procurement Officer will have ultimate responsibility for cost effective and fully accountable organizational procurement and will be responsible for management of the procurement functions within Concern Worldwide operations in Freetown
Main duties & 


Under the overall supervision of the Senior procurement officer, specific duties and responsibilities of the procurement officer include;

  • Work with District Health Management Team and District delivery Managers in all Saving Lives operational districts to ensure procurement needs are planned in advance and that all parties are knowledgeable about the documentation needed to support the procurement and payment process.
  • Working with staff to find out the purchasing requirements from different departments, collating orders with the view of processing requests.
  • To ensure best value in terms of prices, delivery, quality etc., and that purchase procedures are properly implemented as per concern system
  • To seek quotations for supplies/services as and when required, negotiating prices and conditions of purchasing contracts.
  • To prepare orders/contracts for the supplies/services based on quotations received and undertake the timely purchase of supplies/services.
  • To maintain accurate purchase files, ensuring that the correct paperwork is completed and retained.
  • Researching and identifying potential new suppliers/service providers and review list every six months or where necessary depending upon the approval of Management.
  • Keeping up to date with market trends and information on the sector.
  • Processing payment and invoices.
  • Monitoring of stock levels how and when required to replenish.

Any other duties as maybe deemed necessary and/or assigned by the Senior Logistics Coordinator.

Person specification: Education  

  • University Degree in Business Studies or in logistics and supply chain management.
  • Relevant Diplomas and short courses in Procurement, Logistics or Stores Management
  • English Language Qualification

Experience Required:

  • At least 2 years working experience in Logistics and/ or Administration
  • Working Knowledge of the Procurement Cycle and Warehouse management
  • Ability to work well under pressure and in response to changing needs
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, training skills and writing skills
  • Leadership skills,
Emergency response Concern is committed to responding to emergencies efficiently and effectively in order to help affected people meet their basic needs, alleviate suffering and maintain their dignity. To this end, when emergencies strike and Sierra Leone Programme is to respond, all staff are required to actively participate in the response, regardless of location and contribute to the efforts aimed at achieving the humanitarian objective of the organization
HIV & AIDS Concern Sierra Leone is committed to respond to HIV & AIDS and to a supportive working environment for those infected or affected.  Each staff member is required to contribute to achieving this commitment by:

  • Raising awareness and being updated on HIV & AIDS issues.
  • Protecting him/herself and colleagues.

Sharing information with colleagues and avoiding stigma and discrimination.

Gender Equality Concern Worldwide in Sierra Leone recognizes that the establishment of equality of opportunity between men and women is fundamental to both the achievement of fairness and to poverty elimination.

Therefore, each staff member of Concern is expected to be sensitive to equality issues in their relationships with colleagues and in their work and to participate in implementation of gender mainstreaming plans, both at the workplace and in programmes.

Safeguarding at Concern: Code of Conduct and its Associated Policies 

Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.  



Interested candidates should apply with:

  • An application letter clearly justifying how you meet the selection criteria
  • Recent Curriculum Vitae including names and full contact addresses of three (3) referees, one of whom must be their current or most recent employer.  
  • Candidates must state the position of each referee and his/her relationship to the candidate.
  • A copy of a valid labour card must be attached to ALL applications (written or electronic)
  • Police Clearance will be required from the successful candidate


Applications should be sent either through email or by hard copy to the following addresses.

You can send through email to info.sl@concern.net OR deliver in Hard copy to the below locations


                                           HR Department, Concern Worldwide, 20 Old Railway Line – Signal Hill, Freetown

                                           HR Department, Concern Worldwide, 2B Shamel Street, Magburaka, Tonkolili.

HR Department, 24 Upper Kamara Lane, Back of EDSA Substation, Port Loko 


Please mark your application as per the references stated in position above

(by email please put the reference in the SUBJECT heading).


Closing date for receipt of applications for the above vacancy is 17.00 on Thursday 30th November 2023


Only short listed candidates will be contacted.




🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ Partners In Health (PIH) – 4 Positions

Partners In HealthPartners In Health (PIH) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) MH-Mental Health Community Health Worker (x3)
2.) Mental Health Community Health Officer


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) MH-Mental Health Community Health Worker (x3)


Vacancy Announcement

Job title: MH- Mental Health Co mmunity Health Worker X 3

Work Location: Koidu , Kono, Sierra Leone

Department: Clinical

Reports to: Mental Health Program Manager

Requisition No: 4021

Line Management


Application Status

External Advert

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

The mental Health Community Health Worker provides facility and home based care, they have a big role to play in supporting patients and communities, including: educating patients and community members, providing psychological and social support, serving as the link between the clinic and the community, and performing home and street visits. He/she works as part of a large clinical team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and social workers. A CHW should seek information from other team members when necessary. He/she notices the needs of his/her patients, patients’ families, and other community members and makes referrals to appropriate clinic staff when necessary. It is important to record information accurately on the CHW’s Form

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Community Health Workers services

  •  Provide patients and the community with accurate information MH disorders and work with patients to help them live healthy by counseling them, answering their questions about their disease, bringing them to the hospital for care and for medicine, helping them take their medicine, teaching them how to prevent further spread of the disease and being a reliable friend through the course of their illness.
  •  Be empathetic toward patients and their families. Be caring, non-judgmental, and respectful, and avoid letting personal attitudes and believes interfere with the care of patients.
  •  Correct misunderstandings about MH disorders and work to reduce stigma and discrimination against sick people.
  •  Record patient information using forms and submit forms to your supervisor.
  •  Precisely and accurately record all information requested by the MH program supervisor for the weekly update report.
  •  Attend all meetings and trainings called by your supervisor coordinator and program manager unless given direct permission to miss a meeting.
  •  Conduct yourself professionally and appropriately with clinic staff and patients.
  •  Maintain patient confidentiality and never release patient information to another individual under any circumstances.
  •  Report any major issues or concerns about a patient’s health or about your work to your supervisor.
  •  Welcome and implement feedback from your supervisor and coordinator to improve the quality of your work
  •  Obey the policies and protocols set forth by Partners in Health

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  •  Preferably must have completed BECE or high school certificate (WASSCE).
  •  Commitment to social justice and human right.
  •  Should be an exemplary, honest, trustworthy, and respectful.
  •  Must be able to read and write in English as well as add and subtract using basic math’s .
  •  Should be willing, able, and motivated to serve his/her community and dedicated to caring and supporting Mental ill patients, family members and the community at large.
  •  Must be a permanent resident of the community and willing to work in it.
  •  Should be able to perform specified CHW tasks as outlined in the scope of work
  •  Should be interested in community health and development
  •  Should be a good mobilizer and communicator
  •  Should be involved in community projects in the past
  •  Must be at least 18 years’ old
  •  Must be residing in the community in which they are serving

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

Method of application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees not later than 5: 00pm GMT (Midnight) on Thursday 30 th November 2023

2.) Mental Health Community Health Officer


Vacancy Announcement

Job title: Mental Health Community Health Officer

Work Location: Koidu , Kono, Sierra Leone

Department: Clinical

Reports to: Mental Health Program Manager

Requisition No: Line Management


Application Status

External Advert

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

A Mental Health Community Health Officer (CHO) generally applies his/her medical knowledge and skills to the diagnosis, prevention and management of patients experiencing mental health problems that flow into the Wellbody Clinic, Koidu Government Hospital, and any of the Wellbody Alliance/Partners in Health affiliated health facilities.

He/she does this thoroughly the taking of comprehensive history and performing the mental state examination ,, and also utilizing the appropriate laboratory work to rule out any underlying medical condition. He/she should consult the mental health clinical team for discussion on patient’s care plan in critical cases, respecting patient’s privacy and confidentiality as much as possible.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  •  Responding to mental and physical health problems presented by patients including proper history taking, investigations, diagnosis, treatment and referral as appropriate.
  •  Maintaining confidentiality and impartiality.
  •  Promoting continuous medical education amongst other junior clinical staff.
  •  Admitting patients requiring special care followed by investigations and treatment.
  •  Liaising with other medical and non-medical staff in the hospital to ensure quality treatment is giving to the patients, and also promotes health education.
  •  Ensures that all emergency cases are prioritized and seen appropriately regardless of the time of the day.
  •  Be willing to work long and unpredictable hours dictated by the needs of the patients.

Location of clinical work: -WBC: Outpatient clinic

-KGH: Mental Health department

-Outreach clinics to peripheral facilities

  •  Conduct daily patient consultations at the mental health outpatient departments (KGH &WBA)
  •  Conduct ward rounds to mental health patients admitted in the wards and respond to calls when mental health care is needed in the wards and other departments
  •  Be ready to render mental health services after hours – weekends or night time when the need arises
  •  Order routine labs and review lab results on the same day in order to provide appropriate, high-quality, and timely care for patients
  •  Consult the Clinical In-Charge of critical and emergency cases as soon as possible for further assessment, diagnosis and management
  •  Identify critical and emergency patients, begin initial assessment and stabilization and refer to facility physicians for further assessment, diagnosis, and management
  •  Collaborate with MoHS staff in all the clinical activities
  •  Identify patients in need of follow-up care at the time of discharge and collaborate with the psychosocial counselors and mental health CHWs focusing on vulnerable patients and those needing close follow-up
  •  Collaborate with the ward social worker to identify vulnerable patients and facilitate Social Work Program and Acute Needs Program enrollment and support
  •  Collaborate with fellow PIH Clinicians to organise and lead daily and monthly Staff meetings
  •  Adhere to guidelines and National protocols and assist in the development and implementation of new ones as needed
  •  Participate in KGH/WBC staff meetings

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  •  Higher National Diploma in Community Health and Clinical Studies.
  •  2 years working experience in a similar role.
  •  Having fast analytical skills for risk assessment and able to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  •  Demonstrated ability to interact professionally with multicultural staff and partners.
  •  Good sense of humor and sociability
  •  Interest in social justice and health care issues.
  •  Professional proficiency in English is required.
  •  Experience in use of Office programs: Excel, Word, Power point is desired

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

Method of application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees not later than 5: 00pm GMT (Midnight) on Thursday 30th November 2023

🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Abt Associates – Laboratory Entomology Technician

The World at Abt

Solving the world’s most pressing issues and improving the quality of life for people worldwide is what we do every day at Abt Associates. Creating a more equitable world is no small task, but we are driven by big challenges.

We are a team of 4,000+ people in over 50 countries working in unison and focused on the bigger picture. Only by sharing our commitment, energy, and innovation do we affect change and push the boundaries of what’s possible. We welcome diverse ideas, backgrounds, and viewpoints – joining Abt means access to exceptional thinkers at the top of their game.

To thrive at Abt is to embrace flexibility and collaboration. Our open culture allows you to balance your work and personal life as needed to optimize personal well-being. Creating a more equitable world starts from within – we look after people around the world, and we’ll do the same for you.

Ready to embrace rewarding and meaningful work? Now’s your chance.

The Opportunity

Under the supervision of the Technical Manager, the Entomology Lab Technician will oversee all entomology lab activities, will perform all the molecular analyses, sample archiving and will oversee the sample sorting and final reporting of all laboratory assays carried out.

Project Description

The PMI Evolve Project supports the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and USAID to plan and implement an integrated vector control strategy with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria while promoting equity to sustain malaria gains. Abt has implemented integrated vector control for PMI since 2011, delivering high-quality indoor residual spraying (IRS), technical assistance for insecticide-treated net (ITN) distribution and durability monitoring, and new approaches for larval source management (LSM). Additionally, Abt’s PMI-funded work manages the most comprehensive malaria vector entomological surveillance programs in 21 African countries to inform malaria vector control trends, strategies, and impact. Under the PMI Evolve Project, Abt will further its delivery of integrated vector control programs by partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments to co-design and co-implement tailored malaria vector control programs. The end goal is fighting malaria while strengthening local capacity to sustain malaria gains.

Core Responsibilities

Oversee and maintain operations at the newly set up molecular entomology laboratory in Njala Campus, Bo

  •  Receive mosquito samples from the field and verify their condition and number.
  •  Carry out morphological identification of received samples to confirm the species identification of a subset of mosquitoes.
  •  Liaise with the Entomology field coordinator to verify the database of sampled mosquitoes from the field.
  •  Carry out mosquito bisections to prepare mosquitoes for molecular processing.
  •  Lead and supervise the training of existing and new technicians on mosquito identification, molecular entomological techniques; species Id using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), bloodmeal ELISA and cs-ELISA to detect plasmodium infected mosquitoes.
  •  Perform ELISA tests for detection of sporozoite in mosquitoes.
  •  Perform DNA extraction in mosquitoes for species identification PCR to differentiate different species of mosquitoes.
  •  Cary out conventional and real-time PCR for detection of kdr/Ace-1/N1575Y alleles in mosquitoes for insecticide resistance monitoring.
  •  Take lead in molecular screening of mosquitoes using Anopheles stephensi protocol.
  •  Maintain safe working standards in all laboratory procedures and ensure proper storage of biological samples.
  •  Keep inventory of all lab equipment and consumables and make requests for additional supplies through the PMI Evolve Technical Manager.
  •  Generate regular lab reports and submit to the PMI Evolve Technical Manager.
  •  Submit all lab generated data to the project’s Entomology database manager for entry in timely manner.
  •  Support the field collection of adults mosquitoes and larvae in Bo whenever necessary.
  •  Be available to perform any additional task as assigned responsible for timely and high-quality field entomological work and will work with the Njala Laboratory Technicians, Insectary Technicians and Database manager to ensure uninterrupted, high quality entomological activities.

What We Value

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry/Chemistry/Biology/laboratory, veterinary or other related health field.

  •  At least 2 years doing field entomology mosquito identification and processing
  •  At least two (2) years of experience in busy entomology laboratory.
  •  Knowledge in computer skills including Microsoft Access, Word, Excel and Power Point
  •  Knowledge of English both spoken and written
  •  Experience in real time PCR and field entomological techniques is an added advantage

What We Offer

We foster an environment where you can Thrive Your Way. Our innovative total rewards programs are designed to help balance your work and personal life. The approach toward your wellbeing centers around comprehensive benefits and professional development.

Abt Associates is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse workforce. Abt Associates provides market-competitive salaries and comprehensive employee benefits. Local candidates strongly encouraged to apply.

Disclaimer: Abt Associates will never ask candidates for money in exchange for an offer of employment.

🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Partners In Health (PIH) – Clinical Informatics Specialist

Partners In HealthJob Description

Job title: Clinical Informatics Specialist

Work Location: Kono

Department: Strategic Health Information Systems (SHIS)

Report to: eHealth Manager

Line Management

Ye s/ No

Organization Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our work i n Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health centre and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

In Sierra Leone, electronic medical records (EMR) make a major contribution to PIH efforts to strengthen healthcare systems. PIH and its partners pioneered the development of OpenMRS, an open-source electronic medical record system. PIH-SL, SHIS in collaboration with the SIS Boston, develops and supports the electronic medical record system in use in the rural District of Koidu (Kono District Hospital) and Wellbody health center, with patient records supporting care for HIV, TB, NCDs, Mental Health and maternal and child health.

The Clinical Informatics Specialist is working under the supervision of the eHealth Manager and the strategic orientation of the SHIS Lead. This position is the technical associate of the eHealth unit for all digital health interventions happening at the Koidu Government Hospital ( KGH ) and at the Maternal Center of Excellence (MCoE), in particular, for the pre and post implementation phases of the KGH Electronic Medical Records extension at MCoE. In support to the Koidu DHMT and PIH-SL’s Strategic health information systems (SHIS), in their mission of uplifting digital health interventions in Kono, this position is providing valuable technical health and nursing informatics insights. I n improving the collaboration among IT professio nals, clinical stakeholders and data managers. This position also presents a fantastic learning and growth opportunity for a candidate interested in a unique overseas job with Partners in Health Sierra Leone.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  •  Actively Develop and extend tools to facilitate the improvement of data quality ,data use and system adoption ;
  •  Actively particip ate in interoperability and Data Warehouse projects on OpenMRS , CommCare and DHIS-2 ;
  •  Ensure high fidelity of electronic and paper data to actual operations;
  •  Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including clinicians, administrators, data analysts and IT professionals, to identify clinical and reporting work flows for the MCOE;
  •  Conduct interviews and workshops with MCOE staff to understand their needs and challenges prior during and after MCOE launch . Translate these requirements into clear and concise business and techn ical specifications for the EMR;
  •  Mentor and build technical capacity in digital goods implementation within SHIS eHealth Unit comprised of eHealth offic ers, junior software developers;
  •  Communicate and collaborate closely with the Boston- SIS and MedInfo teams on any digital health projects par ticularly related to RMNCH;
  •  Develop communication materials and training programs to facilitate smooth transitions and promote user acceptance of digital health system s (EMR, PACS, mHealth , HIE );
  •  Communicate and collaborate closely with SHIS managerial level ;
  •  L iaise and communicate periodically with the Boston SIS department regardi ng knowledge sharing activities;
  •  Collaborate with the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) to scale up MCOE and ensure compliance with government protocols and i nitiatives;
  •  Provide technical input on all Health I T-related procurement decisions;
  •  Work with the health statistics Manager and the healthcare senior data analyst in the monitoring of dynamic PBI dashboards .

Education and Work Experience Requirements:

  •  Master’s in medical, nursing or clinical informatics in computer scien ce or any other relevant fields;
  •  Medical or nursing degree is an added advantage ;
  •  Minimum of 3 years experiences in the field of global health/nursing informatics ;
  •  Familiarity with front-end languages and libraries (e.g. HTML/ CSS, JavaScript, XML, jQuery) and back-end languages (e.g. Java, Python) and JavaScript frameworks (e.g. Angular, React, Node.js) and Version Control Git (git hub. / git Lab ) ;
  •  Familiarity with databases (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, NoSQL), web servers (e.g. Apache) and UI/UX design ;
  •  Strong critical an alysis and data analysis skills;
  •  Proven ability to exerci se sound judgment and diplomacy;
  •  Ability to stay organized and focused on operational plan, project’s milestones and deliverables while managing daily multiple assignments, prioritize workflow, adapt to fluctuatin g workloads, and meet deadlines;
  •  Ability to take initiative and work with minimal direction;
  •  Demonstrated ability to interact professionally within culturally divers e settings;
  •  Excellent communication skills; ability to identify, clarify, and negotiate competing viewpoints ;
  •  Expertise building relationships and community with stakeholders including end users ;
  •  Intellectual curiosity and willingness to read, learn and apply recent innovations in clinical informatics ;
  •  Outstanding verbal , written and interpersonal communication skills ;
  •  Willingness to comply with the code of ethics of health information professionals .

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partner In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

“We refuse to accept that any life is worth less than another”.

Method of Application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees not later than 12:00 pm GMT (Midnight) on Wednesday 5th November 2023 .

🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – Health Specialist

UNICEFClosing date: Monday, 6 November 2023

Health Specialist, P4, Freetown, Sierra Leone, #126511 [Temporary Appointment] – Open only to non-Sierra Leoneans

Job no: 566818

Position type: Temporary Appointment

Location: Sierra Leone Division/Equivalent: Dakar (WCAR), Senegal

School/Unit: Sierra Leone

Department/Office: Freetown, Sierra Leone

Categories: Health, Supply Management, Health and Nutrition

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, results

Please access UNICEF Sierra Leone information here and here

How can you make a difference?

To reduce the high levels of maternal and child morbidity, mortality and malnutrition in an equitable manner, UNICEF Sierra Leone’s Health and Nutrition programmes places emphasis on a health system strengthening approach working closely with Government counterparts responsible for respective programme supply chain management, which not only ensures sustainability of the gains made with equity consideration, but also helps building systems resilience and capacity to respond to future shocks and crises.

Summary of Key Functions/Accountabilities

1. Support Forecasting and Planning including Direct Procurement Support to partners.

2. Programme Management, Monitoring and Delivery of Results with quality.

3. Technical and Operational Support to Programme Implementation in an equitable manner.

4. Networking and Partnership Building for best value for money

5. Innovation, Knowledge Management and Capacity Building.

6. Support to Supply Chain Management.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  •  An advanced university degree in any of the following fields is required: Public Health/Nutrition, Paediatric Health, Health Policy and/or Management, Health System Strengthening, Environmental Health Sciences, Health Education, or relevant technical field.

*A first University Degree in a relevant field combined with 2 additional years of professional experience may be accepted in lieu of an Advanced University Degree.

  •  A minimum of 8 years of progressively responsible professional experience in Public Health/Nutrition and HIV Sector Planning, Health Systems Strengthening, or Health Emergency/Humanitarian Preparedness is required.
  •  Experience in Health and Nutrition Supply Chain Management will be given appropriate consideration.
  •  Ability to build cross-sectional or cross-organizational partnerships.
  •  Experience working in a developing country is considered as an asset.
  •  Relevant experience in a UN system agency or organization is considered as an asset.
  •  Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language or local language of the duty station is considered as an asset.

Technical Knowledge

  •  Extensive knowledge of HSS and supply related theories and principles.
  •  Computer literacy and the ability to effectively use standard office software tools as well as good knowledge and skill in using logistic management system tools.
  •  Professional technical knowledge/ expertise in Activity Monitoring & Evaluation, Evaluation Design, Data Analysis, and Reporting.
  •  Gender equality and diversity awareness.

Please access the full job description here: VA TOR – Health Specialist (HSS).pdf

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values

UNICEF competencies required for this post are…

(1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others. (8) Nurtures, leads and manages people

During the recruitment process, we test candidates following the competency framework. Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels: competency framework here.

UNICEF is here to serve the world’s most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of benefits to our staff, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


UNICEF’s active commitment towards diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable women are encouraged to apply.

UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance. Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station, which will be facilitated by UNICEF, is required for IP positions. Appointments are also subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Government employees that are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Advertised: Oct 23 2023 Greenwich Standard Time

Application close: Nov 06 2023 Greenwich Standard Time

🇸🇱 Job Vacancy @ Sierra Diamonds Limited – Paramedic

Sierra Diamonds Limited (SDL)EXTERNAL JOB VACANCY 

Sierra Diamonds Limited is looking for a qualified candidate for the following position:

Position: Paramedic

Location: Tongo Field, Sierra Leone

Department: HSE

Reports to: Mine Risk Manager

Hours: 44 per week

Contract Type: Fixed Term 

Key deliverables: 

  • Responsible for providing high-quality pre-hospital emergency medical care to patients in a variety of locations. • Providing emergency and routine medical support and patient care services including primary, occupational medical care to ensure a healthy and “fit for purpose” workforce in support of SDL operations.
  • Adheres to the policy, procedures and protocolsrelated to advanced life support guidelines that is in accordance with the  HPCSA schedules.

Key Duties Include: 

  • Respond to emergency calls promptly and efficiently, providing advanced life support interventions to stabilize and treat  critically ill or injured patients;
  • Plan, test, inspect, initiate, and control medical emergency preparedness (ambulance and clinics); • Arranging and coordinating medical evacuationsin accordance with company medical insurance guidelines and continually  update HSER manager accordingly;
  • Conduct thorough and rapid assessments of patients’ conditions, evaluating vital signs, medical history, and symptoms to  determine appropriate treatment action;
  • Administer advanced medical procedures such as intravenous access, medication administration, advanced airway  management, cardiac monitoring, defibrillation, and synchronized cardioversion (all as per protocol); • Provide expert trauma care such as immobilization, wound management and the utilization ofspecialized equipment; • Plan and coordinate First Aid Training;
  • Conducting weekly hygiene and health inspections, and reporting appropriately; and
  • Drawing up of weekly medical statistics and reporting to the HOD timeously.

Skills and Qualifications required: 

  • Demonstrated competency in advanced airway management inclusive of intubation, mechanical ventilation, ECG  monitoring/ defibrillation, cardiac pacing/ cardio inversion, administration of scheduled medication, setting up and  monitoring of continuous intravenous infusions (IVAC machine attachments);
  • Advanced Life Support Paramedic (ALS Certification);
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS Certification);
  • International Trauma Life Support (ITLS Certification); and
  • Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (Certification).

How to apply: 

To apply forthisrole, please submit your updated CV and copies of certificatesto any ofthe following addresses depending  on your location: For the attention of:

The Human Resources Department Sierra Diamonds Limited Tongo Camp Site, Tongo Field 

The Human Resources Department 3 Cole Street, Murray Town, Freetown Sierra Leone 



Please indicate the job position in the subject line 

Closing Date: Saturday 4th November 2023 

Applications will be treated as and when they are received.

opportunity statement: 

All posts are advertised on an equal opportunity basis and qualified women and men are encouraged to apply. Only  shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ Partners In Health (PIH) – 4 Positions

Partners In Health (PIH) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Neonatal and Child health Nurse Mentor
2.) Nurse Anesthetist
3.) Community Health Officer (CHO)
4.) Nurse Midwife Educator


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Neonatal and Child health Nurse Mentor


Vacancy Announcement

Job title: Neonatal and Child health Nurse Mentor

Work Location: Kono

Department: Clinical

Reports to: RMNH Clinical Manager

Line Management


Application Status

External Advert

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

The Neonatal/Child health Mentor will be an integral part of the clinical team, working collaboratively with others to ensure that nurses consistently deliver high quality, patient-centered care in the SCBU/NICU units once the MCOE is operational. It is also important that the Nurse Mentor seeks to develop and maintain relationships with nurses and clinical leadership of the MOHS and to promote PIH model of social medicine in healthcare.

The nurse mentor is an experienced nursing staff, who will serve as a role model, advocate, and provide guidance, while also sharing their clinical experiences to help nurses develop and gain confidence in their roles, most importantly thinking critically and solving problems independently. For new nurses, the Nurse Mentor will get them acclimated to the clinical setting. The Nurse Mentor will provide formal and informal training, support, and counseling to nurses within safe environments, inside and outside of clinical settings. Nurse mentors

demonstrate compassion and humility in their interactions and develop trust-based relationships with their mentees. Nurses who rely on their mentors for guidance, wisdom, and knowledge sharing often see their mentors as role models, teachers, and friends.

Strategies nurse mentors can use to help develop the skills and confidence of nursing staff include coaching, teaching, counseling, advocating, and providing support. Additional strategies include sharing success stories, assisting all nurses in social situations, and getting them to think critically and solve problems.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Specific Responsibilities:

  •  Collaborate with the Neonatal Clinicians, RMNH Clinical Manager and Koidu Government Hospital Matron to assist with developing and facilitating a neonatal care curriculum and Induction pack, to ensure nurses at the facility are aware of, and comply with standard nursing policies and protocols, and use best practices while providing nursing care.
  •  Ensure that student nurses develop good nursing practice skills ; supervision and mentorship of nursing students who are posted to the facility for clinical practicum is required.
  •  Provide nursing care alongside nurses in the wards, while being observant for opportunities for mentoring and coaching in nursing competencies; this may include working in varying shifts as required.
  •  Work collaboratively with the Nurse-in-Charge of the wards to identify gaps in nursing care and developing a plan to systematically address such gaps; this may also include identifying professional and clinical development opportunities for high performing nurses in the wards.
  •  Identify and implement Quality Improvement projects that would improve on the ward’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), while also improving patient outcomes and developing nursing practice and clinical skills.
  •  Facilitate In-Service trainings and nursing clinical presentations as a means to encourage and develop a culture of continuous learning among the nursing teams.
  •  Create and maintain a safe and open learning environment for nursing staff including for student nurses.
  •  Collaborate with the Child health Clinical team and RMNH Manager to facilitate annual Nursing Skills competencies check-offs.
  •  Effectively manage the wards in the absence of the Nurse-in-Charge and with the support of the Hospital Matron and other Nursing leadership.
  •  Provide supervision of nursing staff in the wards in collaboration with the Nurse-in-Charge to ensure that nursing policies and protocols are followed and that nurses provide competent, evidence-based care.
  •  Collaborate with the Child Development Clinic to identify babies in need of follow-up and to ensure appointments are set-up, with links to care prior to discharge from the facility.
  •  Conduct surveys to identify training needs for nurses and students while also seeking feedback from clinicians working in those wards.
  •  Provide training and mentorship at other PIH-supported facilities as may be required.
  •  Collaborate with the M & E team to collect data, compile and share activity and monthly reports required by the grant with the Directors of Nursing and Clinical Education and others.
  •  Other responsibilities as deemed required by the RMNH Clinical Manager and the Neonatal and Child Health Clinicians.

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment . A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  •  State Registered Nurse (SRN), BSc as a minimum entry requirement
  •  Neonatal/Pediatric Nurse Certified Specialist training
  •  5 or more years of experience as an SRN, practicing in a Neonatal/Special Care Baby Unit setting for a minimum of 3 years as a senior nurse/In-Charge
  •  Experience in working in Pediatric and Child Health departments as the incumbent will need to provide support in these areas as needed
  •  Evidence of additional training/specialization in neonatal care
  •  Experience as a preceptor or tutor or of mentoring others, is a plus
  •  Experience in QI processes and data collection for monitoring and evaluation as there is a need to generate monthly reports and regular unit QI projects
  •  Basic knowledge and proficiency in using Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  •  Ability to communicate both orally and in writing in English as this is the first language of communication in this role
  •  Ability to work well with others in a team and be creative
  •  Pursue attention to detail
  •  Ability to be adaptable, especially working in different clinical departments and shifts, including weekend and night shifts as may be required.
  •  Commitment to social justice and health care as a human right.

Ability to live and work fulltime in Kono District, Sierra Leone.

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

Method of application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and tel ephone numbers of three (3) refe rees. This position will be running until a suitable candidate is recruited .


2.) Nurse Anesthetist


Vacancy Announcement

Job title: Nurse Anesthetist

Work Location: Koidu Government Hospital (Kono District)

Department: Clinical

Reports to: OB/GYN

Line Management


Application Status

External Advert

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

The Nurse Anesthetist will be responsible for leading the provision of anesthesia services at KGH and other PIH Supported Health facilities . She/he will be responsible for maintaining the records related to anesthetic drugs and supplies, tracing usage and supporting quantification process. She will also be responsible for providing preoperative, Intraoperative and Postoperative care and maintaining records on anaesthetic procedures. Teaching training and mentoring staff on safe anesthetic procedures and pre/post of care of clients. He/She will also play a lead role in caring for critically ill patients in the High Dependency Unit and other areas of the hospital as required. Provide anesthesia/analgesic options for all procedures within the unit and hospital as required. Maintaining a safe and clean work environment that will ensure the highest standard or care and support to the clients and staff.

Main Duties and Responsiblities

  •  Work in collaboration with the Clinicians, SACHO to provide comprehensive anesthetic care according to current guidelines.
  •  Provide pre-operative, Intra operative and Post-operative anaesthetic care for patients:

1) Administer anesthesia to patients for surgery or diagnostic procedures.

2) Use intravenous, local, caudal or spinal methods to administer sedation or pain medications during surgical and other medical procedures

3) Prepare preoperative assessments including health histories and physical examinations.

4) Complete postoperative evaluations in accordance with department policies.

  •  Carry out post-operative rounds on different surgical wards and provide post- anaesthetic care.
  •  Support the theatre teams and others surgical teams in different aspects of daily surgical care.
  •  Support to implement and maintain the infection Prevention Control protocols by directly supervising care the care in surgical wards, minor, main theatres and wound care clinic.
  •  Ensures proper care, storage and maintenance of Anesthetic equipment and supplies.
  •  Ensures proper record keeping for usage of anesthetic agent and support in quantification of the drugs and supplies needed for provision of anesthesia .
  •  Writes reports on anesthetic procedures during and after any surgical intervention.
  •  Ensure and maintain the anesthesia database in collaboration with the MEQ team.
  •  Participate in the development, documentation and administration of policies and procedures involving the administration of anesthesia for the facility.
  •  Provide training and mentorship as needed for all staff cadres
  •  Work in conjunction with the Clinical Teams to ensure that quality evidence based care is given to all clients

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment . A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  •  State Registered Nurse with Diploma in Anaethesia from recognized College or University with current registration with at least 3 years of experience. Preference for personnel with more than 5 years of experience.
  •  Ability to work as an autonomous practitioner.
  •  Ability to work well in a team, be dependable, flexible, time conscious and hard working.
  •  Able to consistently produce high quality work.
  •  A strong commitment to social justice and health as a human right.
  •  Fluent in verbal and written English.
  •  Willing to li ve and work fulltime in Kono District , Sierra Leone.
  •  Must not hold dual employment
  •  Ability to work productively in highly collaborative settings while also able to function independently.
  •  Demonstrated ability to interact professionally with culturally diverse staff, clients, and consultants.
  •  Ability to work under high stress and fast-paced environments

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

Method of application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees. This position will remain open until filled


3.) Community Health Officer (CHO)


Job Advertisement

Job title: Community Health Officer (CHO)

Work Location: Kono

Department: Clinical

Report to: Director of Nursing

Line Management

Clinical Department Lead

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the comm unity level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

A Community Health Officer (CHO) generally applies his/her medical knowledge and skills to the diagnosis, prevention and management of patients that flows into the Wellbody Clinic or Koidu Government Hospital and any of the Wellbody Alliance/Partners in Health affiliated health facility.

He/she does this thoroughly following the principles of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation where ever applicable to find out the actual cause of disease, and also utilizing the appropriate laboratory work. He/she should consult the medical officers for discussion on patient’s care plan in some critical cases, respecting patient’s privacy and confidentiality as much as possible.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Specific Responsibilities:

  •  Responding to medical/health problems presented by patients, including proper history taking, investigations, diagnosis, treatment, admissions and referral as appropriate.
  •  Maintaining confidentiality and impartiality.
  •  Promoting continuous medical education amongst other junior clinical staff.
  •  Provide mentorship to other junior staff.
  •  Provide 24 hours hospital coverage on specific days a month as assigned.
  •  Week-end coverage one weekend a month as assigned.
  •  Work specific shifts, including night shifts, as assigned on the duty roster.
  •  Admitting patients requiring special care followed by investigations and treatment.
  •  Carrying out specific procedures, e.g. Specific surgical procedures and specialist investigations as and when with the help of the nursing staff.
  •  Liaising with other medical and non-medical staff in the hospital to ensure quality treatment is giving to the patients, and also promotes health education.
  •  Ensures that all emergency cases are prioritized and seen appropriately regardless of the time of the day.
  •  Be willing to work long and unpredictable hours dictated by the needs of the patients.
  •  Perform other duties related to the role, department or project as may be required by the Clinician in-charge.

Education and Work Experience Requirements:

  •  Diploma in community Health Medicine with 2-3 years’ work experience in a hospital setting.
  •  Ability to work collaboratively with all members of the healthcare team.
  •  Ability to demonstrate clinical practices and ethics in line with the Medical and Dental Council of Sierra Leone
  •  Ability to live and work full-time in Kono district.
  •  Commitment to Social Justice.

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation , Abuse and Harassment

PIH is committed to the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion. We strive to provide an inclusive and supportive working environment. PIH is committed to safeguarding staff, children and communities with whom we work, therefore any offer of employment is conditional upon the successful completion of applicable background checks, including a criminal records checks.

At Partners in Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partner in Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner in Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment.

By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Method of Application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees . This position will be up and running until filled.


4.) Nurse Midwife Educator


Vacancy Announcement

Job title: Nurse Midwife Educator

Work Location: Kono

Department: Clinical

Reports to: Clinical RMNH Manager

Line Management


Application Status


Job Requisition Number

Organisation Profile

Partners In Health (PIH) is an international health organization relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalized. PIH partners with local governments to build local capacity and works closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research, and advocate for global policy change. Our delivered services in the field are based in our partnership with the Governments and Ministries of Health and the support to education, training and mentorship to Health care workers and students is one of our pillars for the Health care system strengthening.

PIH currently has implementation programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone and Navajo Nation. Through our partnership with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we support a wide range of programs in dozens of other countries around the world.

Our Work In Sierra Leone: Partners In Health (PIH) began supporting the government of Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic in October 2014. Recognizing the large need for continued investments in the health system after Ebola, PIH is committed to long-term health system strengthening in support of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), guided by the same principles as our emergency response and our work around the world: public sector accompaniment, integrated and comprehensive services, social justice, nimbleness and flexibility, partnership, community ownership, and evidence-based interventions. In the aftermath of the epidemic, PIH is committed to supporting the delivery of comprehensive health services in Sierra Leone, from the community level to the health center and to referral hospitals.

Position Overview

The Nurse/Midwifery Educator will be an integral part of the clinical team, working collaboratively with others across all of the PIH-supported facilities to ensure that staff nurses consistently deliver high quality, patient-centered care and that nursing students meet their core clinical objectives during placement. It is also important that the Nurse/Midwifery Educator seeks to develop and maintain relationships with all of the clinical leadership, both within PIH and MOHS and to promote the PIH model of social medicine in healthcare.

The Nurse/Midwifery Educator will be responsible for promoting evidence-based nursing practice through staff development, formal and informal training within and outside the clinical setting and ensuring optimal patient outcomes. He/she will serve as a role model, advocate, and provide guidance, while also sharing their clinical experiences to help nurses and midwives develop and gain confidence in their roles, most importantly thinking critically and solving problems independently. The Nurse/Midwifery Educator also acts as both adviser and role model for the nursing and midwifery students, assisting them in their journey toward become successful practicing practioners . They must have a commitment to lifelong learning and to the scholarly progression of the nursing/midwifery profession. The Nurse/Midwifery Educator must also have a strong knowledge base in theories of teaching, learning, and evaluation, be able to design curricula and programs, be able to assess a student’s needs, be innovative, and thoroughly enjoy, didactic and bedside/clinical teaching.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Specific Responsibilities: The Nurse/Midwifery Educator is responsible for maintaining and developing the following key performance areas: Clinical Practice:

  •  Perform nursing and midwifery practices in accordance with Sierra Leone’s Nursing and Midwifery standards of practice, policies and guidelines
  •  Practice within own abilities and maintain accreditation in mandatory and extended skills
  •  Demonstrate accountability for nursing and midwifery practices
  •  Update, design and implement mandatory training skills for nurses and midwives
  •  Work closely with the RMNH directorate to develop the curriculum and training plan for all clinical staff at the MCOE
  •  Demonstrate a high level of understanding, knowledge and skills in reproductive, midwifery and neonatal nursing
  •  Maintain own competence as a Nurse/Midwifery Educator through certification and clinical practice
  •  Demonstrate expert clinical knowledge through problem solving and decision making
  •  Perform nursing and midwifery bedside care in a teaching capacity as needed
  •  Identify strategies for optimizing patient care in the clinical environment based on current research and evidence in clinical practice.

Education and Research:

  •  Implement and evaluate clinical education programs and in-services for practicing nurses and student nurses
  •  Implement and evaluate the Nursing/Midwifery Orientation and Student Nurses Orientation Programs in collaboration with the Directorates of RMNH, Nursing and Clinical Education
  •  Initiate, participate and contribute to the development of clinical knowledge and skills of new and existing nurses and midwives as well as student nurses
  •  Provide clinical support to new and existing nurses/midwives as well as students
  •  Develop and maintain clinical educational resources
  •  Identify individual learning needs of nurses/midwives in consultation with the staff member, Ward In-Charges, Hospital Matron and Directorates of RMNH and Nursing in order to support individual learning plans
  •  Perform clinical assessments of nurses/midwives and provide certification of competency where required
  •  Participate in the delivery of formal and informal education
  •  Develop, implement and evaluate extended skills programs for nurses/midwives in collaboration with the Directorate of RMNH and Nursing
  •  Actively participate in clinical and non-clinical activities that promote the professional development and education of nurses and midwives
  •  Foster an environment that supports the utilization of nursing/midwifery research
  •  Collaborate with the Directors of RMNH, Nursing and Clinical Education to identify research opportunities
  •  Participate in the development and review of clinical and practice guidelines for the Maternal Centre of Excellence and Koidu Government Hospital.

Quality Improvement and Management:

  •  Undertake necessary components of the performance evaluation process
  •  Promote and participate in quality improvement and safety activities as well as institutional accreditation processes
  •  Participate in relevant committees, meetings and service activities as required and provide relevant feedback and dissemination of appropriate information
  •  Assess and evaluate the quality of education resources and equipment required to meet the learning needs of nurses/midwives and student nurses in the clinical environment
  •  Contribute to the nursing education component of the strategic plan of the organization
  •  Participate in critical incident debriefings as required.

Professional Practice and Development:

  •  Demonstrate advocacy for nurses/midwives and patient groups
  •  Actively pursue opportunities to advance own professional knowledge and skill development
  •  Participate in relevant ongoing professional development programs
  •  Demonstrate a commitment to professional development through membership in relevant professional organizations or associations
  •  Demonstrate awareness of current nursing and midwifery practices, initiatives and related health issues that enhance adult, maternal and neonatal nursing care
  •  Participate in health promotion and community outreach activities
  •  Act as an effective role model for staff through mentoring and teaching so as to achieve optimal staff development and patient outcomes

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

At Partners In Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment . A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners In Health’s PSEAH policy. Partner In Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  •  Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery with Master of Science in Midwifery preferred.
  •  Certification in Nursing/Midwifery Education from a known and reputable institution
  •  5 or more years of clinical and educational experience, practicing in a hospital setting
  •  Exemplary interpersonal communication skills, verbal and written, required to effectively engage with senior leadership, partners, and clinicians on sensitive political and confidential issues
  •  Proven ability to exercise good judgment, demonstrate political astuteness, and tact especially when dealing with MOHS and external partners
  •  Excellent communication skills both oral and written, with knowledge of Microsoft Office and other relevant software
  •  Exceptional leadership qualities with the proven ability to work with others in the clinical environment
  •  Pursue attention to detail
  •  Experience in working in low resource settings is a requirement
  •  A strong commitment to social justice and health as a human right and passion for serving the poor and vulnerable, is essential in all aspects of this role
  •  Ability to collaborate effectively with culturally diverse staff across departments and country
  •  Evidence of providing culturally sensitive and competent quality care in an extremely stressful environment
  •  Humility, a sense of curiosity, and commitment to creatively tackling seemingly impossible problems
  •  Sense of humor and ability to laugh at self, and with others
  •  Demonstrated ability to be flexible and effective in the face of unexpected challenges as well as the willingness to accept a standard of living that is clean and comfortable but simple
  •  Ability to live in Kono District, Sierra Leone full-time with shared accommodation
  •  This is a description of the job as it is at present constituted. It is the practice of this organization periodically to examine employees’ job description and to update them to ensure that they relate to the job as then being performed , or to incorporate whatever changes are being proposed. This procedure is jointly conducted by each manager in consultation with those working directly to him or her. You will, therefore, be expected to participate fully in such discussions and reach an amicable conclusion with your manager.

Social Justice

We are a global health and social justice organization that responds to the moral imperative to provide high-quality health care globally to those who need it most. We strive to ease suffering by placing patients at the center of all care, bringing the benefits of modern medicine to all.

Method of application

Interested candidates are required to apply through our website: www.pih.org/employment . In your application, please ensure to include names, addresses, email addresses and telepho ne numbers of three (3) referees. This position will be open and running until filled.


🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ Hellen Keller International – 2 Positions

Hellen Keller International is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Program Director
2.) Health System Strengthening (HSS) Officer (Neglected Tropical Diseases)


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Program Director


Program Director


Job Type:          Full time

Location:           Freetown, Sierra Leone

Start Date:        15th October, 2023

End Date:         14th October, 2024; Annual contract (renewable)

Reports to:        Country Director

Open to Expatriates: No

Grade: M




Helen Keller International is a global health organization dedicated to eliminating preventable vision loss, malnutrition, and diseases of poverty. Helen Keller Intl partners with communities that are striving to overcome longstanding cycles of poverty and is devoted to scaling up evidence-based, cost-effective solutions to improve care practices and ensure that basic health interventions reach vulnerable people, with a focus on women, youth, and children.


Helen Keller Intl has been operating in Sierra Leone for nearly 20 years in support of the Nutrition and Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs) components of the National Health Development Plan of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, as well as food security component of the ministry of Agriculture. The organization is also committed to generating evidence, carrying out robust research and a high input into research publications.


The Program Director will provide strategic overall leadership of the Helen Keller programs and the program team in Sierra Leone. The PD is expected to be a seasoned manager with acute political acumen and strategic thinking with proven ability to deliver the Country Office’s strategic and program goals.


Key Responsibilities

  • Manage a team of seasoned program managers and experts
    • Develop job descriptions (as needed) and ensure competent staff are hired
    • Set annual objectives with the direct reports and review performance on a regular basis in line with Helen Keller’s People & Culture policy and guidance
    • Build team cohesion and effectiveness
    • Coach/mentor staff to strengthen both technical and management capacity
    • Approve and manage leave for all direct reports
    • Ensure annual workplans are in place, resources, implemented and monitored
  • Be a part of the Country Management Team (CMT) and make meaningful contribution to overall running of the office as mandated at CMT
  • Co-lead program risk management across the country portfolio
  • Provide leadership and coordination oversight to all proposal developments within the CO and ensure a participatory approach to proposal design
  • Lead/co-lead the development of strategic plan, its implementation and review for the CO
  • Lead/co-lead donor relations and discussions
  • Ensure budgets are realistic and able to deliver agreed deliverables as per deadlines
  • Liaise with regional and global teams as needed to ensure there is regular engagement and oversight of the country program
  • Lead/co-lead the program coordination for all budget vs actuals meetings, ensuring follow up action points are delivered/met
  • Ensure budget utilization across the country portfolio
  • Ensure all program work is in accordance with the grants and contracts policies of the organization and donor compliance
  • Work closely with MEL Manager on all program measurement related initiatives
  • Oversee the quality assurance of all program activities
  • Ensure production of timely and high quality workplans and donor narrative and financial reports of all programs
  • Participate in and contribute to all relevant meetings, platforms, workshops in the country and represent Helen Keller at these platforms (as needed)
  • Establish and maintain good relationship with Government counterparts key amongst these being MoPED, MAF and MoHS
  • Carry out additional tasks, as delegated by the Country Director.


Qualification and experience

  • A master’s degree in a relevant field – international development, nutrition, public health, social sciences, etc.
  • At least 6 years’ of proven in an INGO in a similar senior role
  • Successful experience writing and coordinating high value proposals for major donors (USAID, FCDO, Irish Aid, UN, etc.)
  • Demonstrated experience of directly managing and leading diverse teams
  • Demonstrated sharp political acumen and leadership
  • Must possess highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiating and coaching
  • Willingness to travel to the field
  • Ability to carry out responsibilities independently with minimal guidance
  • Proven experience in research, analysis and publication an added advantage
  • Excellent written and verbal English language skills


To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to SierraLeone.Recruitment@hki.orgor hand-deliver to: Helen Keller Int Office at 16H James Macarthy Drive, off Spur Road, Wilberforce, Freetown.


    • Please mark your application as per the references stated in the position above (referencing the SUBJECT heading)
  • Closing date for the receipt of applications for the above vacancies is 17:00hrs on 5th October 2023 


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


“Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

2.) Health System Strengthening (HSS) Officer (Neglected Tropical Diseases)


Health System Strengthening (HSS) Officer (Neglected Tropical Diseases)


Job Type:      Full time

Location:       Freetown, Sierra Leone

Start Date:    1st October, 2023

End Date:     30th September, 2024; Annual contract (renewable)

Reports to:    Neglected Tropical Diseases Manager, dotted line to HSS Advisor

Open to Expatriates: No

Grade: I




Helen Keller International is a global health organization dedicated to eliminating preventable vision loss, malnutrition, and diseases of poverty. Helen Keller Intl partners with communities that are striving to overcome longstanding cycles of poverty and is devoted to scaling up evidence-based, cost-effective solutions to improve care practices and ensure that basic health interventions reach vulnerable people, with a focus on women, youth, and children.


Helen Keller Intl has been operating in Sierra Leone for nearly 20 years in support of the Nutrition and Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs) components of the National Health Development Plan of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, as well as food security component of the ministry of Agriculture.


NTDs are a core focus for Helen Keller not just in Sierra Leone but globally. Sierra Leone has made significant gains in the control and elimination of four of the five preventive chemotherapy NTDs- lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminths.


Scope of Work

The HSS Officer will provide technical leadership to the NTD country team to design and implement NTD sustainability technical framework and strategies. S/he will establish and maintain relationship with high-level government and other key stakeholders to influence and build consensus toward collaboration across sectors. S/He will be required to work closely with the NTD Coordinator to provide direction for all program activities and support to the national NTD Program at Ministry to achieve sustainability objectives.

Key Responsibilities

Technical Advice

  • Provide technical assistance to specific HSS challenges
  • Provide technical support towards implementation of HSS components of the NTD portfolio in country
  • Conduct/contribute to quantitative and/or qualitative analysis on technical and policy issues related to HSS especially health financing and NNTDP diseases-specific transition
  • Advocate for the national NTD program is adequately funded/co-funded and included in annual budgets of the MoHS
  • Monitor commitments made by the MoHS for NTDs and follow-up as needed
  • Advocate for the full integration of NTD program into the national health system and other cross-sector platforms for sustainability
  • Advocate that NTDs are integrated in the national policies, strategies, plans and structures at national and sub-national levels
  • Leverage cross-sector interventions and non-traditional public health platforms for implementation of NTD interventions
  • Lead the inclusion and monitoring of NTD indicators among national health indicators in national HMIS
  • Lead the development of position statements for cross-sector sustainability advocacy/domestic resource mobilization activities with NNTDP.


Project management

  • Support the cascade of NNTDP inventory management control training
  • Coordinate implementation and supervision efforts at district, and health facility levels
    • Plan and implement budgets and work plans for coordination, mainstreaming and sustainability activities
  • Contribute to quality assurance of program activities
  • Carry out additional tasks, as delegated by the NTD Manager
  • Contribute to proposals, as needed.


Research, M&E and reporting

  • Support the NNTDP with monitoring of progress of the Sierra Leone sustainability plan and quickly identifying implementation issues, backstopping the TWGs to resolve issues
  • Support bi-annual Partners Network Forum meetings to implement and monitor the NTD sustainability plan
  • Contribute to all donor reports
  • Contribute to any global reports, as needed
  • Contribute to the CO matrix and strategic plan, as needed
  • Participate in all monitoring activities and or assessments
  • Work closely with the NNTDP M&E staff and other program staff to collect and analyse cross-sector sustainability program data
  • Review, analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of programs and make recommendations for enhancements.


  • Establish and develop good working relationships with national and district stakeholders to ensure effective collaboration to deliver project objectives
  • Liaise with Consortium and donor colleagues on HSS, as needed, in line with internally agreed pathways
  • Liaise with the national NTDP and Partners’ Network Forum (PNF) to ensure cross-sector sustainability activities are effectively implemented
  • Ensure that HSS program implementation activities adhere to the appropriate global strategy and remains technically sound and in accordance with donor expectations
  • Represent Helen Keller in external and internal meetings as designated by NTD Manager and Country Director.

Qualification and Experience

  • A bachelors’ degree in a relevant field – health systems, public health, biological sciences, etc. Masters’ degree will be an added advantage
  • At least 3 years of proven experience in a similar role
  • Experience working with national government stakeholders to enact policy change and/or domestic resource mobilization for health
  • Previous experience in implementing robust and successful NTD and/or HSS programs in a developing country context, with
  • Technical expertise in one or more of the following areas: health financing, policy reform, service coverage, workforce alignment and/or related areas of health system strengthening; and
  • Experience providing facilitation support on issues related to HSS for example supporting a country-led process that has broad stakeholder buy-in and develops the capacity of country partners
  • Ability to effectively facilitate and present at high level meetings
  • Ability to work with minimal guidance
  • Must be able to work in a dynamic and complex environment
  • Excellent written and verbal English language skills


To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to SierraLeone.Recruitment@hki.orgor hand-deliver to: Helen Keller Int Office at 16H James Macarthy Drive, off Spur Road, Wilberforce, Freetown.


Please mark your application as per the references stated in the position above (referencing the SUBJECT heading)


Closing date for the receipt of applications for the above vacancies is 17:00hrs on Thursday 28th September, 2023 


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


“Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

🇸🇱 Job Vacancies @ Corus International (Corus) – 3 Positions

Corus International (Corus) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Chief of Party
2.) Malaria Advisor
3.) Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Advisor


See job details and how to apply below.

1.) Chief of Party

Chief of Party – Sierra Leone Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA)

IMA World Health, a member of Corus International, is seeking a Chief of Party (COP) to lead an anticipated 5 year $25-$50 million USAID-funded Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA) in Sierra Leone.

SIHSA’s goal is to contribute to the Government of Sierra Leone’s overarching goal of improving the health of adolescents, pregnant and postpartum women, and children less than five years old. SIHSA’s objectives are 1) improve the quality of family planning, maternal newborn child and adolescent health, and malaria services sustainably; 2) promote adoption of crucial health behaviors, and 3) strengthen the stewardship and governance of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, both at central and district levels, so it is better prepared to plan, budget, allocate resources and monitor health programs. SIHSA seeks to promote the integration of health services, including malaria services, to rapidly scale-up evidence-based interventions to address preventable causes of maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent morbidities and mortality. SIHSA seeks to demonstrate innovative models to catalyze community-driven solutions and show models to promote private sector engagement.

Summary of the Position

The COP will have overall responsibility for the management and coordination of all project activities, staff, and leadership to achieve sustainable results in accordance with the contract and donor guidelines. S/he will serve as the primary liaison with USAID, the Government of Sierra Leone, IMA headquarters and other relevant project stakeholders. S/he will ensure the project’s goals, objectives, and strategy are achieved and that contractual requirements are met on time and within budget. S/he is responsible for directing the project team with an integrated vision, applying effective leadership and strategic planning skills, management experience, outstanding interpersonal skills, and strong written and oral communication skills. The COP also ensures that all management systems, from technical to M&E to finance actively support timely and accurate project reporting and cost effectiveness for successful implementation of the project. Additionally, S/he is responsible for ensuring compliance with Corus’s policies and procedures and USAID rules and regulations, including responsibility for ensuring sub-awardee compliance and monitoring the quality of program implementation. The position will be based in Freetown. S/he will report directly to the Senior Regional Director, West Africa and Haiti.

Actual hiring is contingent upon successful activity award and USAID approval.



  • Provide overall program, strategic and technical leadership and supervision of all project activities, including sub-awardees and project personnel, to ensure program activities maximize project objectives.
  • Lead all project planning responsibilities, including the production of annual workplans and budgets and performance monitoring plan, ensuring alignment of the budget to expected results and ensuring cost-effective use of resources.
  • Lead the Program Management Unit, providing overall leadership and supervision of all project activities, including sub-awardees/contractors and project personnel.
  • Evaluate program effectiveness and determine corrective action needed to improve goal achievement, in accordance with the Senior Regional Director and the Technical Program Manager at headquarters.
  • Identify lessons learned and best practices for external dissemination.
  • Serve as the primary point of contact with USAID, project partners, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, and key stakeholders.
  • Liaise with USAID partners and other donors, as well as implementing partners and stakeholders, to ensure coordination of and harmonization with other relevant activities in Sierra Leone.
  • Oversee responses to donor reporting, including periodic technical and financial reports specified in the award to ensure high-quality and timely deliverables.
  • Ensure compliance with USAID award and IMA World Health headquarters requirements, policies, and regulations.
  • Ensure the development and implementation of key project deliverables, including the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan.
  • Monitor staff performance and provide capacity strengthening support when needed.
  • Ensure visibility of project results, achievements, and lessons learned through presentations at conferences and workshops and/or by publishing articles through professional journals.
  • Recruit and directly supervise local project staff in line with IMA World Health HR policies; oversee the management and development of project office human resources to ensure a diverse, skilled, and productive workforce; an effective leadership team; and an organizational culture where IMA’s values are practiced.
  • Manage funds and subawards; closely monitor project expenditures.
  • Together with field and project staff, prepare annual budgets; ensure and supervise regular financial reporting; keep USAID apprised of significant variances.
  • Ensure project expenses are reasonable, allocable, prudent, and spent in accordance with USAID rules and regulations; support annual audit procedure.
  • Oversee property and equipment acquisition, disposition, and management.



  • Master’s degree or higher in Public Health, Business Administration, International development, or similar field is required.
  • 10 years of demonstrated experience in implementing, leading, and managing large health programs is required. Familiarity with and expertise in overseeing financial and contractual management aspects of project management is crucial, requiring outstanding organizational skills.
  • At least 5 years of prior experience as a COP, Deputy COP or equivalent (preferably on a USAID-funded project) is required.
  • Experience overseeing development and implementation of M&E and knowledge management strategies relevant to international public health projects.
  • Experience overseeing sub-awardees to achieve project results.
  • Outstanding written and oral communication and interpersonal skills in English are required.
  • Deep knowledge of the health context of Sierra Leone required, with experience working in Sierra Leone strongly preferred.
  • Demonstrated experience leading diverse teams to achieve successful project implementation, financial management, and reporting.
  • Experience collaborating and coordinating with local and national host government agencies, and aligning program activities and results with national strategies
  • Excellent diplomacy skills and a proven ability to establish and maintain interpersonal and professional relationships with regional/district governments, representatives from other key stakeholders (such as NGOs, CSOs, etc.), and the private sector.
  • Demonstrated ability to operate at advanced levels of authority and accountability for achieving results.
  • Awareness of USAID cooperative agreements, and the related policies, procedures, and regulations; deep understanding of USG federal compliance requirements and evidence of experience in their application.

IMA/Corus International is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). As such, Corus makes employment decisions and provides equal employment opportunity without regard to an applicant’s or employee’s race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state, and local laws. If you need a reasonable accommodation in the application or hiring process, please notify Corus’s Human Resources department.


2.) Malaria Advisor

Malaria Advisor – Sierra Leone Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA)

IMA World Health, a member of Corus International, is seeking applications for the Malaria Advisor for the anticipated 5 year $25-50 million USAID-funded Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA) in Sierra Leone.

SIHSA’s goal is to contribute to the Government of Sierra Leone’s overarching goal of improving the health of adolescents, pregnant and postpartum women, and children less than five years old. SIHSA’s objectives are 1) improve the quality of family planning, maternal newborn child and adolescent health, and malaria services sustainably; 2) promote adoption of crucial health behaviors, and 3) strengthen the stewardship and governance of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, both at central and district levels, so it is better prepared to plan, budget, allocate resources and monitor health programs. SIHSA seeks to promote the integration of health services, including malaria services, to rapidly scale-up evidence-based interventions to address preventable causes of maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent morbidities and mortality. SIHSA seeks to demonstrate innovative models to catalyze community-driven solutions and show models to promote private sector engagement.

Corus International was formed through the strategic merger of IMA World Health (operating as a public health organization since 1960), and Lutheran World Relief (operating as a livelihoods organization since 1945), and today includes the smaller entities of CGA Technologies, Ground Up Investing, and Farmers Market Coffee. Corus International works in over 20 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, with a primary focus on health, livelihoods, and emergency response.

Today, IMA offers extensive expertise in managing and implementing highly successful and complex donor-funded programs in nutrition, maternal and child health, health systems strengthening (HSS), malaria, HIV/AIDS, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). IMA has managed an average of $100 million annually over the last four fiscal years, through grants and contracts from FCDO, USAID, BHA, CDC, World Bank, the Global Fund, UNDP, MCC, and private donors.

Based in Freetown, the Malaria Advisor will provide overall technical leadership, strategic support and operational oversight for the project on malaria-related activities. S/he will ensure malaria awareness, prevention and treatment interventions are programmed in conjunction with MNCAH activities.

The Malaria Advisor will be based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Actual hiring is contingent upon successful agreement award and USAID approval. Sierra Leonean nationals and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • Provide technical leadership for malaria related activities within the wider project, including diagnosis, and treatment, overseeing facility- and community-based, integrated service delivery strategies. Specifically, support innovative ways of integrating malaria activities into existing facility and community health programs and provide technical leadership to increase access, use, quality, and integration of malaria services.
  • Support key malaria intervention areas including distribution of and use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) (including continuous distribution and innovative distribution strategies), intermittent preventative treatment for pregnant women, vector control, and integrated case management of severely ill children and pregnant women.
  • Provide strategic and technical support to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in policy development and malaria interventions as requested.
  • Identify and implement appropriate strategies to address service delivery gaps.
  • Lead the formulation of innovative approaches for scale up of targeted services in fragile and complex settings.
  • In collaboration with the MEL Director, monitor malaria activities based on the monitoring and evaluation framework and assess whether the expected results were obtained.
  • Provide regular reports to the Technical Director and the programmatic and technical personnel, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
  • Work closely with partners to plan activities and respond to requests to support local partners and USAID. Liaise with other organizations and projects working in malaria control and prevention.
  • Promote and support the development and sharing of best practices and lessons learned with key stakeholders (MOH, technical and financial partners, and other employees).


  • Master’s Degree or higher in public health, international development or a closely related field is required; a medical doctor is strongly preferred.
  • 7 – 10 years of senior-level experience in malaria programming in Sierra Leone or sub-Saharan Africa, including the design and implementation of the programs.
  • Experience with behavior change communications strategies and activities to improve malaria outcomes.
  • Knowledge of U.S. government health initiatives and related reporting requirements and funding parameters.
  • A working knowledge of PMI indicators and the Government of Sierra Leone Malaria Control Strategic Plan.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in concert with team, partner organizations, and key government stakeholders to achieve results; experience in partnership building especially with the Government of Sierra Leone, USAID, NGOs and private sector a plus.
  • Proven technical knowledge in malaria, including familiarity with project indicators, quantitative and qualitative data to monitor overall project performance.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills (including in making presentations); high degree of political savvy in interacting with senior government and civil society stakeholders.
  • Strong analytical, interpersonal, team management, leadership, and decision-making skills, including the ability to communicate across cultures effectively and respectfully.
  • Excellent English written and oral communication skills.

IMA/Corus International prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and affords equal employment opportunities to employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability status, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by U.S. or International law.


3.) Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Advisor

Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Advisor – Sierra Leone Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA)

IMA World Health, a member of Corus International, is seeking applications for the Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Advisor for the anticipated 5 year $25-50 million USAID-funded Strengthening Integrated Health Services Activity (SIHSA) in Sierra Leone.

SIHSA’s goal is to contribute to the Government of Sierra Leone’s overarching goal of improving the health of adolescents, pregnant and postpartum women, and children less than five years old. SIHSA’s objectives are 1) improve the quality of family planning, maternal newborn child and adolescent health, and malaria services sustainably; 2) promote adoption of crucial health behaviors, and 3) strengthen the stewardship and governance of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, both at central and district levels, so it is better prepared to plan, budget, allocate resources and monitor health programs. SIHSA seeks to promote the integration of health services, including malaria services, to rapidly scale-up evidence-based interventions to address preventable causes of maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent morbidities and mortality. SIHSA seeks to demonstrate innovative models to catalyze community-driven solutions and show models to promote private sector engagement.

Corus International was formed through the strategic merger of IMA World Health (operating as a public health organization since 1960), and Lutheran World Relief (operating as a livelihoods organization since 1945), and today includes the smaller entities of CGA Technologies, Ground Up Investing, and Farmers Market Coffee. Corus International works in over 20 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, with a primary focus on health, livelihoods, and emergency response.

Today, IMA offers extensive expertise in managing and implementing highly successful and complex donor-funded programs in nutrition, maternal and child health, health systems strengthening (HSS), malaria, HIV/AIDS, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). IMA has managed an average of $100 million annually over the last four fiscal years, through grants and contracts from FCDO, USAID, BHA, CDC, World Bank, the Global Fund, UNDP, MCC, and private donors.

Based in Freetown, the SBCC Advisor will work closely with the consortium partners and county/sub-county level Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) counterparts to roll out a robust Information Education Communication (IEC) and Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) strategy utilizing a variety of platforms, including mass and digital media, to promote adoption of improved health practices. They will be responsible for developing and supporting project staff and partners on contextually appropriate gender-responsive social and behavior change approaches and activities.

The SBCC Advisor will be based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Actual hiring is contingent upon successful agreement award and USAID approval. Sierra Leonean nationals and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • Lead the implementation of the project’s Information education communication (IEC) and SBCC activities.
  • In collaboration with consortium partners, design communication and messaging content.
  • In collaboration with consortium partners, conduct training of community health workers (CHWs) and religious and traditional leaders to co-design and disseminate messages and engage communities.
  • Provide input into technical strategies, workplans, guidelines, and other documents to ensure SBCC is appropriately incorporated, with particular focus on contextually appropriate gender responsive approaches to all activities
  • Routinely monitor SBCC activities , impact, and indicators and adjust activities as required to achieve project objectives.
  • Liaise with MOHS sub-county level personnel to ensure coordinated communications activities at the community level.
  • In coordination with partners, review punctual SBCC data and adjust activities as required to achieve project objectives.
  • Conduct focus groups and/or other qualitative methods to develop SBCC approaches in collaboration with consortium partners; design and pre-test communication activities and messaging content as appropriate.
  • Work with the MEL team to develop appropriate SBCC indicators and monitoring and evaluation approaches as necessary.
  • Provide regular reports to the DCOP and the programmatic and technical personnel, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned.


  • Master’s Degree or higher in public health, communications, or a closely related field is required.
  • Minimum of 5-7 years’ experience in developing and implementing behavioral change communications strategies, focusing on creating demand for community and facility-based health services, including FP/RH and MNCAH services.
  • Ability to lead SBC analyses and recommend appropriate messaging for a wide variety of health interventions.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in concert with team, partner organizations, and key government stakeholders to achieve results; experience in partnership building especially with the Government of Sierra Leone, USAID, NGOs and private sector a plus.
  • Demonstrated record of working with ministries of health and community-level stakeholders.
  • Experience using digital technologies for message dissemination
  • Experience working in complex environments, including a demonstrated ability to motivate teams to work constructively under pressure and to respond resourcefully when challenges arise.
  • Advanced cross-cultural sensitivity, including experience working and communicating with professional and support staff in a multicultural, multi-linguistic environment; ability to promote an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.
  • Excellent English written and oral communication skills.

IMA/Corus International prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and affords equal employment opportunities to employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability status, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by U.S. or International law.