Job Vacancy at Care Sierra Leone – Terms of Reference for Cartography Consultant

Freetown, Sierra Leone Posted on Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning


Terms of Reference for Cartography Consultancy


CARE Sierra Leone has been operational in the country for over 60 years and has a very strong presence across seven of the northern districts of the country with program portfolio focusing largely on health system strengthening, water, sanitation and hygiene, HIV/AIDS prevention, emergency response, women economic empowerment and livelihood interventions, amongst others. CARE Sierra Leone works with and builds capacities of local NGOs / CSOs, development partners, as well as collaborates / coordinates with Sierra Leone government through line Ministries for sustainability of program intervention. Thus, CARE SL has developed very strong relationship with both national bodies and sub-national state and community actors, such as Ministry of Health and Sanitation and Mano River Union Secretariat etc.



CARE has been awarded a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation to implement the Solar Harnessed Entrepreneurs (SHE) project to support women entrepreneurs and as a solution to the significant divide in productive use of energy (PUE) between men and women. The project broadly aims at creating profitable and sustainable renewable energy enabled businesses for women by bolstering opportunities that address the underlying challenges such as access to assets, finance, markets, infrastructure, skills and gender and social norms and also strengthen women’s networks and linkages to productive resources. The project will be implemented in 20 communities selected from 8 Districts including Kambia, Koinadugu, Bombali, Tonkolili, Bo, Moyamba, Bonthe, and Pujehun. The project will be implemented over a period of two years targeting women already engaged in productive activities prior to the commencement of the project.


Objectives of the assignment:

The general purpose of this consultancy is to design a map of the target districts of the project portraying the locations of various distributed renewable energy actors in those districts, their intervening communities, and activities therein. The Consultant will work closely with CARE M&E Manager and the Agriculture, Markets & Livelihoods Director to precisely pinpoint the communities as required and provide the relevant information.

 Specific activities

The following are key activities of the consultancy:

  • Design a Map of Sierra Leone showing the different Districts with mini-grid services (North and South, East, West)
  •  Design a Map of each District showing the various chiefdoms with mini-grid services.
  • Design a map of each Chiefdom showing communities with mini-grid services disaggregated by service-provider:  PowerGen, WinchEnergy and PowerLeone. This should include photos of the various uses of the distributed renewable energy in these communities and number of beneficiaries.
  • Design a map showing proposed communities of the SHE projects in each District.

CARE Sierra Leone will provide data and pictures.

Expected Deliverables

  • A slide show of a map showing the following:

    • Slide 1 - The map of Sierra Leone showing districts with mini-grid services

    • Slide 2 – Map of Districts with mini-grid facilities showing chiefdoms with mini-grids and their respective service providers – PowerGen, WinchEnergy and PowerLeone.

    • Slide 3 – Map showing the proposed communities for the SHE project and their respective service providers.


 The consultant is expected to deliver these services in within two days after signing the contract.

Kindly make your submission by hand delivery/ courier delivery addressed to:

The Procurement Coordinator

CARE International in Sierra Leone

11 Old Railway Line,


Freetown, Sierra Leone

Or by email to:

The sealed bid must clearly mark “Service of a Consultant – RFP/CARESLC/2021/10.” and should be submitted at CARE Sierra Leone’s head office No later than October 26th, 2021, at 16:00 GMT.

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About Company

Care Sierra Leone

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 1 Job type: Full Time Salary: Negotiable Publish date: 20 Oct 2021

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