Job Vacancy at UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) – ICPN for Procurement of National Consultant, National Expert in Waste Management and Recycling Techniques

ICPN/SLE/SLED/2021/005 ICPN for Procurement of National Consultant, National Expert in Waste Management and Recycling Techniques for UNDP Sierra Leone

Procurement Process : IC – Individual contractor

Office : UNDP Country Office – SIERRA LEONE

Deadline : 14-Jun-21

Development Area : CONSULTANTS

Reference Number : 79272

Link to Atlas Project : Non-UNDP Project

Documents : National Expert in Waste Management and Recycling Techniques.doc

Overview : Dear Madam / Sir,


ICPN/SLE/SLED/2021/005 ICPN for Procurement of



National Expert in Waste Management and Recycling Techniques for



Bids may be submitted on or before

5:00 p.m., Sierra Leone local time

on Monday June 11, 2021, via e-mail or courier mail to the address below:

United Nations Development Programme

UNDP, Fourah Close, Off Main Motor Road, Wilberforce, Freetown, Sierra Leone

P. O. Box 1011, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Attn: Procurement Unit


Please ensure that your proposals (Technical and Financial) in separate envelopes but both sealed in one big enveloped reached UNDP Reception Area or the designated email: on or before the deadline. For proposals submitted in hardcopy, please register your submission, indicating among other things, the name of the Consultant submitting proposals, the name and telephone number the bearer submitting the proposal at Receptionist Desk and further ensure you deposits the envelop into the Tender Box located at the Reception Area.


Quotations submitted by email must be limited to a maximum of 10MB, virus-free and no more than

two (2) email transmissions. They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.


How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.



Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancy at Search For Common Ground: TOR – Radio Listenership Assessment

Terms of Reference

Radio Listenership Assessment

Women Unite! Strengthening Women-led Social Cohesion and Accountability in Sierra Leone

  1. Context

We are Searchers. We are over 600 strong worldwide. We believe in our mission to end violent conflict. It’s our purpose- our call to action.

A Searcher understands our vision of a world where: Differences stimulate social progress, rather than precipitate violence. Respect for and cooperation with those we disagree with is considered the norm.

A Searcher is a dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate individual, committed to our values. Empathy. Audacity. Humanity. Humility.

  1. Our Program in Sierra Leone

Search has worked in Sierra Leone since 2000, producing innovative radio and television programs that have contributed to opening space for dialogue on critical and sensitive social and political issues in the country, while promoting social cohesion and reconciliation throughout the post-war period. In almost two decades of continued presence in Sierra Leone, Search has built a reputation as a neutral and trusted actor, allowing us to engage a diversity of stakeholders, including CBOs, CSOs, community members, local and national government stakeholders and institutions, community leaders and influencers, and media outlets. Within our work, we have advanced innovative interventions, addressing land rights, environment, education, and health. Moreover, as a core part of our country strategy, we have carved out a strong role within the governance space, particularly around driving women’s empowerment, participation, and inclusion; promoting government-citizen relationships and dialogue; and fostering collaborative and multi-stakeholder engagement around service delivery and increased transparency and accountability within governance.

Search led to the first phase of the Women Unite! Project, successfully managing three partners and implementing activities across five districts. Our past and current programming includes a wide range of funders and focuses on media engagement and awareness raising; violence prevention and social cohesion strengthening; women’s empowerment; and strengthening accountability and engagement between citizens and government. Throughout our work, we engage a wide range of issues (land rights, mining sector governance, budget transparency, accountability, gender equity, etc.), as well as a cross-section of key government, civil society, and community actors at the local, district, and regional levels. Our approach centers on local ownership and empowerment, and we focus on providing technical support and oversight to CSOs so that they can lead and sustain this important work.


  1. About the Project

This project is a joint initiative implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search), in partnership with the 50/50 Group and Budget Advocacy Network being implemented in Kono, Port Loko, Kambia, Kenema, and Tonkolili districts.


The overall goal is ‘to strengthen the role of women in promoting social cohesion and accountability at the local, district, and national levels for inclusive decision-making processes across Sierra Leone’.

This goal is supported by 3 interrelated objectives which are;

1.  To build social cohesion at the community level through women-led approaches

2.  To strengthen women’s role in promoting local-level accountability.

3.  To increase citizens’ access to information and awareness raising around social cohesion and governance processes

To deliver this project, Search and its partners are working with 10 district-based women-led Civil Society Organizations, 580 members of Women Community Solidarity Groups, 6 local radio stations and 11 radio journalists based in the project districts.



As part of programming under Objective 3 of the project: To increase citizens’ access to information and awareness raising around social cohesion and governance processes.Through our Talking Drum Studio, we produced credible, balanced, quality and innovative media programs reaching millions of Sierra Leoneans nationwide. Through the ‘Atunda Ayenda’ program which is a fifteen-minute radio soap opera that is broadcast across thirty-three (33) partner radio stations across the country. Search promoted issues that are related to governance, women’s empowerment, participation and inclusion, food security, corruption, current economic situation, land rights, service delivery, accountability and transparency etc. The innovative format used in the radio drama series which includes both education and entertainment mimic real life incidents/situations and characterization.

The incidents dramatized are incidents almost every Sierra Leonean can relate to; this makes it easier for them to easily digest the key messages and take action. This program has contributed in raising citizens’ awareness on various issues happening across the country and this has led to an increase in citizens’ demand for accountability and other socio-economic rights and it has also contributed to promoting dialogue between citizens and politicians.

Search places equal premium in all the radio programs produced.  So far, some (243) editions of “Uman for Uman “weekly radio magazine program dealing with a range of issues affecting women have been produced and aired, four thousand, four hundred and sixty five (4465) episodes of Atunda Ayenda have been produced and aired. Another adapted awareness raising radio program that is becoming very influential in the Irish Aid funded project communities is the Studio-based Dialogue series (Kol Hart Barry). This is a live radio program that involves stakeholders including people in authority, civil society groups, women, youth and persons living with disability to discuss burning issues and suggest solutions.  So far, 42 editions have been produced and aired since last year. Other  related radio programs produced by Search for Common Ground  and aired across the country include thirty (30) editions of Bush Wahala program produced and aired, sixty four (64) editions of Accountability now produced and aired, and producing jingles for awareness raising on rabies prevention.

Some of the issues covered are creating equal space for women and men in politics, women’s inclusion and participation in governance, promoting accountability and transparency among other crucial national and community issues.  The program also featured successful women leaders and politicians to share their success stories so that upcoming women’s politicians or leaders will learn from them.

Although all of the aforementioned radio programs seem to be widely known and appreciated across the country, a series of field monitoring key findings have indicated a decline in radio listenership hence the reason for this assessment. The assessment will therefore seek to identify key issues, challenges affecting citizens’ attitudes especially women in our project area towards radio listening and document possible strategies, solutions, programs, themes that would augment and motivate women to become active listeners as was during the war periods.

  1. Goal and Objectives of Study

The goal of the assessment is to gather detailed information using the 3Rs framework, Reach, Resonance and Response on radio listenership to guide planning and implementation of future programing.


The objectives of the assessment are to determine:

  1. The  REACH of our programs:

  • Saturation in the society – how widely has the radio programs been listened to?

  • Who has listened to the programs – have those people who are key to the objective of the project listened to aired radio programs? (Disaggregated by sex, age, location, time of listening etc.)


  1. The RESONANCE with (Understand whether or not the audience is relating to and absorbing the messages of the programs aired)

  • Does the audience relate to the characters and to the core storyline?

  • Do they understand the message aired?

  • Do the narratives engage the listeners emotionally?

  • Do they apply the setting of the show and the lives of the characters to their own lives?

  • Have listeners gained new knowledge and developed new attitudes as a result of the radio programs?

  1. The RESPONSE  to our radio programs by the target audience:

  • What changes occur in society as a result of the radio programs?

  •  Behaviors of our target audience and or specific actions that they are taking to address the conflict issues either cultural, political, symbolic level as well.

  1. Methodology and Sampling

Qualitative and Quantitative methods will be adopted for this assessment. The assessment will be based on the 3-R framework, measuring the “reach” – who are listening to the radio program (disaggregated listenership rates); “resonance” – are the audience relating to the language, characters, story, and messages; and “response” – what changes the radio program has brought in the audience behavior or actions. The assessment will be conducted using  qualitative and  quantitative assessment administered to radio listeners in the five project districts of Kono, Port Loko, Kambia, Kenema, and Tonkolili districts

Sampling techniques and locations: A combination of purposive and stratified random sampling techniques should be used to draw the respondents for the assessment. The sample population should be drawn from the general population in the five project districts of Kono, Port Loko, Kambia, Kenema, and Tonkolili districts. Data will also be collected from respondents in the capital city, in a bid to test the reach and resonance of our media program outside our area of program implementation. In all, we will be collecting data in 5 districts and the Capital city targeting two chiefdoms in each district making a total of 10 Chiefdoms.

Sampling Frame: Sampling should be done in consideration of age and gender of the respondents. Data should also be collected from an equal, or close to equal, number of males and females within these communities. To facilitate this, an equivalent number of male and female data collectors will be engaged. All respondents below the age of 18 will be exempted from the study for ethical reasons. Furthermore, participation in the study will be voluntary for all respondents, and consent will be sought at the start of all interviews.


Data Collection

Primary quantitative data will be collected for this assessment, using a questionnaire for the assessment. The questionnaire will be split into different sections based on the objectives of the assessment – demographics, reach, resonance, response and attitudes. The assessment will be administered electronically by trained data collectors, supervised by the consultant using their android mobile phones to collect data via KoboToolBox platform. The consultant will determine the recruitment of the enumerators making sure each data collector will be required to have an android phone, on which the Kobocollect mobile application will be downloaded. Data will be uploaded and reviewed daily, and feedback provided to the team of data collectors. This should be done ensuring that the Search DM&E team are fully abreast of all planning.

A minimum of 480 survey questionnaires are to be completed across the 5 project districts reaching 12 chiefdoms/communities including two communities in the Western Area Urban and Rural. This is calculated from the sample size 80 per district/Area, which is 40 per chiefdom/Community. The Consultant will also  be expected to conduct Focus Group Discussions(FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews(KIIs)  targeting project participants especially Women Community Solidarity Groups (WCSGs)  and project key stakeholders such as select  local government   leaders and government line Ministries  that have been involved in the project.  In the five districts and two communities in the Western Area, a total of 120 radio listeners should be targeted, 10 per   project chiefdoms/community. Similarly, a total of 18 stakeholders are to be targeted 3 per community which should include-(Traditional Local leaders, Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs rep, Local government leader rep, FSU rep, Mammy Queen Rep etc)


Data Analysis and Reporting

Descriptive methods should be used to analyze the data, measuring frequency and extent of the issues investigated in the communities. Preferably, the quantitative data should be analyzed using SPSS, focusing on frequency measures and cross tabulations between variables of interest.  Writing of the report of the assessment will be led by the consultant and team, with inputs from the Program team on the project, and will be completed within the days specified in the deliverables herein.

  1. Logistical Support

The consultant(s) will be responsible for organizing their own logistics for data collection (vehicles, fuel, and drivers), and this must be budgeted into the study.

Search and partners will share the following elements with the external consultant: Background materials including the project proposal and logical framework, M&E plan, baseline, reports, etc.

The Evaluation Team will report to Search although they will not have control over the professional work of the evaluators.

The DM&E Coordinator based in Sierra Leone and Search’s ILT and DM&E teams in Washington/ Nigeria will provide technical guidance for the assessment to ensure the independence of the assessment process, and that Search’s independent assessment policy is followed.


The intended users of the final assessment report will be the donor, Irish Aid, Search and the implementing partner’s 50/50, BAN. The consultant is expected to hand over the final report to Search including all logistics supplied for the exercise.

The report will be shared widely with project participants and partners, and presented during Search and Irish Aid meetings when necessary. The final report – with sensitive details redacted – will eventually be published on Search’s website and shared with other learning networks.

  1. Ethics

The consultant is required to respect the following Ethical Principles:

  • Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: Consultant should make the most of the existing information and full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. Consultant should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his or her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret and critique his or her work. He or she should make clear the limitations of the review and its results.

  • Competence: Consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or her professional training and competence.

  • Honesty and integrity: Consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures or activities produce misleading review information.

  • Respect for people: Consultant respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents, program participants. Consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age and ethnicity.

In addition, the consultant will respect Search’s assessments standards, to be found in Search’s assessment guidelines: /programmes/ilt/ dme_guidelines.html


  1. How to apply

Required Qualifications

The Evaluator (individual or firm) shall have the following expertise and qualification:

  • At least Master’s degree in Media and Communications, Public Policy, International Development,  Diplomacy or any other relevant university degree;

  • Experience of project formulation and assessment and practical experience of radio listenership assessment in Sierra Leone or a similar context.

  • At least 5 years of experience of doing project assessment and/or research. Experience in conducting assessment for peacebuilding programming will be an added advantage.

  • Extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of aid effectiveness and aid management process related issues, local level and national governance, Social Cohesion and accountability in developing countries – especially in Sierra Leone.

  • At least 5 years of experience in working with international organizations and donors;

  • Knowledge and understanding of international and country-level implementation of governance and civil society support projects in Sierra Leone

  • Excellent written and verbal Communication skills is English.

  • Experience speaking of the   Sierra Leonean languages including Temne, Mende, Limba and or Krio will be an added advantage.

The offers will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  1. Consultant’s ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative studies, knowledge of methodology and field of research; ethical principles among others.

  2. Research experience in areas of peacebuilding programing  and governance; radio listenership

  3. Consultant’s ability to complete the study in a timely manner;

  4. Consultant’s capacity to recruit local data collection teams;

  5. Quality of reports proposed by the consultant as a sample;

  6. Other:  Budget and quality of the writing of the consultant will also be carefully evaluated.

  1. Submissions

The application file must include:

  • A technical offer of maximum 8 pages which will include:

    • A detailed methodology, including the main research questions;

    • A short proposal for the organization of data collection and supervision of enumerator teams;

    • An updated curriculum vitae of the Evaluation Coordinator of up to 4 pages;

    • In annex: 2 examples of studies / qualitative research conducted for other organizations as principal investigator.

  • A detailed financial offer which will include:

    • Consultant fees;

    • Costs related to the recruitment of accelerated field data collection teams;

    • Other items deemed necessary.

    • Mobility to the proposed locations

Interested qualified and experienced person, group of person or firms must submit an application package by 16th June, 2021 Midnight Sierra Leone time to:,


outlining availability in line with the approximate timeline.  Applications sent after the deadline stated herein will be rejected.

Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancy at UNICEF – National Consultant for Report Writing

Job no: 540890

Position type: Consultancy

Location: Sierra Leone Division/Equivalent: Dakar (WCAR), Senegal

School/Unit: Sierra Leone

Department/Office: Freetown, Sierra Leone

Categories: Human Resources, Consultancy

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, empowerment

Please visit UNICEF Sierra Leone website here:

How can you make a difference?

Under the guidance of the HR Manager, the successful consultant will perform the following functions:

  • Assess the staff members’ report writing skills in English language.
  • Conduct some key informants’ interviews with senior management.
  • Develop a training Programme to meet the training needs.
  • Conduct training and submit report at the end of the training.

Specific Tasks of the Consultant

  • Train staff members on effective report writing skills.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • An advanced University degree in English, Languages, communication, Report Writing or related field (*A first University degree combined with 2 additional years of professional experience above the minimum may be accepted in lieu of an Advanced University Degree).
  • Minimum of 5 years of progressive experience in conducting trainings.
  • Experience in adult learning and teaching methodologies, especially in multi-cultural environment is an advantage.
  • Experience in proposal/report writing is an asset.
  • Technical skills in the field of education.
  • Communication, analytical and training skills.
  • Strategic Planning and Monitoring skills, ability to organize work and projects.

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

Consultants and Individual contractors are responsible for paying any taxes derived from the earnings received from UNICEF.

  • Application to include financial proposal that will detail your daily/monthly rate (in SLL) to undertake the terms of reference.
  • Payment of professional fees will be based on submission of agreed satisfactory deliverables. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment in case the deliverables submitted are not up to the required standard or in case of delays in submitting the deliverables on the part of the consultant.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.

Application close: Jun 13 2021 Greenwich Standard Time

How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.



Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancy at Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) – Legal Expert

Terms of Reference

Consultancy for the examination of institutional laws and policies for the conservation and management of Yawri Bay ecosystem in Sierra Leone’s Coastal Corridor.

Project Title: Conserving Yawri Bayeco-system in Sierra Leone’s Coastal Corridor

Examining the institutional laws and policies for the conservation and management of Yawri Bay ecosystem in Sierra Leone

Location: Yawri-Bay in Sierra Leone’s Coastal Corridor

Type of contract: Individual contract

Start Date: May 2021

End date: July 2021

The Conservation Society of Sierra Leone seeks to engage an expert to examine the National Protected Area Authorization and Conservation Trust Act and the Environmental Protection Act to achieve improved coordination and integration on implementation of environment-related policies, legislation to promote conservation, protection and sustainable management of the Yawri Bay’s natural resources.


Yawri Bay is one of nine Key Biodiversity Areas in Sierra Leone recognised in the Guinea Forest Ecosystem Profile and part of the Northern Upper Guinea Ecoregion which is classified as continentally outstanding. It is one of the only four areas in Sierra Leone identified in the Profile (Table 12.2) as a “Priority Site” for CEPF investment. The Bay was designated as an Important Bird Area in 1992 and the Government of Sierra Leone has identified Yawri Bay as one of 15 proposed Protected Areas.
Yawri Bay is one of the most important stop-overs and wintering grounds for birds in West Africa. Forty-six species of Palearctic migrant birds are known to occur in the bay. Four of these species – Avocet, Lesser-crested Tern, Water Dikkop and the near-threatened Damara Tern – were first recorded for Sierra Leone at this site.

The mangroves in this area are under threat particularly for timber and charcoal, and for oil and gas exploration. During 1980-2006, Sierra Lost 37% of its mangrove cover (Feka et al 2014). The trend has unfortunately continued.

Yawri Bay supports a major local fishing industry, especially at Tombo and Shenge, which supplies most of the fish consumed in Freetown. There is also a viable local salt industry in the area. These activities provide employment opportunities for local inhabitants but also pose major threats to the Bay.

Despite Yawri Bay being one of only four areas in Sierra Leone identified in the CEPF Profile (Table 12.2) as a “Priority Site” for CEPF investment; it currently has no legal protection. No government land use policy exists for the area. Legislation designed to prevent over-fishing exists but is poorly enforced.
In summary, the Yawri Bay ecosystem in Sierra Leone has been degraded and is susceptible to further decline. The major threats are the destruction of mangroves, unsustainable harvest of fish and crustaceans, loss of coastal shorelines, and disturbance of animals by people. These threats are driven by gaps in our knowledge of the Bay, insufficient legal protection, non-compliance with existing environmental laws, and the fact that at present residents do not benefit from protecting the Bay.
To address the realized environmental policy and legislative coordination shortfalls, the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone through CEPF is facilitating the examination of NPAA, CTF and EPA Acts and to advise/ recommend on the adequacy and or areas for improvement to ensure effective protection of Yawri Bay if designated a Ramsar Site.

The objective of the assignment
The main objective of this consultancy is to achieve improved coordination and integration on the implementation of environment-related policies, legislation to promote conservation, protection and sustainable management of the Yawri Bay’s natural resources.

Responsibility of CSSL
The organization will be responsible for the following:
Payment of consultancy fees
Project staff and management to work closely with the consultant to ensure ownership of the process and document
Making appointments, organizing discussions and consultation meetings with key stakeholders, as needed/appropriate

Responsibility of the consultant
Examine the National Protected Area Authorization and Conservation Trust Act and the Sierra Leone Environmental Protection Acts and
Advise / recommend to project management and subsequently the government of Sierra Leone on the adequacy and or areas for improvement to ensure effective protection of Yawri Bay if designated a Ramsar Site.
/effectivelness of the acts
Produce a report with recommendations on the adequacy of current laws and the need for improved laws or regulations (if any) and /or effective enforcement of the policies and regulations to ensure adequate protection of a site such as Yawri Bay if designated a Ramsar Site
Publish/share reports with relevant authorities and work with NPAA to organize briefings on the report to relevant authorities eg. the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Environment.
Together with CSSL and local community elders, hold two community consultations in each of 5 villages with 50 participants per meeting (20 from host communities and 30 from surrounding communities).

One-day Inception Workshop/meeting.
Consultation workshops
One-day Workshop for validation of the assessment report.
Inception report

Consultations report
Validation reports
Final report
The assignment shall involve a desktop study on regional and international best practices, meetings and workshops with stakeholders, any other undertaking as may be agreed that might be deemed necessary for the production of a comprehensive report. The work shall be undertaken in close liaison with and involvement of the following throughout all stages:
National Protected Area Authority (NPAA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Sierra Leone.
Conservation Trust Fund (CTF).
Requirements and Expected Qualifications:
The national consultant refers to an individual.

The national expert is preferably at least Master degree holders in the fields of environmental laws and policies or related discipline.

Minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience in environment-related programs
Sound previous experience in similar projects in the required domains
Demonstrable analytical skills and report-writing skills.
Excellent, proven management and communication skills and fluency in English and Krio language.

Cost estimates and financing
The expenses of the assessment will be covered under the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Funds grant administered by CSSL.

Implementation Timeline and deliverables
This work is expected to be done within three (3) months and to be completed not later than 30th July 2021 including recruitment, inception, validation and final reporting including soft copies and hard copies sent to the Project Manager and Program Manager and the Executive

CSSL will provide administrative support to the consultant throughout the implementation of this service. However, he/she should be proactive in making appointments, organizing discussions and consultation meetings with key stakeholders, as needed/appropriate.


Applications should be sent to:
The Admin/HR Officer, Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL),
86A Main Road, Congo Town, Freetown/16 Ishiaka Street, IDA Kenema.

The closing date for expressions of interest is Friday 28th May 2021

Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancy at Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) – Consultant

1.    Background

Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) is looking for an experienced consultant(s) to conduct a biodiversity assessment on YawriBay Ecosystemn. Yawri Bay is one of nine Key Biodiversity Areas in Sierra Leone recognised in the Guinea Forest Ecosystem Profile and part of the Northern Upper Guinea Ecoregion which is classified as continentally outstanding. It is one of the only four areas in Sierra Leone identified in the Profile (Table 12.2) as a “Priority Site” for CEPF investment. The Bay was designated as an Important Bird Area in 1992 and the Government of Sierra Leone has identified Yawri Bay as one of 15 proposed Protected Areas.

Yawri Bay is one of the most important stop-overs and wintering grounds for birds in West Africa. Forty-six species of Palearctic migrant birds are known to occur in the bay. Four of these species – Avocet, Lesser-crested Tern, Water Dikkop and the near-threatened Damara Tern – were first recorded for Sierra Leone at this site.

It is not clear if any surveys of mammals have been carried out in the Bay before, but there is evidence of the presence of the threatened African Manatee, and three species of game mammals inhabit the coastal forest including the Maxwell Duiker (Near – threatened). Also, three species of turtles occur Green, Loggerhead and the Vulnerable Olive Ridley. Yawri Bay accounts for about 14% of the total mangrove swamp in Sierra Leone.

The mangroves in this area are under threat particularly for timber and charcoal, and for oil and gas exploration. During 1980-2006, Sierra Lost 37% of its mangrove cover (Feka et al 2014). The trend has unfortunately continued.

Yawri Bay supports a major local fishing industry, especially at Tombo and Shenge, which supplies most of the fish consumed in Freetown. There is also a viable local salt industry in the area. These activities provide employment opportunities for local inhabitants but also pose major threats to the Bay.

Despite Yawri Bay being one of only four areas in Sierra Leone identified in the CEPF Profile (Table 12.2) as a “Priority Site” for CEPF investment; it currently has no legal protection. No government land use policy exists for the area. Legislation designed to prevent over-fishing exists but is poorly enforced.

In summary, the Yawri Bay ecosystem in Sierra Leone has been degraded and is susceptible to further decline. The major threats are the destruction of mangroves, unsustainable harvest of fish and crustaceans, loss of coastal shorelines, and disturbance of animals by people. These threats are driven by gaps in our knowledge of the Bay, insufficient legal protection, non-compliance with existing environmental laws, and the fact that at present residents do not benefit from protecting the Bay.

It is based on the above that CSSl wants to conduct an assessment of the biodiversity of the bay to guide the implementation of this project.

  1. 2.    Objective

The Objective of this consultancy is to ensure that the consultant assesses  the biodiversity (flora and fauna) of Yawri Bay and submit assessment report to CSSL


  1. 3.    Responsibility of CSSL

The organization will be responsible for the following:

  • Payment of consultancy fees
  • Project staff and management to work closely with consultant to ensure ownership of the process and document
  • Making appointments, organizing discussions and consultation meetings with key stakeholders, as needed/appropriate


  1. 4.    Resposibility of the consultant

The consultant is expected to work closely with the Yawri Bay Prtoject Manager to:

  • Undertake biodiversity survey together with CSSL staff and in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Engage all relevant stakeholders in the process of analysing collated data and in conducting an assessment of the site using Ramsar criteria.
  • Together with the Project Manager and team, support the Yawri Bay Ramsar Site Working Group to review the assessment for the proposition of the Yawri Bay as a Ramsar site to the Sierra Leone Government (through NPAA).
  • Consultant supports CSSL project manager and Site Working Group prepares and submits Ramsar Site nomination material through the Site Working Group to the National Protected Area Authority.

  1. 5.    Workshops/meeting
  • One-day inception Workshop/meeting.
  • One-day workshop for validation of the assessment report.
  1. Cost estimates and financing

The expenses of the assessment will be covered under the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Funds grant  administered by CSSL.


  1. 7. Implementation Time line

This work is expected to be done within three (3) months and to be completed not later that 30th July 2021  including recruitment, inception, validation and final reporting.


  1. 8. Implementation arrangements
  • Recruitment. The consultant will be recruited by the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone following CSSL/national recruitment policy.
  • Reporting.
  • The consultant is expected to prepare the reports as listed objective and submit printed and electronic versions to the Project Manager, Program Manager, and the Executive Director of the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone. Throughout the contract, the Consultant shall maintain a constant liaison with the Client to discuss alternatives, options and any other matters of the progress of works. He/she shall submit regular interim progress reports as required by the client. The Consultant will have to submit all reports and documentation in draft form (in soft format – MS Word) in the first instance, and should thereafter incorporate any comments the Client may submit, before their finalization. Draft reports and documentation would have to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the final reports/documentation are due so that the Client will have ample time to circulate the drafts for any feedback from the relevant stakeholders.

  1. 9. Requirements and Expected Qualifications:
  • The national consultant refers to an individual.
  • The national expert is preferably at least Master degree holders in the fields of biodiversity conservation, environmental education, natural resources management, sustainable development, ecosystems conservation, or related discipline.
  • At least 10 years of professional experience in the area of biodiversity conservation, or environment-related programs
  • Previous work experience with similar projects, in particular with education, curriculum development, capacity building programs, is strongly recommended
  • Fluency in English and Krio language


Applicants should send their application to this email:

Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancies at United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) – 2 Positions

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is recruiting to fill the following positions:

1.) Project Coordinator
2.) National Programme Development and Partnership Expert


See job details and how to apply below.


1.) Project Coordinator



The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.  The mission of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States. The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will frame United Nations and country efforts towards sustainable development in the next fifteen years. UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The relevance of ISID, however, applies in greater or lesser extent to all SDGs. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperityAdvancing economic competitivenessSafeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.


Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (i) technical cooperation; (ii) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (iii) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (iv) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation. Such core functions are carried out in Departments/Offices in its Headquarters, Regional Offices and Hubs and Country Offices.


The Directorate of Digitalization, Technology and Agri-Business (DTA), headed by a Managing Director, coordinates and mainstreams the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in its technical cooperation, strategic, normative activities aiming at fostering the inclusive and sustainable development in the era of 4IR. The Directorate creates new and innovative technical cooperation deliverables in the areas of trade, investment, technology innovation and agro-industry and agri-business. The Directorate comprises the Department of Digitalization, Technology and Innovation (DTI) and the Department of Agri-Business (AGR).


The Department of Agri-Business (DTA/AGR) provides a range of technical cooperation services to assist developing countries add value to the output of their agricultural sector and generate employment opportunities in off-farm activities for rural communities, thereby contributing to increased food security and a sustainable reduction of poverty. The department provides support for the development of agri-business corridors in developing countries in collaboration with International Financial Institutions. The Department drives the Organization’s mandates of creating shared prosperity and advancing economic competitiveness. It supports initiatives to build human capital and raise total factor productivity through focused vocational training and industrial skills development activities. With its programmes, the Department addresses the root causes of migration and helps alleviate migration pressures at the origin.


The Rural Entrepreneurship, Job Creation and Human Security Division (DTA/AGR/RJH) provides technical cooperation services to improve livelihoods in rural communities through productive activities. The focus is on business activities among socially and economically marginalized people, including in particular women and youth, in the farm and non-farm sectors including the creative industries. Both entrepreneurial and technical human capacities are strengthened and matched with opportunities to produce new and improved marketable products. Knowledge and technology introduced in the rural communities match the absorptive and innovative capabilities of the poor and vulnerable segments of the rural society.



The Project Coordinator will be recruited under the project “The Project for Promoting Youth Employment through Automotive Maintenance Skills Training” (SAP #: 200286).


Ranking 181st out of 189 countries and territories on the Human Development Index ranking, Sierra Leone remains one of the poorest countries in the world. In a country where youth constitute a third of the population, youth unemployment and underemployment stands at a staggering 70%, with approximately 800,000 youths actively searching for employment daily.


In the automotive repair and maintenance service industry in Sierra Leone, expanding vehicle registrations and increasing vehicle imports point to its potential for growth and job creation. However, the industry struggles to find workers who meet the relevant auto mechanic skills requirements.


One of the root causes for this skills mismatch is the insufficient and defective technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system, which does not correspond to the economic realities outside the school system. Trainings are more theoretical than practical, the knowledge imparted is often outdated and not transferable/relevant to the real-world working environment.


The proposed 3 year-project aims to contribute to closing the skills gap in Sierra Leone’s automotive repair and maintenance service industry in order to support the country’s Medium-Term National Development Plan (NDP) 2019-2023 and to contribute to decent employment opportunities for youth in Sierra Leone. This will be achieved by:


  • Developing and accrediting competency-based and demand-driven modern curricula for automotive technician and entrepreneurship training’
  • Establishing a regional centre of excellence for automotive technician training,
  • Providing vocational training, career services and business coaching to unemployed and underemployed youths



The Project Coordinator will work under the overall guidance of the UNIDO Project Manager (PM) /Allotment Holder (AH), based at Headquarters in Vienna. She/he will be responsible to lead the implementation of project activities in close coordination with the project team and UNIDO Sierra Leone field office, national/international partners and counterparts. The incumbent will undertake the following duties:

Project Coordination

  • Assist in leading the execution of all activities leading to the successful implementation of the project. This will include contributing to the design, implementation, quality control and monitoring of all project activities in the field;
  • Gather data, analyze information, track status, identify potential risks and provide rectifying actions related to ongoing project activities;
  • Ensure provision of projects/programme implementation services ensuring that assigned inputs are delivered on time at the right level of quality and within the allocated budget;
  • Assist in preparing detailed activity plan and budget for project activities;
  • Attend key meetings related to the project and act as the project’s focal point among project stakeholders at the national and international level as required;
  • Lead coordination efforts, provide regular updates and brief counterparts and other project stakeholders on project activities, with a view to maximizing project performance levels;
  • Keep abreast of national and regional development context, any other support programmes (especially those related to TVET and the automotive sector) being launched/implemented by the donor, other multilateral/bilateral development organizations etc;
  • Liaise with international donor community and government counterpart as required. Provide regular updates, troubleshoot problems as required and spearhead the formulation of new technical cooperation initiatives for Sierra Leone;
  • Ensure adequate communication with the donor and other project partners in close collaboration with the PM/AH.
  • Any other duties as assigned by the PM/AH

Supervision and Management

  • Support the PM/AH in establishing and implementing a coherent system of information, including an M&E system, covering each activity of the project, including project Key Performance Indicators.
  • Assess the degree and timeliness of project activity and resource delivery, and identify risks and problems, including financial/resource deficiencies and propose/initiate corrective or alternative action;
  • Prepare progress report including the activities carried out, the achievements, analysis of lessons learned and recommendations for internal and/or external audiences;
  • Prepare ad-hoc project reports upon request of the PM/AH, the donor, the counterparts, and/or other project stakeholders.
  • Manage knowledge generated through the project (maintain files, databases etc);
  • Assist in supervising the work of the national team, experts assigned to work on the project and/or to perform ad-hoc project activities.
  • Any other duties as assigned by the PM/AH

Technical Tasks

  • Assist in the formulation of ToRs and recruitment of other project staff (including national and international consultants) and/or contractors;
  • Coordinate the elaboration of requests/tenders for procurement and logistics (design of technical requirements, preparation of equipment specifications, evaluations, etc.);
  • Design and coordinate project training activities, events and other services;
  • Actively research / identify innovative technologies and make recommendations that can be applied in the project;
  • Assist in leading and managing project initiatives to further enhance the success of the programme, including partnership opportunities with the private sector.
  • Any other duties as assigned by the PM/AH



  • Prepare mission plan for the project team and provide logistical support for missions for PM/AH, international experts and subcontractors as requested;
  • Comply with UNIDO administrative rules and regulations;
  • Perform other related duties and assignments as required by the PM/AH.


Education: Advanced university degree in engineering, development, business administration, economics, education, social science, international relations, or relevant field


Technical and Functional Experience:


  • A minimum of three years working experience in project implementation in the development sector or private sector or in education sector relevant to the requirements in the TOR;
  • A minimum of two years managerial working experience in project management or private sector with P&L responsibility or in education sector relevant to the requirements in the TOR;
  • Automotive Engineers, M&E and TVET experts with teaching experience in a multicultural environment will be considered a strong advantage;
  • Proficient use of MS office and social media is a must;


Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English is required.


*Both national and international candidates are eligible to apply.




Core Values

WE LIVE AND ACT WITH INTEGRITY: work honestly, openly and impartially.

WE SHOW PROFESSIONALISM: work hard and competently in a committed and responsible manner.

WE RESPECT DIVERSITY: work together effectively, respectfully and inclusively, regardless of our differences in culture and perspective.


Core competencies:
WE FOCUS ON PEOPLE: cooperate to fully reach our potential –and this is true for our colleagues as well as our clients. Emotional intelligence and receptiveness are vital parts of our UNIDO identity.

WE FOCUS ON RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: focus on planning, organizing and managing our work effectively and efficiently. We are responsible and accountable for achieving our results and meeting our performance standards. This accountability does not end with our colleagues and supervisors, but we also owe it to those we serve and who have trusted us to contribute to a better, safer and healthier world.

WE COMMUNICATE AND EARN TRUST: communicate effectively with one another and build an environment of trust where we can all excel in our work.

WE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX AND INNOVATE: To stay relevant, we continuously improve, support innovation, share our knowledge and skills, and learn from one another.


Interested candidates should register on the UNIDO recruitment portal ( /vacancyApply? vacancyIntId=unido)

and send their CVs to:

by June 4th, 2021.


2.) National Programme Development and Partnership Expert



The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mandate of UNIDO is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in developing countries and economies in transition.


As per the Director General’s Administrative Instruction No. 24, UNIDO Country Programmes (CPs) are a framework that will provide the Organization with a means for checking its operations. They provide Project Managers with a common frame of reference during project identification and enable them to address the identified goals of the Organisation at the country level, in a coherent manner. This ensures that national priorities are properly addressed, and promotes the ownership of Member States. UNIDO’s technical cooperation activities should, as a matter of practice, address the specified scope of the Country Programme. Exceptions would only be considered in the case of dramatic changes in national circumstances, such as a change of Government or catastrophic natural disasters or conflict, which would render the Country Programme’s context so substantially inappropriate that non-programmed activities would need to be implemented.


Furthermore, and following the launch of the Administrative Instruction on UNIDO Country Programmes of 4 June 2019, the Organization also committed to incorporating key Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) features, as much as possible, throughout its modalities of technical cooperation and services to Member States, in line with the recommendations of the Independent Mid-Term Evaluation of the PCP.




On 18th December 2018, the Government of Sierra Leone, through H.E. Minister of Trade and Industry, requested UNIDO via an official letter of request to formulate a new Country Program (CP). A letter dated 13th March 2020 also requested UNIDO to support the development of a National Industrial Policy. The Government highlighted industrialization as one of its key priorities to accelerate and diversify economic growth, given its key role in exports increase, imports dependency reduction, creation of jobs and generation of wealth. The received letter also acknowledged the importance of strong partnerships, as well as UNIDO’s role in partnership and resource mobilization and its valuable contribution to the country’s economic development and inclusive growth through provision of technical assistance and support over the years.


The overall strategic goal of the future Country Programme for Sierra Leone will thus be to contribute to a knowledge-driven, sustainable and inclusive economic growth of the country. The aim of the preparatory (programming) phase will be to develop a Country Programme document, with relevant actions contributing to the overall CP objective and prepare the terrain for its implementation. The CP Screening Form, approved by the UNIDO Executive Board in March 2021 and the UNIDO Country Industry Profile for Sierra Leone will serve as the basis for the preparation of the programme document, in addition to the additional, targeted desk research, as necessary, and consultations with relevant national counterparts, stakeholders and UNIDO’s technical departments.

Responding to the relevant challenges and opportunities in Sierra Leone, the Country Programme will be structured in five main focus areas:

  1. Focus area 1 – Enhanced policy environment and SME promotion, with focus on women and youth
  2. Focus area 2 – Agribusiness development
  3. Focus area 3 – Promotion of renewable energy technologies
  4. Focus area 4 – Increasing trade and competitiveness
  5. Focus area 5 – Environmental Management and compliance to MEAs.

The CP focus areas and their pertinent components will be further elaborated during the CP programming phase. In addition, relevant interventions will be identified for each of the components, in coordination with UNIDO’s technical departments. In parallel, the partner mobilization strategy will be prepared and the mobilization efforts launched, which will also entail communication with relevant funding partners and preparation of project proposals and concept notes. Nonetheless, the planned CP is not envisioned as a rigid portfolio of projects. It is rather flexible and will allow integration of potential new projects at a later stage as well, in line with the country’s needs for UNIDO’s technical assistance.

The National Programme Development and Partnership Expert will provide substantive support on the development of the CP Sierra Leone. S/He will work under the direct supervision of the UNIDO Country Representative in Sierra Leone, who also holds the function of the Country Programme Manager. S/He will also carry out the relevant duties in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of UNIDO and these Terms of Reference.


Specifically, the National Programme Development and Partnership Expert will be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Draft the Country Programme document, including the preparation of the Theory of Change (ToC), the results framework and investment/resource mobilisation plan of the future CP, in line with UNIDO’s IRPF and QAF and in coordination with the UNIDO Country Representative and Project Manager in Vienna

2. Assist the UNIDO programming team in the management and technical implementation of the programming phase and help to maintain a conducive project environment.

This includes management of the technical meetings/seminars, CP promotion and investment, review and validation and other activities as necessary.

3. Support the UNIDO Representation in all UN Sierra Leone and UNSDCF related activities, including the UN INFO and Comms/M&E Working Group etc.

4. Prepare a CP communication plan and a CP partner map (including an action plan) and support their implementation.

5. Assist the UNIDO Country Representative (UCR) and the project managers (PM) in the technical departments with the organization of potential missions to the country in order to coordinate and gather relevant inputs for the CP document.

This includes preparation of travel requests, visa requirements, security clearance, payments, expense reports and travel summaries.

6. Coordinate with and regularly report to the CP Manager on the progress of the assignment.

7. Perform any other duties at the request of the UCR and PM.

8. Prepare End-of-Assignment report


Core values:

  • We live and act with Integrity
  • We show Professionalism
  • We respect Diversity


Core competencies:

  • We focus on people
  • We deliver our results and responsibilities
  • We communicate and earn trust
  • We think outside the box and innovate


Education: University degree in economics, international development and relations, business management, industrial engineering or equivalent that is relevant for private sector promotion.

Technical and Functional Experience:

  • A minimum of 3years practical experience in the areas of economic or private sector development and experience working in an international environment, particularly the UN system
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the Sierra Leone’s political system and the institutional setup, as well as the main socio-economic challenges and relevant national policies and strategies.
  • Excellent writing and analytical capabilities, experience in project design, monitoring and management.
  • Experience in the area of private sector development and partner mobilization. Knowledge of public and private sector institutions, local social and economic conditions, particularly in industry, investment, agribusiness, ICT, blue economy, entrepreneurship, energy and environment.
  • Demonstrated effective skills in communicating with stakeholders in private sector, national and local government.
  • Computer literacy (MS Office, data base management).

Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English.


Competency-based CV and application should be sent to:

on or before 29th May 2021

Disclaimer: Careerical eConsult posts job listings for the convenience of job seekers. We do not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Careerical eConsult explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on our website. Careerical eConsult is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.  It is the responsibility of applicants to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. We advise you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party.

Job Vacancy at World Food Programme (WFP) – Home-Grown School Feeding Consultant

WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance


Job title: Home-Grown School Feeding Consultant

Type of Contract: Consultant

Division: DCD Country Office 

Duty Station (City, Country): Freetown, Sierra Leone

Duration: 10 months




School feeding programmes are used in many countries to promote education, health and agriculture. They also serve as an incentive for parents to send and keep their children in school while simultaneously improving children’s ability to focus on learning instead of their hunger.

In a context of widespread poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, school feeding has been an important safety net in Sierra Leone since independence, ensuring that many children can participate in primary education, and receive a daily minimum healthy diet. However, the various models of school feeding that have been in place in Sierra Leone have each their disadvantages, among them high financial and administrative costs, little diversity, little or no contribution to the local economy, in terms of food production and processing.

At the core of new National School Feeding Policy (waiting Parliament’s endorsement) is the wish to pursue a home-grown model. This is expressed in this policy ‘s vision of s sustainable school feeding programme that ensures nutritious and healthy school meals to children enrolled in schools in Sierra Leone, using to the largest extent possible food produced and processed by local producers, and implemented entirely by national actors and agents.


WFP is one of four main implementing partners of the National school feeding and cover 7 districts. With JICA funding WFP will pilot a home-grown model in 15 schools in two districts. This consultancy will act as the project manager for the pilot.




Within delegated authority, the Home-Grown School Feeding consultant, under the supervision of SO manager, will be responsible for the following duties:


  • Lead the design and implementation of WFP’s HGSF pilot in Sierra Leone and ensure objectives are met, food safety and quality standards are adhered, linkages with small holder farmers are maximized, gender and environmental considerations are adhered to, synergies with other programmes are fully explored,;
  • Help establish systems and structures to implement a sustainable nationally owned HGSM programme based on previous lessons learnt, including financial systems and control mechanism for cash transfer to schools.
  • Set up coordination mechanism with relevant teams and partners in the country and sub-office, including Livelihood and Asset Creation team and Ministry of Agriculture/Forestry with clear responsibilities and division of labour.
  • Collaborate closely with MBSSE and relevant development partners, identify capacity gaps and design training workshops and communication and information materials for the district counterparts, education development partners, as well as school authorities.
  • Ensure the design is based on the full set of needs assessments as per Home-Grown School Feeding Resource Framework, solid and frequent documentation, robust monitoring framework is implemented and that it aligns with the national priorities.
  • Ensure food quality control and compliance with nutrition, food safety and quality standards including national and international standards to minimize risks to health, and injury,
  • Conduct training for schools’ staff to fully implement the home-grown school feeding guidelines for buying and storing food and preparing the meals.
  • Support advocacy, communication and fundraising efforts related to home grown school feeding in the Country Office;
  • Any other business as required.




Programme Lifecycle & Food Assistance:


Demonstrates ability to identify key variables and contextual factors that affect food assistance and education throughout the lifecycle to inform quality programme design or re-design.


Transfer Modalities (Food, Cash, Voucher):


Demonstrates ability to consolidate quantitative and qualitative information from different sources to inform transfer modality selection and programme development.


Knowledge & Skills:


Proven capacity to provide tailored technical support to countries on home grown school feeding programme design and implementation. Proven capacity to produce high quality guidance, training material and written reports. Capacity to represent the Country Office in meetings and strategic engagements with partners. Ability to think creatively and strategically, ability to work autonomously. Capacity to work in a multi-cultural environment, excellent writing skills, project management. Strong networking skills.




Fluency (level C) in English language.


Terms and Conditions


WFP offers a competitive compensation package which will be determined by the contract type and selected candidate’s qualifications and experience.


Please visit the following websites for detailed information on working with WFP. Click on: “Our work” and “Countries” to learn more about WFP’s operations.


Deadline for applications: 23 May 2020

Ref.: VA No. 14223


Qualified female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply. WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status

How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.




No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.

Job Vacancies at FreeBalance – Senior Professional Services Consultant

FreeBalance is looking for a Senior Professional Services Consultants to join its team in Iraq. FreeBalance Professional Services Consultants work with customers to help implement and support FreeBalance solutions for Public Financial Management (PFM). Professional Services Consultants must be able to effectively transfer knowledge and train government users on good practices and the functional and technical aspects of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Implementation and deployment of FreeBalance solutions following the company’s ISO 9001:2015 certified implementation methodology.
  • Manage customer expectations and advocate FreeBalance values and good practices.
  • Conduct detailed business requirements review with customers and prepare storyboards for approval and sign-off.
  • Configure and demonstrate FreeBalance software to help demonstrate the mapping between the process to the solution.
  • Develop acceptance test plans and conduct acceptance testing of the configured FreeBalance software/system with the client.
  • Develop training material and deliver required product and user training courses, including ‘Train the Trainer’, to meet the client’s needs.
  • Transfer knowledge to the client related to project management, change management and correct use of the FreeBalance solutions.
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of a project and manage scope, including meeting project schedules, tasks, and submitting quality deliverables on time.
  • Use effective leadership skills to complete all phases of projects from inception through to completion.
  • Provide input to product management on functional matters and future product requirements based on feedback from the client.
  • Report progress on all assigned activity and deliverables to the Project Manager.
  • Work with the Project Manager and team to achieve all milestones in a timely manner and on budget.


  • Minimum University degree in Accounting or a related field such as Commerce, Business Administration, Financial Administration, with a strong financial management experience.
  • Financial designation (e.g. CMA, CGA) and work experience with a large national accounting firm or ERP company an asset.
  • 5 years of experience in ERP software implementation.
  • Solid understanding of public sector budgeting and accounting processes and procedures.
  • Demonstrated experience in implementing and deploying software applications, gathering and documenting requirements, particularly for the development and implementation of software applications.
  • Previous experience in software configuration of a financial system.
  • Demonstrated experience working with customers resulting in a positive and ongoing relationship.
  • Professional demeanor to customer and colleagues.
  • Strong analytical skills with multi-tasking ability.
  • The successful candidate MUST be able to speak, read, and write English fluently. Other languages considered an asset.
  • located in Sierra Leone

How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.


We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. FreeBalance is an inclusive employer dedicated to building a diverse workforce to increase the representation of the designated groups based on each country’s legislation. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates and will accommodate applicants’ needs under the respective labour law throughout all stages of the recruitment process.

Job Vacancy at Chemonics International – Remote Monitoring Consultant

Chemonics seeks a West Africa remote monitoring consultant for Sierra Leone for the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) project. FEWS NET) is an integrated set of activities funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is intended to provide timely, accurate, evidence-based, and transparent food security early warning information and analysis. The West Africa remote monitoring consultant for Sierra Leone is a member of the EWT’s West Africa Regional technical team and is responsible for supporting the regional office. This position will be based in Sierra Leone. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Responsibilities Include

  • Developing/updating knowledge base products though both in-country activities and secondary data analysis related to food security-relevant sectors, including: agroclimatology, livelihoods, markets and trade (M&T), and nutrition
  • Developing/updating seasonal monitoring plans and undertaking acute food insecurity monitoring through surveillance of key issues via discussions with partners, participation in field assessments where relevant and possible, and collection of data and information from secondary sources
  • Collaborating with the RFSS-M&T and other M&T colleagues to providing price data from Sierra Leone
  • Collaborating with all other RFSSs, RR and Washington-based technical team to meet reporting requirements and respond to requests
  • Fulfilling RM reporting requirements, including Remote Monitoring Updates, the Food Assistance Outlook Brief, as relevant, the development of other country reports
  • Participating in network activities (e.g., joint assessments when necessary, Integrated Food Security Phase Classification / Cadre Harmonisé analyses ), as needed/feasible
  • Developing and maintaining collaborative formal and informal relations with USAID Mission representatives, US Embassy technical contacts, UN agency representatives, government ministry staff, and key international and local NGO colleagues to facilitate technical exchanges, promote consensus-building, work to resolve technical disagreements, and facilitate joint, coordinated actions to mitigate acute food insecurity.


  • Proficiency in written and spoken English is required; local language skills relevant to the region are desirable.
  • Bachelor’s degree in a discipline relevant to the work of FEWS NET, such as economics, agricultural economics, agronomy, food security, nutrition, climatology, anthropology, or social geography is required; advanced university degree (Master’s degree or higher) is desirable.
  • At least two years of relevant experience (with PhD), four years of relevant experience (with Master’s degree), or six years of relevant experience (with Bachelor’s degree) is required. Relevant experience includes working on food security information systems, food security analysis, early warning, or other related fields; experience working with UN agencies and/or NGOs is desirable.
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively conduct food security assessments, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and analyze data from relevant sectors using both qualitative and quantitative methods is required.
  • Demonstrated ability to work and coordinate effectively with regional partners and stakeholders is required.
  • Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills are required.
  • Excellent analytical and report-writing skills are required.
  • Strong computer skills are required; ability to use statistical software packages and/or GIS applications is desirable.
  • Previous experience with the IPC or Cadre Harmonise (CH) is desirable
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrity

Application Instructions

The RM Consultant position will remain open for applications through April 11 th , 2021. To submit an application and view a full scope of work for this position, please visit .

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Job Vacancy at UNICEF for International consultant – GenU & Youth Innovation

Job no: 539271

Position type: Consultancy

Location: Sierra Leone Division/Equivalent: Dakar (WCAR), Senegal

School/Unit: Sierra Leone

Department/Office: Freetown, Sierra Leone

Categories: Consultancy

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child,


Please visit UNICEF Sierra Leone website here:

How can you make a difference?

Help the Country Office implement scale up solutions focus on digital connectivity, online/remote learning, work, and livelihoods platforms, including as a response to COVID-19. The Country Office, as per Global Guidance, now looks to support convergence between GenU, Giga and Learning Unlimited, to help ensure synergy between the workstreams and enable the availability of digital connectivity and platforms to help build foundational, transferable, digital, entrepreneurial, and job-specific skills. Along with UPSHIFT, “GIGA” has also been launched with ITU. This is a new initiative to connect every school to the internet, and every young person to information, opportunity and choice.

The GenU & Youth Innovation Consultant reports to the Innovation Specialist, P-4, for general guidance and direction. The Consultant supports the Innovation Unit and Education Section in planning, managing and monitoring the GenU programme including but not limited to Learning Unlimited, Giga initiative and UPSHIFT activities supported by UNICEF Sierra Leone.

Work assignment overview

    • Enable the establishment of the GenU Steering Committee in Sierra Leone. Deliverable: GenU Steering Committee established.
    • Draft CO the GenU & Youth Innovation Strategy, based on desk review, stakeholder engagement, RO and HQ input. Deliverable: Draft CO the GenU & Youth Innovation Strategy document.

  • Prepare a partnership and resource mobilization strategy for the GenU & Youth Innovation activities, including standing proposal. Deliverable: Draft partnership and resource mobilization strategy document.
  • Prepare and curate Sierra Leone’s Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge. Deliverable: Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge event.
  • Providing management and monitoring support to UPSHIFT programme facilitating the delivery of results. Deliverable: Ongoing support to UPSHIFT programme.
  • Support the GenU Partnership and programme deployment in Sierra Leone. Deliverable: Ongoing support to GenU Partnership and programme.
  • Support the GenU convergence programme with Learning Unlimited and Project Giga. Deliverable: Ongoing support to GenU convergence programme with Learning Unlimited and Project Giga programme.
  • Develop, draft and share media progress updates on GenU & Youth Innovation work to send bi-monthly and, on an ad-hoc basis, to relevant parties, internal and external. Deliverable: Ongoing support to GenU convergence programme with Learning Unlimited and Project Giga programme.

Please see attached ToR for more information. ToR – GenU.pdf

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have

  • An advanced university degree (Masters or higher) in Business, Economics, Social Sciences, Social Work, Youth Engagement, International Relations, or another relevant field. A first university degree (Bachelor’s) in a relevant field combined with 2 additional years of professional experience, may be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional work experience in a relevant field, such as youth engagement, innovation, social innovation or entrepreneurship.
  • Experience in working on social innovation and social entrepreneurship projects/programmes, including the design, incubation and mentoring processes, including communication, multi-stakeholder engagement including private sector, and managing relations with those stakeholders who support; ecosystem engagement.
  • Experience in deploying digital platforms, tools and approaches.
  • Fluency in English is required, strong written and verbal competency is necessary.
  • Experience working in a developing country required, working in the West African region is considered as an asset

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

To view our competency framework, please visit here.

Click here to learn more about UNICEF’s values and competencies.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


Consultants and Individual contractors are responsible for paying any taxes derived from the earnings received from UNICEF.

  • Application to include financial proposal that will detail your daily/monthly rate (in Leones) to undertake the terms of reference.
  • Payment of professional fees will be based on submission of agreed satisfactory deliverables. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment in case the deliverables submitted are not up to the required standard or in case of delays in submitting the deliverables on the part of the consultant.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.

Advertised: Apr 01 2021 Greenwich Standard Time Application close: Apr 14 2021 Greenwich Standard Time

How to Apply

Qualified and interested individuals should click on the button below to apply.